Weekly Update

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Cecily Rambolt

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Pure Blood
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Tulip Wood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
The Weekly Update
OOC Superlatives: Voting
Voting for the OOC Superlatives will close tomorrow so make sure to get your votes in! Remember: It's only one set of votes per person, so don't try to cheat our system! :glare: Every vote still counts at this point, if there is a person you want to win be sure you've voted for them! :) The winners will be announced late in the evening tomorrow (EST).
OOC Superlatives: Userbar Competition
Also our 18th Graphics Competition will close tomorrow. If you've not got a chance to vote yet, do so now! There were many creative entries to choose from. Although Nick's managed to blow them all out of the water with his AWESOME BAR OF AWESOMENESS. :r The winning userbar from this competition will be used for the prize of everybody who wins an OOC Superlative.
Site Coding Update: News Forum
Today the news forum received a spot of new coding. Now there is a list of recent news in the forum description of the News Forum.
Harry Potter Hurt & Heal: Come play!
Come join the fun in this special Harry Potter edition of Hurt & Heal!
Site Graphics Requests
HNZ needs a few things, and we'd like anybody talented with graphics etc. to help us out. ^_^
Primarily, a Twitter Background Graphic is needed - we'd like a few designs to choose from (or even rotate between ^_^ ).
Next, with the addition of an Auror usergroup we'd like to be able to add an Auror Avatar or two to the Ministry of Magic/Death Eater Avatar Gallery. :)

Semester 2: What's happening
Attention 6th years! Apparition Lessons have now begun in the Great Hall. Those of you interested on obtaining your Apparition License grab a seat and pay attention! Apparition Lesson #1

We're now into Semester Two of the school year. As such, we'd like to give a friendly reminder to students to attend their lessons and for Professors to post theirs on time. :)
Yearbook Photos:
It's once again that time of year. The Yearbook staff is hard at work putting together the Y8 edition of Accio! and they're asking you all to turn in your photos. Visit the Hogwarts Yearbook subforum to add yours today. :)
All Around the Wizarding World: Plots Incoming!
As most of you should now be aware, Hogwarts New Zealand is trying to increase the activity of the Wizarding World forums. The main way we've identified to do this is via increased Auror/Death Eater activities.

Death Eaters have been a major part of HNZ for quite some time, but Aurors (and the Ministry of Magic in general) have often been subject to inactivity. With Aurors needing a more complex approval process than regular ministry employees (as Aurors are truly the elite of the Wizarding World) it was necessary to find a way to allow Aurors to be hired, and become another focus of the site, without the process being too straining on the applicant and the Admin.
(Read More...)
Plot Highlights:
Once more, we encourage submissions to this section of the update. If you feel your plot is worth a read, or somebody else's is, just send Livvy (Cecily Zhefarovich) a link and a general synopsis.
Now, your highlights for the past little bit:
[li]Unbelievable -Aleyha Devearux discovers that not everything is as it has seemed in her family.
(All Around the Wizarding World)</LI>
[li]Styx and stones can break our bones... -A newly married couple have an unexpected meeting with a new member of their family. (All Around the Wizarding World)
[li]Consequences are severely needed - After a fight breaks out between two Slytherins and a Hufflepuff, they're taken to face the music in the Headmistress office by Professor Styx. (Second Floor)
[li]Not long enough -Fifteen years after leaving her family behind, one woman braves the person she has loved through years of absence; Asparuh Zhefarovich. (All Around the Wizarding World)
[li]We Don't Know It Yet - Pearl Firn goes home to begin the healing process after her husband, Remus Firn, passed away.(All Around the Wizarding World)
[li]Screaming at the rain -A confused and desperate young man abducts his love. (All Around the Wizarding World)
<LI>[li]Captive -A continuation of Screaming at the ran. (All Around the Wizarding World) [/li][/ul]

Thus concludes another week in the land of HNZ. Stay tuned for more!

(On Behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
It makes me sad that I cannot read some of the highlighted plots that look oh so interesting because I do not have access to them... :(
Nice update Livvy, :)

I really did like the pink, though.
You could always make in adult character :r

or just lurk without loggin in xD

Hooray for Celly :wub: for doing the weekly updates :frantics:

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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