Weekly Update

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Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
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Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
The Weekly Update

So I know there wasn't a weekly update last week, and with good reason! :) Everybody was so wiled up after Abby's version of the update I needed to let you all simmer down and realize that my updates are superior before I posted one again. :r
With that having been explained I present to you: two weeks of update!

Forum Changes
Over the past week and a bit a series of small changes have taken place to the forum index, so I'll highlight them for you now. :)
[ol][li]Hogwarts Forums now Sub-forums
Many Hogwarts forums have become subforums to reduce some of the index page clutter. For instance, "The Owlery" is now a subforum of "The North Tower", "The Hospital Wing" and "The Trophy Room" are now subforums of "The Third Floor Corridor" and "The Library" is now a subforum of "The Fourth Floor Corridor".</LI>
[li]Wizarding World Subforum Listings
Many Wizarding World forums have had their subforum list removed, also to reduce index clutter. The Ministry of Magic's subforum area now simply reads as "Departments listed within" while shopping areas have "Shops listed within".</LI>
[li]New Hogwarts Forum!
A new forum has been added to the Hogwarts grounds - a student lounge! The lounge is found as a subforum of the Sixth Floor Corridor, or by clicking here.
The lounge's forum description indicates much of its purpose:
The Student Lounge said:
A place for students to come and relax together, not separated by house or year. Here students can study, chat, play wizarding games, or just fall asleep on a sofa by the fireplace.
We're often asked to add new forums to the Hogwarts area for role-playing, and taking these many suggestions seriously we've decided to slowly implement a handful of new forums. This will only work, however, if the new forums are used. If they go untouched or unnoticed we'll find no need to keep them and remove them (or simply never add them at all).
So if you do want more forums to RP in, please use the ones that are created - starting with this student lounge. :)[/li][/ol]
Halloween Contest Winners: Announced
The Halloween Scary Story contest closed and had its winners announced. To read who the winners were and what their prizes ended up being see this announcement. We'd like to take this time to just thank everybody who had a hand in the contest once more. :D
House Points Board/Seasons Pages Changes
The House Points Board has been updated to indicate what semester HNZ is currently in, so "Y8 | S1" means "Year 8 | Semester 1".
Also, the seasons pages have been updated to be in a much more visually appealing format. :) You can see the current season's page by clicking here or by clicking the link in the house points board. :)
I'd like to thank Brian Getathorn XIX who made the awesome images for the season pages, as well as Lemina Troque and Jessame Rose Trewelly who both also completed my graphics request. :D
After an all-too-long absence our lovable wolfy Linda has returned! :woot:
Thanks to everybody who signed her card, and feel free to read her own thank-you to you all here. :)
OOC Superlatives!
OOC Superlatives opened today after a fair deal of planning on the part of MESSI. Just saunter down the forum index to the "Out of Character Section" to see the forum, or click this link. :)
Nominations are now open - so just read over the topics that are in that forum then get to nominating! :D I better win everything.... Or else :glare:

End of the Semester Notes/EXAMS!
It's the end of the semester for HNZ which means exams have come again! Exams should be posted presently in all classes for all years** and will close on Wednesday. :) Make sure to do some exams! (Note: Fifth and Seventh year students do not have exams now, but will have OWLs/NEWTs at the end of the year.)
This also means that the Yule Ball will be coming up! (It will open Thursday) Ladies, get out your evening gowns and gents - lets try to find something without a ketchup stain on it, shall we? :) It should be a great time RPing, and reading all the RPs, that will definitely be going on. :D
After the Yule Ball will come "Christmas/Summer Break", so get ready for that, too! :)
RP Highlights!
Thank you once more to Livvy and anybody who sent in RPs. :) It's quite helpful. :D
Also, I stole Abby's pink since everybody liked it so very much. :p
[ul][li]Consequences - (All Around the Wizarding World)
-Ylva and Axel learn that there are indeed consequences to their actions. A fact they will both regret as they're paid a visit by non other than Patriarch Asparuh Zhefarovich.
[li]Waiting for the Right Moment - (The Cliffs)
-Two teenagers, already bound through an arranged marriage, awkwardly meet and a question is asked.
[li]Sleepy Surprise - (Ravenclaw House Table)
-Sometimes sleeping through dinner has an upside, as two part-goblins find out.
[li]Love Ones Lament - (The Owlery)
-Through a series of letters, one boy tries to hide his illness.
[li]Judgement Day - (Slytherin Common Room)
-Seeking entrance into the Glam Squad, Ava Prince must prove that she's worthy to be one of the glamorous.
[li]Summer's Disownment[ol]<LI>[li]Death of a Father - (All Around the Wizarding World)
-Betram Reine breathes his last, unknowingly setting off a series of events that will forever change his stepson's life.
[li]House of the Rising Sun - (All Around the Wizarding World)
-A mother locked in her grief lashes out at her son.
[li]Leave It Alone - (The Quidditch Pitch)
-The aftermath. Sumner Reine hasn't been seen for days. Lily Potter takes matters into her own hands and confronts him. [/li][/ol]
[li]A Centaur's Second-To-Last Resort
[ol][li]Detention - (The Forbidden Forest)
-All hell breaks loose as Vico, tribe leader of the Centaurs, discovers Crispin Cold and Andromeda Fiorelli deep within the FF. Having had enough, he and his herd storm the castle.
[li]The Centaurs Arrive - (The Entrance Hall)
-In the Entrance Hall, the centaurs arrive and stand guard as their leader goes in search of the Headmistress.
<LI>[li]Looking for Somebody *special* - (The Second Floor Corridor)
-Vico finds whom he searched for and an understanding is reached.[/li][/ol][/li][/ul]

So that's just about it. :)
We've got lots planned for the next little while, and with the OOC Superlatives coupled with all the IC excitement I'm pretty pumped for everything coming up. :)

Thanks for taking the time to read this update ^_^

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Yay for Linda!

I was surprised that the goblin thing got mentioned.. Now Jareth will certainly have to stick by his promise.
Lovely update Nickles! You've made it so difficult to choose between yours and Abby's. xD :r

I'm so excited for OOC Superlatives! :D :frantics:

And yay for Linda! :hug:
I think everyone still thinks my WU was better. :r
Is that pink I see? The same color I used in my WU? You saw how people liked it better in my WU didn't you? :r

I have to give it to the Glam Queen she sure does know what people like.... <_<
Isabella Chaos said:
Is that pink I see? The same color I used in my WU? You saw how people liked it better in my WU didn't you? :r

A+ in not reading.
My Original Post said:
Also, I stole Abby's pink since everybody liked it so very much. :p
No, I read it, just decided to rub it in some. :lol:
Alexis Ziamian said:
Lol, out of curiosity, why does pink matter? xD
Nick used to use some eww-y color like yellow, and when I got to do my first Weekly Update (which came out awesome btw :r ) I chose to use pink instead, and people seemed to respond positively to that, so Nick noticed and used it as well. :)
Topic Cleaned:
Do not spam announcement topics with your favourite colours. ;)
Also, a helpful tip for you: When a Global Moderator indicates that you probably shouldn't be doing what you're doing: cut it out!
Next time you'll be contacted individually. :)

As to the update, pink was the only good part of Abby's older one, so I took it. :shifty:
Seems like there some interesting threads going on at the moment. I'd have to give them a read through, Great Job with the Update Nick - this was one full of action. Happy Birthday, once again. :)
Great job on the Weekly Update! (Of course it is a splendid job. Haha)
Very excited over the plots happening on the site! :frantics:

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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