🌹 Rose Giving We should hang out (Yellow)

Finley Mackintosh Baros

chronically late for everything
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Finley had one more rose to deliver and then he was done for the day, which would be nice, because then he could relax. He didn't know the girl he was delivering to, but he knew she was a Gryffindor. "Hi, are you Lorelai? Can you point me to Lorelai? Hi, can you tell me where Lorelai is." He asked to a couple of the girls he could see seated at the table. He knew she wasn't a first year, so he went ahead and assumed she was in one of the upper years.

@Lorelai Gates
Lorelai was sitting by herself, she'd finished eating and now she was just doodling in her sketchbook. She heard someone calling for her. She looked up, raising a hand. "I'm right here," She called to the boy, trying to get his attention.
He noticed a girl doodling in her sketchbook as she raised her hand, "oh! Hi Lorelai!" He said, quickly dodging another person as he moved down the table to reach her, fishing the yellow rose out of his basket. He held it out to her, "Happy Valentines Day!" He hoped she liked the note.​

Dear Lorelai,
I appreciate you!! We should hang out more~
Lorelai smiled at the boy, and took the rose. She was a little surprised to get one. A part of her hoped it was from Enoch. She had been working hard to make him her friend and she was hoping she'd made some progress. She peeked at the note and smiled, pleased that she got one from Rosalind. She looked up at the boy that had delivered. "Thank you! What's your name?" She asked, not sure she'd caught it.
"You're totally welcome! And I'm Finley!" He didn't know why it was important she knew but he was hardly going to not tell someone his name that asked for it. That would be rude.​
Lorelai smiled brightly. "Nice to meet you, Finley! How are your deliveries going?" She asked, thinking it was just good manners to try and talk.

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