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Vladimir Volkov

Well-Known Member
Basically, I'm the Quidditch Commentator now aren' I? Think I am.

Other than that, as Vladimir Dragonski, I'd be a social, essentially comedian-based person! As the commentaries may have hinted at. So is anyone interested in your social, joke-cracking, otherwise flitatious little Gryffindor kid with a talent for flattering or amusing speech?!

I'm lookin' at makin' friends, or gettin' buddies, whatmacallit! Social is good! BEING SOCIAL IS REQUIRED!

Well, Ana could always becomes friends with ya. :D Potential crush even. ;) XD

Though she is an unsorted at the mo so you would have to wait a we whiley. For the break or even the whole new term.
Ooh! ooh! pick me! pick me!

Taylor could be your friend. She is very happy most of the time and completely random, all the more now that she's pushing herself to be happy.

What do you say?
Lauren could be a friend or a crush? she's a first year ravenclaw, and doesn't have too many friends at the moment. She only has a few close friends.

She's friendly and happy, she likes meeting new people. Lauren is a muggle born who is quite easily charmed and wears her heart on her sleeve, she needs a funny guy as a friend.

So yeah, its up to you ^_^
I have Jarrod who could be an enemy (slytherin) and one of my OOC best friends who has Trixie Hales (ravenclaw) is looking for more friends so I bet she would appreciate another friend for Trixie
Ginny is always up to making friends. she could even help with studies if ya want.

she's quite the devious mind with jokes too. :p

Thanks for all the help, so if anyone is interested in an RP, could you PM me with the relationship we could have in mind and where you'd like the RP to be held? Dankes.
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