We Are Young

Mizelea Brooks

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Rosewood Wand 13 ½ Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
London, the prefect place to just stroll around and meet new people. English people were the best for Mizelea, she always find there accent amusing to her ear. Unlike her western accent,out Texas it made her somewhat unique in a way. For today the Beauxbaton planned to just wander the streets of London, get lost or something. Anything was fine really, as it didn't matter. All Mizelea wanted was to flee away from school, to go to a place that would calm her nerve. Even though everything was going in plan, she still wished to have surprises around her. Life's too dull for her at the moment, excitement and adventure what the fifth year needed. After her encounter with James before, she felt some people didn't like her at all. But why? Was she too friendly, too clumsy or was too positive for them? There were times she felt insecure about herself, asking why she had wide lips and other stuff.

Still she believed she was unique and beautiful, but at times it was too hard to believe such things especially when your sister is the Miss Texas. Yes, Mizelea's sister Ximena who's a daycare teacher won the title of Miss Texas. Ximena, was far too beautiful like her. Mizelea had her moments of being down, though she tried not to cry nor show it to anyone. As she was known for being strong in her own way, the brunette continued on walking. She wasn't really looking at her way, that Mizzy bumped a stranger. She didn't mind to even look at the person, "Sorry." she spoke and continued on walking. there was no exact place where she was going, probably a park..anything that would cheer the girl possibly.

<SIZE size="50">Being back in London, England was hard for the Durmstrang. He had managed to avoid all the people from his halfway house and get himself to London. He wasn't meant to be back. He wasn't meant to be anywhere apart from Poland and his school. However, being himself, and it being close to a year since everything else changed, the Durmstrang teen couldn't help himself. He just wanted to be there. In the city that he loved. The place that he loved. The country he'd spent most of his time in. No one understood the incredibly connection that the Durmstrang teen had with London. It was much more than just a city. It was where his dreams had been formed, where he had first had dreams. Of course it had all been ripped from him, and all he had now was a juniveal record, and nothing to his name. It wasn't an easy transition and wasn't aided by the fact that he now had a reputation to maintain with his friends from the home. It was fairly easy to notice that everything was not right in James Green's world. He had nothing that he could really claim was really going well in his life. Well, maybe one thing. But it was a passing thought. A miniature thing in the grand scheme of things. Of course, it was a girl. A girl that he knew he had to apologize to. And it wasn't something he really did anymore. Apologise, but he felt he had to. It was really the reason he'd even come to London. Not just that he felt like getting away from everything that was his everyday life, but so he could maybe find her and say sorry for how he'd acted. James was well aware of how unlikely it would be to actually find someone in a city like London, and all he knew was what she looked like and her name. Not a phone number or address. And sending owl post wasn't a good idea around muggles.

Walking through the streets, the Polish boy was just wandering. He had no real direction. He was just walking. Not sure where he would end up and not sure if it had been the smartest idea to come in the first place. He knew that if he was caught he'd be in a lot of trouble. A hell of a lot of trouble, and if James was honest he really didn't need that right now. Not with everything else happening at the moment. All he wanted was a little bit of stability during his first christmas with no one but the people he lived with. All of whom had nothing. James had a lost look about him. He appeared to have absolutely no direction at all. Which was pretty much true. He was just walking. He had to meet no one, he had no where to go. He had nothing left for him in London, and yet he was still there. Sighing to himself, he wasn't quite sure what he was meant to be doing. He was snapped out of his thoughts as someone bumped into him. Anger rushed around him, knowing very well that he was probably to blame for the fact it had even happened. he glanced round at the person, and noticed it was the girl he had wanted to see. He noticed that she just kept walking. He was split between running after her and just leaving it. After all, the last time they'd met, she'd just gotten up and walked away. He probably wasn't someone that she wanted to see. Still, James decided to at least try and apologize for his behavior. There was no one from his group home near them, and no one from Durmstrang. "Mizzy!" James called to her. His voice lacking the usual sarcasm and coldness. "Wait!" He called again hoping she would stop. To at least hear him out.
Mizelea wasn't feeling like her at all, she was different today. How she wish to cheer up, but to it seems to be impossible. On the other hand, London was crowded. It had many citizens, running and crossing the street. Somehow it made her suffocate and made her wander aimlessly of the things going on with her life. Perhaps today was her so called sad day, she had one before but it was far long ago. It was during her vacation in Texas, and obviously the reason was her sister. And today was one of those days again, Mizelea felt useless not caring about the word. She needed it, to not care and just think about the things that happened in her life. As she was minding her own business, somehow the brunette heard someone calling her name..her nickname. At first she didn't cared and ignored what she heard, it was probably one of her friends in favorite shops. But as she heard a person calling her attention Mizzy couldn't help but to look. She was getting a little irritated, so she turned her head and bit her lips. "What!" she yelled not knowing who it was at first. Her eyes full of despise and hatred, it was one of her weakness at times. Not able to control her anger towards other people, especially when she's mad.

To the Beauxbaton's surprise it was a familiar face, she stopped. Not caring if anyone would push her aside, her face started to frown. This was the last thing that she needed, an argument with him.. with James. Mizzy took a deep breath and turned her back, it was the only thing she could think of right night. And possibly the right thing to do, it was James decision to follow her on not but Mizzy didn't really mind. For as long as the brunette knew, she never had an argument in her life except with her sister of course. At this moment Mizelea was confused, she wandered if it was the best thing to do or not. Another idea entered Mizzy's mind, she decided to hide herself. She approached a small alley near between two restaurant, it had around 50 inches wide just enough to fit her. Mizelea leaned at the wall, peeking if James saw her enter the alley. Was she that obvious? But the only thing that mattered was she was avoiding anything, anything bad.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry this took so long
<SIZE size="50">Sensing that she would probably not want to talk to him, which he expect the Durmstrang boy had been thinking she would maybe turn round before walking in the opposite way. But he had not been expecting the yelling of the word what as she turned around and noticed that it was him who'd called upon her. It wasn't like he didn't think it was a perfectly normal reaction considering how he'd treated her the last time they'd met, but he'd just been pissed off and needing to take it out, and it had unfortunately meant he'd taken it out on her. He knew that apologizing would hardly make up for it, but he could live with that. He would try, try to be civil, try to show that he had just had a very bad few months. Of course actually apologizing wasn't something the guy was good at. He'd never really had to before, and now he really didn't want to have to. The girl he had called after was probably not the first that he had to apologize too, but most other he didn't feel bad enough that he thought he had to. It was only with Missy that he felt his actions had been completely uncalled for. After all, she knew nothing of what durmstrang or the girls there were like. Or his home - most would say a lack there of. He didn't however think that anyone else would care for an apology either, after all he'd done was what they would've done. He hadn't really thought that she'd get up and walk away after a few words, she'd struck him as the type to stick it out, to find out what was wrong and try to help. Even if he had burned such a bridge with the girl, he knew that at least he would've made up partially for his actions, which was really all he truly desired.

He kept his eyes on her as he made his way through the crowd of people that were walking in the opposite direction from him. In a brief moment he was pushed back by some teen, and he lost sight of her. Angry he shoved the one who'd pushed him hard, before walking to where he'd last seen the girl. Surely she wasn't old enough to apparate just yet, and he was sure that she hadn't done it while in the middle of the crowd. He was so frustrated, with the people on the streets, himself, her. Everything and everyone. He just wanted to tell them they were all idiots. That he'd been an idiot. Passing by a small lane, James continued down the street, getting on the very tips of his toes to see over the crowd. He groaned in frustration at losing her, to be honest, James wasn't quite sure why he was acting in such a way over just some girl. It was some girl he'd met once, they'd talked and it had been awesome, but it had been once. He wasn't sure why, he was the type to not be overly emotional. He pushed how he felt about everyone and everything to the very bottom. And he really showed was anger and at times small amounts of happiness. heading back towards where he'd been before, James was just so pissed off at himself. He knew this entire thing was his fault, he'd been stupid and childish. He sighed in frustration and punched the stone wall beside him with all his might.

"I'm such a f##king idiot." James muttered, he sighed to himself, before turning to face the people walking by. Making sure his back was completely up against the wall. He sighed and sat down on the ground. Slowly becoming aware of the small amounts of pain within his hand. He had really just wanted to apologize to her. That was all.​
Mizelea felt the world was pulling her down, as if the gravity of the earth was too much to take. Everything seems to be wrong, though she remained her sane in a way. As she was hiding behind the wall and inside the alley, the fifth year felt she needed to come out of the place sooner or later. By that not seeing James a she would slipped for later, then again she wondered if something would great happen for that certain day. Mizelea took a peek again, now seeing James in the ground sitting. The truth was, something deep inside of her didn't cared. She'd rather push him so hard right now and let him lay on the ground aching for pain. As she took a peek once more, it was longer than before and more obvious. If ever James would look into her direction, she could be seen. But she didn't cared now, nothing mattered anymore anyway. Mizelea was in the stage of hatred, hatred about how things didn't turned out as expected to. The brunette watched James a few steps away from her, she leaned on the wall as he face against it.

All she did was stare, Mizzy didn't cared if he would see her. The expression on Mizelea's eyes were mixed pain and sadness, she was broken to be mock at. It was little rude conversation she had with James before, but somehow she felt more depress than ever. As if she knew him her whole life that he could break her into pieces. Mizelea let her knees drop on the floor, she was getting tired of everything for the day. All she wanted to do was take a short nap, so in an instant minute Mizzy's eyes closed. Her head leaning on the wall, her hands gripping her bag and her body facing James. It was likely for her to sleep anywhere, it was her random habit since she got into caffeine.

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