Open Watching Try-Outs

Aurora Archer

strong-hearted | audacious | class of '62
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 18" Unyielding Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
12/2043 (18)
Aurora was very keen to eventually try-out for the gryffindor team, but she was pretty determined she wouldn't do that this year and would do it next. As a first year she knew she could ask to try-out but was happier to just wait, watch the try-outs and spend the year getting better for when she could eventually. The gryffindor had however dragged herself and her sister out to the stands so that they could watch it. She new that Rosie didn't have much of an interest in quidditch, certainly not as much as Aurora had, but this was something to watch and explore and the weather was nice enough to merit it. The gryffindor had sat in where she knew the gryffindor stands would be and was putting down a jumper so that she wasn't sitting on the cold benches. Aurora could spot that Rosie was already distracted by something else but Aurora's eyes were watching the people below.
Rosie didn't want to go out to the quidditch pitch to watch the try-outs, to her this did seem like one of the more boring things that they could do with their time at school, but Rosie knew she wasn't going to win the argument and so had allowed herself to be pulled along and taken to the quidditch stands where she now found herself. Rosie didn't mind quidditch as a thing, but it was in her mind, unnecessarily violent and she didn't really enjoy that sort of violence at all. but a try-out would be fine...surely. Rosie followed her sister to the stands but didn't immediately sit down instead spotting a little bug and following it instead. "Oh hey, Aurora, I found a lady bird," she said loudly, not touching the creature but just watching and following it.
Quidditch was a big thing in the Thompson family, something almost all of them had at least some sort of affection for. Some of them liked to play, others were more keen on supporting. Kiara was the latter. She wasn't someone who saw herself playing anywhere in the near future, but knowing her cousins were she was determined to be the best supporter she could be. Even if they were in different houses. She could still support her own house and her family though, right? Especially at tryouts. She knew Chloë had her spot on the team, but Zay had been an alternate last year so Kiara was sure he could use some support. Climbing up the stands, she looked around for a good spot when she noticed a familiar face. Or two, if that even counted when she had only met one of the girls. "Hi." She greeted softly after having given herself a mental push to head up to them.
Aurora glanced over at her sister and gave a sound of approval. "That's nice Rosie," she was friendly and had a warmth in her tone despite perhaps what someone might think with the words that she'd said. Aurora turned her attention back to the try-outs and then spotted a familiar face join them in the stands. She gave a wide smile and waved to the girl. "Hey Kiara!" she had met the girl before school and had already declared her a friend, though Kiara was in her brother's house and not with them. "That's Rosie, my sister that I told you about," she motioned to her sister, "Come sit with me!" she waved her arm to get Kiara to join her, if Rosie wasn't going to join in much she'd just get someone else to.
Rosie was busy follow the little lady bug that she barely heard her sister's response. She did hear her own name and that caused her to look up and round. A girl, their age, but not in their house was on the stands with them, it was clear Aurora knew who this person was but Rosie didn't. "Hi there!" she waved to the girl with a friendliness, she might not be right beside them and didn't know this girl's name, but she was far more interested in the creatures she'd spotted. "I'll join you both eventually," she said, just to be sure that she would go sit with them.
Kiara was glad Aurora was happy to see her. Although she had said that they were likely going to be great friends, so maybe they already were. Maybe that was how easy things could be. She nodded when Aurora mentioned the other girl was her sister. "Hi!" She shot Rosie a friendly smile, a little curious as to what exactly it was that she was watching. She didn't have much time to think, or inquire, about it when Aurora waved for her to come sit, which she happily complied to. "Are you guys here to watch tryouts too?" Kiara asked carefully, wondering if there'd be any other reason for them to be up here. Who knew? Maybe they just liked heights.
Aurora smiled at Kiara and nodded to her question, "I'm not going to be trying out till next year, so though it would be good to watch the tryouts," Aurora was pretty eager to eventually play but she didn't want to do that too early. She didn't want to embarrass herself by failing as an overeager first year. "Are you going to be trying out?" She asked, wondering if Kiara was interested in sports. She knew that if Kiara was interested she'd be on her brothers team, and that would be cool. She'd obviously always support Gryffindor but she'd happily support ravenclaw while she was at it.
Rosie was vaguely hearing the conversation but was following the little ladybug until it vanished. She trying to spot it underneath the wood she could see, but Rosie couldn't spot it, she would various other bugs, as she of course would at the outdoor place like this. After a moment of watching them though she decided to go back to Aurora and the girl, Kiara and sat down on the other side next to her sister. She didn't say anything, but looked out to the players and future possible players on the pitch.
Kiara couldn't say she was surprised Aurora was thinking of trying out next year. Sure, she didn't know the other girl all too well but she seemed confident. Confident enough to try out for a team as competititve as the gryffindor team. "That's cool. Any idea on what position?" She asked curiously, before vigorously shaking her head when Aurora asked her a question. "Oh no, I prefer supporting." Kiara replied. "My cousin's on the gryffindor team and my brother was an alternate last year, so I figured he could use some support during tryouts." She added with a small smile, leaning forward so she could look at Rosie. "What about you? Are you planning on trying out?" Admittedly, it would be pretty interesting to have twins on the same team. Should be a useful way to confuse the others.
Aurora gave a little shrug, "Not sure, maybe chaser...or maybe seeker," she liked the idea of both, a seeker got more glory but it was a much more dangerous position and she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to risk her limbs for such a thing. But...perhaps...who knew. She thought she'd be better at playing either of those than any other position on the team. She thought it was a little sad that Kiara didn't want to play but nodded. "Oh cool! Do you think your brother will get a full spot this year?" she asked, now looking at the crowd below just in case she might spot who Kiara's brother was even though she had no idea if he was down there or what he looked like.
Rosie really hoped Aurora wouldn't go for seeker when she tried out, Rosie knew she'd want the whole game probably behind her hands. She listened as the new girl, Kiara, seemed to be like her more than like Aurora. "Goodness no," she said smiling lightly, shaking her head. "I like flying, and playing casually, but a team...and a real game...I wouldn't be able to handle even remotely hurting someone...the bludgers would make me cry," she had a light tone, and a little laugh to it, so it was clear though she was being somewhat critical of herself, she clearly didn't see it as a bad thing. "I'll stay on the side lines and support with you, both Gryffindor for Aurora and Ravenclaw for Bran," Rosie wasn't sure if this girl would know that they had a brother in ravenclaw, but she'd happily explain it.
Hayzel could not believe she was now in her fifth year. And despite what Cassiah often said that they would be completely busy with OWLs, the Gryffindor was determined to try out for the team. She headed to the pitch and after they were given instructions as to how tryouts would go, she figured it would still take a while before she got her turn so she flew up to the edge of the stands and walked to the first group of watchers there. "Hello!", she greeted them, realizing they were first years. "Hope you don't mind me joining you.", she said with a sheepish smile.

[ooc: I hope you don't mind a 5th-year character joining. :teehee: I assumed this is a Gryffindor tryout they are watching. If not, let me know and I can edit it.]
Kiara nodded when Aurora spoke about what position she might want to try out for next year. She thought the girl seemed confident enough to be either of those but it did make her wonder how keen she was on getting hurt. Being a seeker basically meant having a target on your back after all. "Don't think so, he plays beater and the team already has two beater." She replied with a small shrug. "He didn't sound like he minded being an alternate last year though, he was just happy to be on the team. Likes attention." She added with a soft giggle. Kiara was a little relieved Rosie didn't seem keen on trying out next year either, completely understanding the logic behind it. She wouldn't do much good in a real game either. If the nerves didn't mess things up then the fear of getting hurt would. "I reckon we'll have just as much fun supporting. I can cheer for your brother as well." She said with a little smile, remembering Aurora having said something about an older brother before. Plus, she was just glad that meant she likely wouldn't have to sit alone during the matches. Kiara was a little surprised when an older girl flew up to the stands and walked up to them. "Hi." She politely returned the greeting before glancing at the other girls to see how they responded.
Aurora thought it was a pity that Rosie wasn't more interest in quidditch but she wouldn't ever force her. She had always been good at the sport when they played at home, but she could understand that it was safer at home than at the school. She nodded to Kiara as she replied, Aurora hoped her brought got on there, and laughed lightly at her joke. "Being an alternate is pretty good," she said, "All of the practice, less pressure," she agreed, she didn't really want to be an alternate when she tried, but it was probably necessary and would help build her skills. She was listening along to Kiara talking with Rosie and thought it good that they too were getting along. As they sat there, a much older girl walked to them and joined them. She looked at the girl. "Sure, we're just watching the try-outs, we're all too young to try. I'm Aurora, that's Rosie, and Kiara," she was always in the habit of introducing her sister when saying her own name that it had been natural to also introduce Kiara too.
Rosie appreciated that Kiara seemed to get where she was coming from, that at the very least one person wouldn't think her odd for not entirely being able to handle playing it. She had never watched a real game, and she did figure as long as Aurora wasn't playing she'd probably be able to watch it with some ease. "Definitely!" Rosie agreed eagerly, keen to be cheering on anyone and now she would have someone to cheer on with when her sister eventually joined the team in some capacity and she would've otherwise been alone. As Rosie had agreed she spotted an older girl joining them and was glad when Aurora took the lead on it. "Hi!" she did greet warmly with a wave as Aurora introduced her. "You must be old enough to try out, why aren't you?" she decided to ask, perhaps they would have an older friend who also preferred watching to playing.
Hayzel waved hello to the girls before taking a seat. "Hey, girls! Hayzel's the name. Nice meeting y'all.", she grinned. There was no need to be formal to the young ones. She wanted to be as comfortable talking to older students. She was even happier to see that two of them were twins when the younger one, Rosie, asked her a question. "Yep, I'm waiting for my turn. Seems like a fairly big turnout this year, they split us up into two groups.", she replied, leaning the broom on the bench. "You can sure try out next year.", addressing Aurora. Being a part of a set herself, Hayzel found it second nature to figure who's the older twin. "What about you, Kiara, Rosie? Wanna try out next year too?", she asked the other girls.
Kiara was pleased Aurora seemed to think her joking about her brother was funny. It wasn't a complete joke though as he did like attention. Way more than she did after all. She nodded in agreement when Aurora talked about being an alternate. There was definitely some logic in there. It was also nice to hear Rosie agreeing to her mentioning them supporting the others would be just as fun, which almost made it feel like by befriending Aurora she was gaining a possible friend in her sister as well. If things were even that easy. Could they be? Kiara gave the older girl another smile when Aurora introduced them and she introduced herself as Hayzel to them. Her telling them there was a pretty big group trying out this year made her a little nervous for her brother and she peaked down to see if he had already taken to the sky. She shook her head when Hayzel asked them about trying out. "I'm more of a supporter." She responded with a soft giggle. "But we just agreed to cheer for ravenclaw and gryffindor either way."
Aurora nodded at the girl, Hayzel, "You too Hayzel, what year are you in?" Aurora asked, she wasn't sure how much older this girl was, but she seemed older and Aurora certainly knew that if she was actually able to try out then she was older than they were. And older than second year. "Gryffindor is a good team, makes sense the try-outs are popular," Aurora knew it was going to make it difficult for when she wanted to try out. "I can't wait to try-out," Aurora said with an eager smile, really excited to be able to eventually try-out. "We'll loudly support both teams," Aurora agreed with Kiara, while she wasn't playing she would support both.
Rosie was watching the try-outs and winced hard as she watched one of the chasers be hit by a bludger, it didn't look fun at all. She glanced between the other two girls and nodded along. She wasn't going to enjoy when Aurora did play. She nodded along. "Me too, I like playing when its casual and like three people, but I think this many people is a bit too much, too dangerous," she said. She knew that quidditch was dangerous and knew that plays could get really hurt and she knew she'd never be able to even remotely hurt someone. "I'm a much better cheerleader,"
Hayzel beamed at Aurora, glad to hear she would be willing to try out next year. "I'm in the fifth year. Been practicing for the past four years.", she said proudly. "We can play casually if you want, Rosie. I play here all the time. You should join too, Kiara.", she offered, Aurora did not need an invitation since she was already a willing player. While the other two declared they would be supporters, the fifth-year was still happy all the same. "I'm sure we'll need all the cheers we can get.", she reassured the girls. "What position are you going to play, Aurora?", she asked. She glanced at the pitch just in time to see a player get hit by a bludger. Hayzel winced. "That'll surely leave a bruise.", she pointed out.

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