Watching the clouds

Liz grinned at Faciln, then turned to Sabriel. "Oh! Talk to Alicia! You might be able to try out as a substitute player!" Liz smiled. "I'm actually team captain of the Valkyries. Once we've had a couple more practices, you might be able to join us sometime. Just to get some team experience."

Liz looked up at the clouds. "It really does look like a house elf!"
"Oi, look at that one" Faciln proclaimed. "Looks like a Diriclaw, sure hope it doesn't go extinct on the muggles again!"
Katrina laughed a little louder, and scanned the sky for more clouds. She had never heard of a Diriclaw, but still thought it a funny word. "Oooh!! Look at that one! It sort of looks like a cat." Well, the sort of was because it looked like a cat with a giant head; maybe three times the size of it's body.
Faciln let out a loud laugh, "It looks like one of those balloons muggles use in their holiday parades."

He searched the sky for more funny clouds, unable to find anymore right away.
Katrina couldn't remember having more fun in a long time. She really had no friends back home, as her parents insisted that she be home schooled instead of being sent away to some "filthy muggle school". Her older brother, Thomas, was much older, so there was really no one of Katrina's own age around. Turning to Elizabeth and Faciln she smiled wider. "I know we talked about the school thing earlier, but what's your favorite class so far?"
Liz grinned. "Well, I'm sure the moment that I step into Potions next semester, that will be it. Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration are also fun. And Astronomy." she laughed. "What about you?"
"Oh, no question, by far Potions is my favorite. I've not really done much in the other classes, but love to brew Potions." It was one of the only "family activities" we ever had she thought but didn't say.
Faciln pondered the question a moment until the two girls had finished talking. Classes really hadn't been going on very long at this point. "Well... at the moment I'd have to say Potions, though Charms does show some promise."
Katrina nodded enthusiastically. "I think we both did well in Charms the other day! Thanks for partnering up with me!" She paused, thought, then added, "Yeah, I like Charms too. I'm glad we got to actually do something."
Liz grinned at both of them. "Really? Good choice. I work at the Apothecary, so I suppose I'll see you in there at some point!" she smiled. "If you want some fun potions, stop by my candy shop. They're all potions."
Faciln looked at Katrina, "No problem, it was quite a fun class and I was happy to be paired with a fellow Slytherin."

He paused while Liz spoke, quite intrigued by the concept of potion candies. "Candy made of potions, you say? Now thats something I'll have to try out."
Faciln smiled, he had wondered the same thing. So far all he had found was looking at clouds, which seemed to attract some of the prettiest girls in school.

"Yeah, I've wondered what else there is to do around here" he let out, smiling.
Liz bit her lip. "Usually I play quidditch or work on candies. Or just... hang out. Technically, you lot aren't allowed to fly outside of class." she thought for a moment. "We could go into Hogsmeade. Loads of interesting things to do there."
Katrina smiled and nodded. She had been to Hogsmeade to purchase her supplies, but had walked right by some of the best smelling shoppes on her way there. Perhaps that's what Elizabeth meant. "I could go for a trip to Hogsmeade. What about you Faciln?" she smiled at him thinking he was the nicest boy she had ever met.
Faciln also skipped over some of the more appeasing shops in Hogsmeade while he was doing his school shopping. He thought on it a moment, "Yea, I do believe I remember walking past The Three Broomsticks and it seemed to be pretty popular. We could go there" he suggested.
Faciln stood up and brushed himself off. He bowed and held out his arm, "After you, ladies."
Faciln smiled at the fact that Katrina had blushed, caught up to her and offered his arm for her to hold onto.

((Yep, we should. I'm heading to bed for the night now though, so I'll hop in come morning.))
Katrina blushed a little deeper and took the extended arm.

((Ok! I have to go too! I'll see you tomorrow!))

((EDIT: I started a topic in the Three Broomsticks))
Sabriel had been daydreaming, while staring up at the clouds. She hadn't heard much that the others had said, until they stirred and stood up. "Oh, sorry guys. Daydreaming. She heard something about the Three Broomsticks. Thinking to herself for a minute she said, "I have to stop off somewhere else in Hogsmeade first, but I'll meet you guys there a little later."

With that, Sabriel stood up and headed towards Flourish and Blotts to visit Kale. She had promised him that she would, and hoped that he was still working.

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