Wanted: Staff to Help with SDA Events!

Celia Vu

all the world's a stage
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 11.5'' Sturdy Elm Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
EDIT: Thank you to everyone who volunteered! I'm closing this PD now since I've submitted the apps.

Hello, hello, I'm looking for a couple professors/staff who would be willing to help Celia out with some SDA events this year!

Dueling Tournament
When: Second semester, August 13 as a potential start date
Staff needed: Three professors (0/3 slots still available)

Celia is looking for professors who can help proctor duels for this year's tournament! If you've never done this before, you can check out last year's tournament for an idea of what your character will be expected to do. It's a somewhat involved commitment in that you ideally need to be able to check in on your assigned duels once a day for the duration of the tournament (generally 3-4 weeks) and be available to answer any questions from the duelers.

I still have a lot of time to submit an app for this, but please let me know sooner rather than later if you can help out. If you have questions, feel free to message me!

Capture the Flag
When: First semester, July 2 as a potential start date
Staff needed: One professor or nurse

For this semester's SDA meeting, Celia wants to host a Capture the Flag game out on the Great Lawn. She plans to divide the SDA members into two teams, and players will be able to cast spells on each other and their surroundings as they try to capture the other team's flag. (My hope is that it turns into a fun, OSW-esque thread with lots of interaction and chaos)

Celia needs a staff member who can help her referee the game and make sure the players don't kill each other. Assuming the thread lasts long enough, they can also help her create obstacles for the players. It's just one thread, so it's not as big of a commitment as the tournament.

I might be a little pickier in accepting help for this since this is something Celia wants to do alone. But I figured I'd toss it in here in case anyone has a prof/nurse who wants to join in on the fun. And if you have suggestions/ideas on ways to make this meeting idea better, I'm very open to them. The above is just what I initially envisioned (and subject to change since I need to get admin approval).

I need to submit the app for this very soon, so let me know ASAP if you're interested!
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Hi! Happy to volunteer Professor Moncrieffe to proctor duels - sure, History of Magic isn't going to be the #1 choice of teacher for duels but I am at least lurking enough to be able to keep an eye on things. I'll have a couple of student participants but not enough to cause any real problems for scheduling.

Love the capture the flag idea, don't really have anything to add there I just wanted to say I think it sounds great. :r
Hi! Happy to volunteer Professor Moncrieffe to proctor duels - sure, History of Magic isn't going to be the #1 choice of teacher for duels but I am at least lurking enough to be able to keep an eye on things. I'll have a couple of student participants but not enough to cause any real problems for scheduling.

Love the capture the flag idea, don't really have anything to add there I just wanted to say I think it sounds great. :r

Done! She's one of the proctors. Having student participants shouldn't be an issue at all. Thanks for volunteering, and I'll PM you once the event gets approved and added to the calendar :wub:
I can offer Killian to proctor duels. He's well versed in spells and such.
I am a bit of a pro at it, since I used to host the events myself on Styx. xD
I can offer Killian to proctor duels. He's well versed in spells and such.
I am a bit of a pro at it, since I used to host the events myself on Styx. xD

Woooo thanks, Kaitlyn! I'll let you know when the tournament's been approved and added to the calendar :wub:

Also love that it's history professors so far who want to proctor clearly they're bored teaching such a theoretical subject
Kind of also helps when one is part-giant and can withstand some spells that might go array xD
I'm happy to help out proctoring with Angel since I'm used to doing but also happy to step aside if anyone new is interesting in helping out (it is fun!). That being said I also love the capture the flag idea but something tells me Celia would want to keep Angel as faaaar away from it as humanly possible :r
I'm happy to help out proctoring with Angel since I'm used to doing but also happy to step aside if anyone new is interesting in helping out (it is fun!). That being said I also love the capture the flag idea but something tells me Celia would want to keep Angel as faaaar away from it as humanly possible :r
Thanks for volunteering! :wub: I'm going to leave this PD open for a couple more days, so if no one new posts before then, the last proctor spot is Angel's! Though I could always just have four proctors...

Also, Celia might be willing to ask Angel for help for capture the flag if he's willing to sacrifice some plants for her noble cause (devil's snare pit, when?) :r
Also, Celia might be willing to ask Angel for help for capture the flag if he's willing to sacrifice some plants for her noble cause (devil's snare pit, when?) :r
The first years are just a little squished Josephine they're fine

Look I've been looking for an excuse to set some snargaluffs loose just sayin

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