Wanna be on my Clique?

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Lexi Rodriguez

Well-Known Member
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
So, yeah as the title said, I need followers or something but still we have to be friends and not just plastics to each other. But wait, there is an age limitation, only second years and up and you must be like Lexi (it explains in her bio). You have plots in mind I care for it and your character must be a girl and willing to accept Lexi's best friend.

Hope you see this great for a nice rp, if you agree just reply here.
I have Shaylah. She needs someone to look up to now that her mum and sister are in Scotland. She's a tomboy but she happily hangs around with plastics. She isn't the kindest person around and usually ends up in fights with people but if she thinks someone is worthy then she will be a great friend to them.
I have a character named Jessica Williamson who's similar to Shaylah with her Dad being in Azkaban, and she usually acts like a plastic, but she can fight with people because they pick on her because of her Dad being in Azkaban, and so she's had years of experience. Maybe she could be a co-leader? Or second highest in the clique?
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