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Veronica Kealders

Well-Known Member
I've posted in Ollivander's for both my characters and no one's quite gotten back to me yet. I know everyone's busy and I'm a patient... but does this mean that I cannot do magic at all until someone helps me out there?
Hi there. Well as you're aware everyone is busy and Ollivander's is the one shop everyone has to go to. But my no means does this mean you can't do magic at Hogwarts. The fact you are already in Hogwarts means you (IC) should already have you're wand as you would seem rather stupid not having a wand starting a magical school. So you can do you magic until you get one, although seeing as you've had no classes yet you shouldn't really know any spells :r
I'm sorry. One of my characters works at Ollivanders but I probably have 20+ threads I am posting in currently. Please be patient I will try to get all the wand threads replied to sometime before I go to sleep. It just gets hard to reply to them all.
You're doing a great job, Kaitlyn! Beau wants to work there when he's older, but I'm scared I won't be able to handle it! He's taken a bit of a shining to you (how cute), and he just met Alex and idolises him haha!
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