Waiting for Time to run Out

Dakota sported a smile, "I made that to easy for you didn't I?" she persist to stay at his side. he was a gentle touch to the other guys she brought back home with her. None ever bother to stay and talk this way to her, civil what most people call it. She couldn't recall a time when she had just a civil conversation with a stranger or anyone in her family. She drove herself from being perfect at a young age, now all she did was act out the opposite so no one would say she was perfect anymore, the word remain to just be a secret in her eyes.

"Now what I shall do for you..." she said animated to sit up again holding the sheets just above her bust line. What do you give to someone that felt safe and made you feel sane at the moment. She couldn't think, it was her first real act of kindness if she came out with anything he would like. She lean down, relying on anything he could help with her, the only value she had was herself. If she though she's worth anything, than yes all she could produce to give was herself. In the sheer of the moment, she picked up his chin from the mattress and kissed him like she's never kiss anyone in her life before. Every once of her energy went into that kiss plus more. With that solemn kiss, her breath was blown away, kinda funny how she departed and shook away that icing feeling that linger to be left behind.
He smiled, glad that he hadn't offended her with his ignorance. This was probably his favourite part of a relationship, getting to know one another. He didn't need Dakota to do anything more for him; just to stay by him. He knew that as long as she was there, he would be happy. It was surprising how easily the thought came to him; but he knew that the only thing he wanted was Dakota. Her touch sent chills through Kai, and her kiss made his heart pound. She was the first to make him feel this way; and he was thoroughly enjoying it. "Mmm..." he mumbled appreciatively, "That was the best gift ever." His voice ws thick with affection and lust. He wanted her, and he would sell his soul just to get her.
"I'm glad you can enjoy that" she hid away her blush by simply pushing right next to him and lay there again. She was fooling him, fooling herself really to allow whatever happening between them go any further. She fluttered her eyes shut and force the life away from this room so she could feel alone again. And think negatives thoughts, banishing the good that had made her feel whole inside. Her brother Don won't like this, she stop caring about her family but her brother always stuck like glue in her mind. "I guess we could..." she stop mid drift, wordless she had nothing to offer but to sleep again with him once more and think nothing of him again once he was gone.

OOCOut of Character:
Hey sorry for the weird post I guess we can stop here and do another rp ^^ By the way love the banner :3 !!

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