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Alison Kingswood

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Years had gone by and Alison had spoken to no one. Somehow she had managed to forget all her friends and even Casey. Ally had made it as a chaser for the Moutohora Macaws. Alison loved Quiditch and the world that she was in now. She trained a lot and her broom almost became her best friend. She had been with Casey all her seven Hogwarts years. It was a lovely time, but after Hogwarts they kind of grew apart. The letters stopped and they both did their own things. Alison did not even know what he was doing for a job now. Alison rented a small apartment that was close to the Moutohora Macaws pitch. Her apartment was just big enough for her necessities. When she was younger she had dreamed of a husband, kids and maybe a dog. But somehow Ally was not destined for those things. Not that she hated her life now, she was fairly good at her job and managed to score a goal or two. Alison grabbed her coat from her closet and closed the door behind her. She had a day off training today and she was going to use it to its extent.

Being a professional Quidditch player meant doing a lot of training. Free days were rare and she the time she had off, she practised Quidditch. Today she really wanted a Quidditch free day so left the apartment building to go the park. The park wasn't a long walk away from the building she lived in. She just did not had the time to go there more often. What she really missed was doing magic, she loved to use the spells she learned in Hogwarts. Unfortunately Quidditch didn't require much spell casting it was more a mix of technique and luck.
Casey's life had changed dramatically over the last few months, he had moved into a new apartment a stones throw away from Obsidian harbour and now worked as a curse breaker for Gringotts, a job that very often kept him away from his new home and even out of the country, as such his apartment was quite bare despite its relative size, though more personal items had been added since he started seeing Kyle, a few of her things were also scattered around the apartment. Casey smiled as he made his way through the living room picking up empty wine bottles. Kyle had been over the previous night, and true to form they had a few bottles of wine, as they had the first time they spent the night together. Casey hadn't felt about anyone the way he did her since Alison back at Hogwarts.

It wasn't often Casey would spend more than a few days in New Zealand but when he did he liked to spend the time he wasn't with Kyle outside, enjoying the New Zealand air and seeing the familiar surroundings of Obsidian harbour. The place held great meaning for him, it was where he met Alison the winter before his first year at Hogwarts. Casey cut through one of the local parks on his way, among all the faces of muggle children and parents he saw someone he swore he knew. It took a moment for Casey came to a halt and realised just who the stranger was. "Alison?" He asked taking a step towards her.
A couple of pigeons zoomed right past her ear, they were probably playing a bird form of Quidditch. Alison giggled and looked around if she could find the all familiar hoops somewhere. Alison wished she had called someone to go to the park with her. I mean she was kind of randomly standing in a park now. She enjoyed the sun and her day off, but she didn't really want to spend it alone.

Suddenly she heard a voice she hadn't heard since her last year at Hogwarts. The way he said her name made her blush, she didn't want to blush and tried to hide it with her long locks of brown hair. I mean they were over. They broke up and it ended there. Ally turned around and looked at Casey. He looked like he didn't age a day at all. ''Hello stranger'' Ally spoke softly, she couldn't really bare to say his name out loud.

Ally wondered what he was doing now, he probably had a wife or girlfriend. He even could have some kids running around. Alison did not want to think that far, it made her queasy. ''How have you been?'' Even if she hadn't seen him for so long her interest was genuine. She hoped his life was going as he had hoped. They had talked about jobs and the future when they were younger. But unfortunately for Ally the future isn't always set in stone.

Casey couldn't believe that he had 'bumped into' Alison Kingswood, of all people. She was as beautiful now as she had been when they were in school, though that hadn't been all that long ago. The memory of getting over her was a painful one, it had been one of the hardest things he had done in his adolescent years.
"It's good to see you," He said softly. It felt dangerously easy for Casey to fall into old habits with Alison, but he couldn't do that, not anymore, now had Kyle and he was falling hard for her. "I've been really good, I feel like I've really got my life together, what about you? How have you been?"
It was hard to see Casey being happy and having a girlfriend or wife. She seriously needed to move on. Ally didn't know what to do with her life, she loved her job a lot. ''Good to see you too'' Ally smiled, but it wasn't her usual smile. She didn't really know what to do and how to act. It was hard to be around Casey he felt like a drug she needed badly, but couldn't get. Seeing him alive and happy was already too much and Ally tried to stay strong. She didn't want to cry and say how heartbroken she was. How done she was with dating and finding no one that suited her. She had dated in the past and every time she got rejected or the guy was a total creep. ''I am fine, got a nice job.'' Ally muttered it was a total lie, she didn't want to say anything about her love life. ''What kind of job do you do nowadays?'' She didn't really want to know, but she didn't want to seem rude either.

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