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Full Name:
Vivienne Juliet Esquire
Birth Date:
October 8 (Libra)
Current Age:
11 Years old
Current Theme Song:
Blackbird - The Beatles
Basic Appearance:
I have deep dark brown eyes, my mother always said they were like chocolate. My hair is dark brown, but it naturally lightens in the Summer. It's a bit curly, but I straighten it sometimes. I'm a bit shorter than average, but I'm not stumpy. See avatar/signature/above ^.
Adrian & Elizabeth Esquire - they own a large international wand franchise. What started off as a small business has become a lot more. Because of the huge responsibilities, they're travelling alot. Instead, Svetlana (the maid/nanny) looks after me. I don't see my parents as much as I'd like, but I'm really close to Lana so I'm ok.
Siblings, if any:
I'm an only child, but I'm very close to my cousin, Noah.
Pets, if any:
A tiny owl named charlie. More of a family pet, though.
Area of Residence:
Main house - Just outside of Auckland. Not fully in the country, but still on a secluded piece of land with a big old house and garden.
Lake house - Right by a lake not far from Brightstone. I prefer this house to our main one, it's much more inviting. The only reason we haven't moved there permanently is because the main house is closer to the city.
Blood status:
Mixed blood. Both of my parents have mainly wizards in their ancesty, but a few muggles here and there.
Five word to best describe you:
Thoughtful, creative, open-minded, secretive, feminine.
Hogwarts House (And why):
Hufflepuff, because I'm compassionate. I get sad when anyone's unhappy.

Best school subjects (And why):
Charms, because I enjoy practical lessons where we can use our wands. And flying, because.. well, flying is just awesome! Ooh and history of magic, because I love finding out more about the world around me, and I'm good at writing essays.
Worst school subjects (And why):
Probably potions, solely because of the atmosphere.. it just doesn't make me look forward to classes. Maybe astronomy too, because I'm more creative than intellectual. Astronomy is too sciencey

Favourite place at Hogwarts:
The gardens and towers. The scenery is so nice!
What would your Patronus be?
A wolf, because they're fierce and mysterious just like I can be if the situation calls for it (but that's only occasionally, because I doesn't like fighting). And also because canines are loyal, and I'm in Hufflepuff

What would your Boggart be?
The physical feeling of fear. I'm not really scared of an actual thing, but more of the bad emotions that can be brought with that. Do you get what I mean? Like, the feeling you get in your stomach when you're scared. Yep, I'm an emotions person.

What would your Animagus form be? (If you ever were to become one)
A swan, because they're gentle, graceful, and calm.

What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?
I would simply see myself, and everyone I love to be happy. That's really all I need in life. (In case you haven't noticed, I'm big on the whole happiness thing

What memory could they use to create a Patronus?
A few summers ago when my parents didn't need to travel, we just went swimming and kayaking every day in the lake.
(( I'll probably add to this over time, feel free to ask questions or whatever