Violent is never the answer

London Howell

OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Knowing that the sisters of London's loved sweets, London decided to take them all to Diagon Alley with the help of Nancy the nanny of course. They wont be able to go back home if Nancy didn't come along. The young girl looked at herself in the mirror, taking a white coat as she tidy herself up, looking perfect and lovely as usual. She took her books with her and put it in her bag as she walked down to the living room, finding her sisters waiting for her, wanting her to walk faster. She shook her head and smiled at them as they travel using floo powder.

As soon as the kids reach the place they walk to the sweet shop, well of course London would rather sit on the bench and read her a book, so she immediately sat on the empty bench as she took her books out and started to read it. It was about the magical creature, she had been interested in learning how to take care each of them and she was good when she was around them. Her blue eyes were locked on her books as she started to flip the next page not caring if anyone would want to sit next to her or if her sisters were done. After all her sister would need hours to get out of the shop, she knew that they were interested in buying sweets more than anything else.
Time seemed to be running faster than usual. The hands of the clock spun in a whirlwind against the dark watch face, the seconds pouring away in the blink of an eye. Michael, lying listlessly on his bed spread, glared at his watch, his lip curling upwards as if the inanimate time-piece disgusted him to his very core. Time was his eternal enemy. And to top it all off, the constant sound of crunching emanating from the corner where the his brother munched on a blood red apple, was beginning to grate on his nerves. Michael grunted and sat up. He glanced at the window that showed how late it was already. He got off from his bed and began pacing the small, dimly lit room. A clock began to toll ominously, its individual rings ever so slightly muffled from behind the door. Michael stood as still as stone as he listened to the chimes with a keen intensity. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Ten o' clock. Oh, what’s so special with ten o’clock, nothing, right? Passing his brother with a glare, Michael headed in order to prepare himself for the day. “I’m going out.. don’t bother to look for me.” He said with an irritated tone, closing the door behind him as he headed towards Diagon Alley.

There’s nothing really special about going to that place, he just wanted to leave their house, after all, it was getting rather boring for him. There’s nothing to annoy at all, and his little sister was starting to get more and more on his nerves, even his mother who was forcing him and his twin to study was starting to annoy him. Michael and his twin used to study at Hogwarts, but because of how unbearable they are, their parents had been forced to have them homeschool, they cannot control how they act after all. But instead of it being good for them, they had gotten worse, in fact, their hobby at the moment was bullying their younger sister as well as their neighbors, but just right now, he cannot do that at all. For just like what he had said, it had been boring already, after all, those kids’ reactions were always the same. “What the h3ll’s wrong with this place?” He cursed as he saw how crowded the area was. Having nothing else to do, Michael had decided to sit on the nearest bench next to him, not even bothering to spare a glance to the person that he was sharing the bench with, after all, it was a girl, and for him, girls never did matter, they are all for domestic works and he shouldn’t waste his time talking to one.
As London continue flipping the pages she could hear the laughter of her sisters from the shop. The girl smiled and shook her head as she continue her reading. It was getting more and more crowAs London continue flipping the pages she could hear the laughter of her sisters from the shop. The girl smiled and shook her head as she continue her reading. It was getting more and more crowded and there were more distractions it seemed that reading on the bench in Diagon Alley wasn't a good idea after all. But again she went there because she was pretty bored back home. And after all she didn't want to be home alone, locked up in the manor with the house elf. If her sisters were going to have fun, she would too, she wasn't going to let them have fun by themselves. And beside Paris would've jump on her if she continued reading in her private library back in the manor and told her to come with them.

Just as London thought, she got more distraction. A boy sat beside her and he seemed unfriendly. But gladly he was quiet, making no noise at least not yet so London didn't mind. The girl wasn't one of those who would greet someone else first after all she was interested in reading her books more than talking to other people. Her blue eyes were locked on her books as it started moving from paragraphs to paragraphs before flipping a page. Soon, the youngest in the family, Paris came and showed London some candies. "Paris I've told you million times, I don't like to be bothered when I'm reading" She said and saw her sister sticking her tongue out. She had to giggle as she saw her doing that. She shook her head and smiled as she continue to shut her books and looked up to the blue sky before opening her book once more.
The word boredom doesn't suit well with Michael Smith, it was a word that he despises that most, for when he is bored, a lot of things would go through his mind, and when that happens, trouble usually comes his way. "Who was that stupid person who had ever created the word boredom?" He muttered sharply under his breath as he continued to watch everything around him. He cannot really make any chaos out there on a place at which older wizards would be able to scold him and possibly, punish him as well. At home, it would be easier since his mother wouldn't really say anything, and besides, at home, boys had greater authority than the girls, his father shared the same ideals as him. "I should have asked Mike to come." Mike was his twin bother, they were never seen without each other, but since he was annoyed at him for being too noisy earlier, he didn't even invite him to come along with him, which at the moment, he had regretted being too proud to even ask his twin brother to come.

Clenching his fist as boredom began to eat him again, Michael's attention was then caught by a little girl who had approached the person whom he was sharing a seat with. He had to scowl by then when he head the other girl giggle, he hated that sound, it irritates his ear, especially if it was as high pitched as the other girls' that he had met before. "Some people are really stupid."

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