Victoire Fontaine
Your Future Minister For Magic
"A Fairer and Safer Magical Community for All"
The Campaign Team

Your Future Minister For Magic
"A Fairer and Safer Magical Community for All"
The Campaign Team
![]() Tristan Collins Campaign Manager | ![]() Benjamin Riley Special Advisor | ![]() Eva Marsh Communication Manager |
to come Intern | to come Intern | to come Intern |
Get to Know Me
Education Hogwarts New Zealand, Gryffindor, Graduated 2042 Prefect, Head Girl, and part of the Heta Omega | Work Ministry Official for Magical Law Department, 2042-present (brief interruptions for mat leave) |
Magical Abilities Non-verbal magic, Apparition | OWLs & NEWTs Gradebook Link |
Family Married to Alexander "Carter" Fontaine, two children; Apolline Fontaine & Henri Fontaine | Origins Muggleborn. Born in Charleroi, Belgium. Moved to Australia at 10, New Zealand for school. Settled in New Zealand at 17. |
Get to Know My Campaign - Interview Style
Why did you decide to run? When I was at Hogwarts in my last year I believe, I was voted most likely to become Minister for Magic, it was something I’d fancied, I wanted to work in the ministry for sure and make a difference, but minister had always seemed like a really lofty goal, something to aim for once I had the knowledge to do it right. Politics has always been a part of my life even if I didn’t always recognise it, my parents were heavily involved in their local offices, and were avid debaters and keenly interested in politics. They had me involved in politics, reading about it, involved in going to lectures when I was too young to pay attention and encouraging me to join the debate team and model EU before I moved to this side of the world. I’ve also always been the sort of person unafraid to speak my mind and challenge things when needed, which is likely because of that environment and because my parents always encouraged me to be vocal about my opinions, they always taught that it didn’t matter that I was young, my opinion was important. My decision to run in this election has felt obvious when it came around, I joined the ministry young and was involved in Claudia Holland’s campaign, which helped reignite that drive and passion for the political, I knew at the time, I was too young, inexperienced and naive to run, but being a part of a campaign that was so vibrant and interesting as hers, really pushed my interest in doing that myself. I understand far more about the ask and demands of such a role, I feel my life experience and work experience has helped form ideas about what sort of world I would like to live, what kind of world I would want to lead for them. Ones that I would put in place if I were to become Minister. I know that running for minister will be a difficult battle, I will need to work hard, have long hours, and with two children at home it’s going to be difficult, but that will not stop my dedication to doing the best I can here, and giving it my best effort. |
What are the two most important elements of your campaign? My campaign can be boiled down to two broad topics, safety and family. With the broad scope of Safety being my top concern. Safety is a central issue, and one that I know is important to everyone who has children, siblings, friends, parents, you want to make sure the people you love are safe, that you aren’t in a scenario where they don’t come home or that you worry you can’t provide for them. For me, safety is not about restricting how we live, but making sure there are more protections for people to ensure that we do the most we can do to protect them. This will not prevent all tragedies or hardships but it will at least have us give more effort to it, in ways that we can. Give us more of an ability to say we tried. One very simple example of what I mean is that I would like put in law that all quidditch players must wear protective headgear, and there should be more than one referee on a pitch, whose sole job it would be to step in if someone falls from their broom. Quidditch accidents are now few and far between, but that doesn’t stop the instances of them sometimes being deadly. If we have more on hand it can be dealt with quicker and prevent tragedies like the death of Jean Snow, a classmate of mine. Safety too encompasses the growing and remaining threat of the Scitorari, who’ve remained quiet but strong in the background as we go about our daily lives. My fear is that the ministry has grown too lenient on Scitorari, that they feel more at ease and comfortable just quietly existing. I believe in the letter of the law, and would say that, if I were minister we’d do more proactive raids on suspected locations but that any accusation or arrests about someone being a scitorari about any activity would need to be backed up by actual, concrete evidence. I want to make our streets safe but I will not do so at the expense of anyone being wrongfully imprisoned. The last aspect about safety for now does very much lead into my first point about family, before muggle kids hit eleven they go to primary school, there are in most countries mandates for children to be educated from a young age, but in the magical world, they don’t. We have some great initiatives like the Phoenix Scouts, but there are no formal magical schools for kids under 11, and this poses a problem for families who are not part of the upper class who can’t hire someone to come look after their kids as they work. Leading to people having to chose between, do you take care of your family, or do you work. Anyone who opts for the former should be supported and enabled to do this without too much financial hit. People who decide to be stay at home parents are valid and require our support. Some people will opt to send their kids to muggle school, but this poses problems about secrecy and how to deal with when they have to leave the school for Hogwarts, as the terms work out, kids can have difficult questions to answer. Most adults will not believe a kid who says they’ll do magic, but too many kids saying the same thing is going to raise eyebrows. My proposition if I am Minister would be to introduce more early learning, with stipends for families who need it to ensure they get caretakers, tutors or even just materials that they need. That the ministry will have a creche to allow all workers to have a safe place they can leave their children through the day, this will be extended to those working in St. Mungoes, Gringotts and those at the Daily Prophet. Finally I would work to ensure that every parent gets up to one years leave when a child comes into the family - whether newborn or not. If we cannot support parents and allow them the chances to bond with children in that pivotal first year, if we then don’t support them as they come back to work, if we don’t allow them the option to keep working then we are not providing a safe and equal society. I want to press that these stipends, these creche places, would be open to anyone, any family who wishes to use them, regardless of how the family looks. When I use the word family, I could be talking about a group of friends, or a two parent household. I wish to be a welcoming and open Minister to people of all genders, races, religions and sexual orientation. Family is a big part of my campaign because I know that teaching our children in warm, loving and caring environments is a very important element to their development. I’ve experienced the way some families will treat muggleborns or half bloods, I have felt that hatred and that fear over being found out. It is vital that this is an element we leave behind, and would push in schools for more education on how families who threaten you over who you chose to date, who are violent either physically or verbally, have no place in your life. I would look to set up an independent ministry body, which would help children in need of safe homes, a body that would connect with schools in providing materials and support for education and if the school needs to refer a case. This would also be a body to help kids who are too old to enter the care system and give them a monthly stipend for at least two years as they set out on their own. My final point for Family would be helping Muggleborn children as they exist in two worlds. I have two brothers, both younger than me, one of whom is magic and one of whom is not. My parents were supportive of this new world I live in, but the damage this divide has done to my family cannot be understated. My non-magical brother leads a fruitful life, but my relationship with him is never going to be what it could’ve been. I would want to set up more support for people who come from non-magical backgrounds, to provide information for the parents and siblings of magical kids, a more informed process of when to bring a partner into the know about magic and with the help of my proposed department giving non-magical kids access and support if they are in precarious housing situations and ensure they are placed to magical families. I want to have informational days for new magical kids so they don’t enter Hogwarts completely at a loss, and for Hogwarts Letters to include information about who they can reach out to for more information and if they need further help with parents. Part of my proposed role in this as Minister would be to set up and have a public email for non-magical family members of magical kids or partners to reach out if they need further guidance or support for themselves. There are details in this to figure out, but this will all come in time. The bottom line and what you should take from this is my campaign is all about improving our lives in this beautiful country, and I just want to do my part. |
How will you deal with crime? We should acknowledge crime within our world is not common, we still have instances of it, but when magic can do so much for you, then it isn’t difficult to see why crime would be lower. The efforts of the last minister are a testament to that too. In fact I do remember when she first came into office and had to deal with the fallout from Ioan Finch’s attack, something very rare but handled well. An instance that is very rare. My proposal of safety would see me doing more, instructing the ministry to conduct more raids, to always try to get ahead of whats going on rather than behind. I won’t promise that this will be fruitful, but it is important to me and vital to my campaign that we do more, gather more intelligence and are ahead of what is happening. I have a background in law, and would always state that I would always want to be certain about an incident or person, so for me while it is important to get ahead, an actual conviction will only be brought if we can be certain that we have the right person. It can difficult to deal with smaller crimes, as some may happen behind closed doors or be done by people who up and move the moment that they can, but I’m keen that we see Azkaban as a prison for short term sentences rather than only for the long term, that we use probation more especially in minor crimes. Young offenders to be supported and guided rather than too harshly punished, of course dependent on the nature of what they did and with the support of the Wizengamot. The wizengamot are a vital part of our justice system, and I would aim to be more proactive in how I deal and interact with them. But they are body that work, and won't change much under my leadership. |
How will you help the economy? I am a firm believer that our economy is rather good, the ability of magic to help us out in our daily lives, does bring down some bills that we might otherwise see outside of magic, but in saying that. We have a lot of turnover in our small businesses but a thriving community of small businesses. I would want to speak with those business owners and see how they were doing, what they needed if anything; is it more promotion, money to be able to host certain events. So that as a body we can aim to reduce red tape and give them the opportunity for further growth as they need. I also believe that in line with inflation our ministry workers should receive a yearly increase on their wages of a minimum of 1% and would welcome all union negotiations on this matter. It will be a matter for the union but I do not anticipate that I will at any point hinder the negotiations. It is important to me, that non of the ministry employees ever feel like they can’t afford to live on their salary. After all, a family with more disposable income will be more able to buy things which helps keep business open. I also believe that this wage increase should extend to our professors, who simply do not get paid enough for what they have to deal with. As a former student, I can say that they definitely didn’t get paid enough to deal with the shenanigans that my year group dealt them. I believe that we need to set a working age minimum. I know within magic, some kids can get jobs very young, but I’m keen that wherever we can, we set a minimum working age of 15, and a maximum amount of hours that anyone under the age of 17 works. I know kids can enjoy working on weekends, during breaks, but I think it’s important that no one too young is working. If someone younger than 15 feels they need to have a job, I believe the ministry department I’m proposing to set up would be able to ask the question as to why and use the government funding to help them. I would rather help a child or family in need, than have them lose part of their childhood having to work. Finally I would be keen to set part of the budget aside for new businesses, to give out grants to people looking to get started on a business. |
How will you help the ministry? As a ministry employee, I know first hand all of the problems that come with working there. It was the place I wanted to work when I was leaving school and while I enjoy it, it is not without its faults. I have found the work of Claudia Holland to be good, but I believe there is more we could do as a whole. I think the ministry should invest in more homeworking, allowing the employees to work more flexibly. I know this may be difficult, but we are the magical world, we can figure this out. As I’ve previously stated I’d like to keep the wages in the ministry competitive, so that we don’t lose key talent to private companies or freelancing. On a smaller level, I would want to have frequent meetings between all heads of department to keep on top of the work being done, and ensure that I can meet my campaign promises. As I’ve also stated I would like to get a creche for the ministry and employ people to work at it, it’s important to me, because equal opportunity to work does mean that people might need a place for their children to go, and this would give the flexibility to it, this would ensure they were close by, they would be being taught and it would work to the workers hours - within reason of course. I think this is better than encouraging sending kids to muggle schools which can create difficulties with hours and problems when the child then is old enough to leave I also want to create outdoor seating around the ministry to ensure people who are working in the building have a place to go outside if they need the fresh air, without having to go too far before finding a seat. I believe the ministry works well, and would only want to introduce small things to make the lives of the workers better. |
You’re relatively young, what do you say to those who might claim you lack experience to lead? My formal experience is possibly more limited just because of my age, that is a fair and valid criticism. So too would be the fact I’ve only really had one job my whole life, I applied for magical law and have worked here non stop. While it means my knowledge and experience of Magical law is in depth and I have good experience working with other teams both in this ministry and internationally. I feel it’s the department which has given me the breadth of knowledge to understand what the legal perspective on what I want to do is, it’s given me insight into what is and isn’t possible. It’s also something I’m good at, and I think I can bring the knowledge and drive I learnt there to being Minister. I wouldn’t say they were the same and I know that being minister would bring its own challenges, but It’s one I’m ready for if the people allow me, but if I don’t win, I do still get to go back to a job I love. I am certainly not as young as some candidates have been but I think my age is also to my advantage, understanding the needs of our young population and being able to listen to older generations. |
Get To Know Me - Quick Fire Interview Questions
Where did you go the last time you took a vacation outside the country? | I went to Belgium with my family, my muggle family are all mostly still based there, and I try to go back every couple of years to make sure that my children don’t lose out on meeting cousins, second cousins and grandparents. |
Where did you go the last time you took a vacation inside the country? | I have admittedly not travelled too much within NZ, partly due to work and family living elsewhere, but when my son turned 4 we took a family trip to Auckland, which was really nice. The weather was a bit terrible but he had fun. |
What are your pets and what are their names? | No pets, I want to wait until my children are a little older before introducing a dog or cat. They both will get owls though when they go to school. I think it would just be best for my sanity if they were easily able to write to me. Growing up my family was not much of a pet household, because everyone worked and we wouldn’t have been able to look after a pet. Which is something I have carried over into my adult life with my own family. |
What was the last meal you cooked? | I made polenta with a ratatouille. I'm not a great cook, but I always try when I have the time to cook a meal from scratch, my family ate everything, so I think it went down well. I do tend to cook the same things that my parents cooked for me, and can admit, I could make more of an effort to cook more New Zealand dishes. My best meal is waffles, I'm a dual citizen now, of New Zealand and Belgium and I'd do my Belgian heritage a disservice if I wasn't great at making waffles. |
What's your drink of choice? | Rose Wine if it’s alcoholic, I know it’s more of summer wine, usually sweeter, more processed and not for everyone, but I just love the taste of them, I love the variety of grapes and varying colours of the wine. It's just lovely to me. If non-alcoholic then it’s likely pumpkin juice, it wasn’t something I’d had before coming to Hogwarts and to New Zealand, but it’s delicious. |
Where did you go to School? | I went to Hogwarts New Zealand, it was quite something. I’m muggleborn, and thus was new to the world, and it was overwhelming in parts. But Hogwarts was amazing, particularly I was very well supported my head of house, Professor Kingsley. I was a gryffindor and became prefect in my fifth year and then head girl in my final year. Both of which were huge honours. The end of my schooling was somewhat marred by the death of one of my dear friends. Partly why I believe that we should work harder to improve safeties. |
What was your best and worst subject at school? | My best subject was history of magic, I'd always loved history and found it so engaging and fascinating. My worst subject was probably flying to begin with and then probably charms. I struggled a lot with that class. In my younger years I wasn't always the best student, usually more interested in other things, but I decided to really knuckle down in fourth year and it was the class I struggled with most. |
What’s your favourite book? | That’s a tough one, though I don’t have many opportunities to read nowadays. I really enjoyed the thriller House of Leaves, it’s not a political book, but more of a horror and is a fairly old novel now, but I found the way it was laid out to be really interesting. It was really engaging, a difficult read at times, but great. |
First Concert, Favourite Concert | My first concert somewhat boringly was the Brussel Philharmonic Orchestra during a presentation at the EU parliament with my parents when I was about 8 years old, and my favourite concert was by the now I think retired musician Elijah Tine. He was a guitarist, toured a lot, he was really good. It just had a magic atmosphere. |
Favourite Quidditch team | While I do hope to make quidditch safer, my favourite team has always been the Moutohora Macaws. They’re a great New Zealand team and just a team I really enjoy watching play. I’ll admit I don’t go to a lot of games, but whenever I have the time I take my children to them. I want to make quidditch more safe, not ban it. |
Election Threads
Arranging Aurors | Victoire meets with the Aurors tasked with her protection. | This topic is closed. |
A Job Offer | Victoire meets with Benjamin Riley to discuss him joining the campaign as a special advisor | This topic is closed. |
A Campaign Manager | Victoire meets with Tristan Collins to formally bring him on board as her campaign manager. | This topic is closed. |
Communications Are Vital | Victoire meets with Eva March to formally ask her to join her campaign as the comms manager. | This topic is closed. |
Election Broadcast: Meet the Candidates | The official launch of the campaign trail, Victoire with the other candidates sat down to outline each of their campaigns | This topic is only for candidates. |
Launching a Campaign: Book Reading | Victoire starts her campaign at a bookstore, reading a children's novel for her kids, arranged by the bookstore owner. | This topic is open and all are welcome to join! |
Election Debate 1 | Victoire attends the first of three debates | This topic is only for candidates and is now over. |
Waffles In The Park! Come Meet the Candidate | Victoire is handing out waffles and Leaflets in the park | This topic is open and all are welcome to join! |
Election Debate 2 | Victoire attends the second of three debates | This topic is only for candidates and is now over. |
Answering Student Questions - Campaigning Continues | Victoire continues her campaign by answering student questions | This topic is open for anyone (but specifically students) |
Election Debate 3 | Victoire attends the second of three debates | This topic is only for candidates and is now over. |
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With thanks to Rowan for making it.
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