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Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather
Shaylah's dad has just been sent to azkaban for being a death eater and killing two kids and shay's about to go completely mental. That means she's going to start hitting anyone who even looks at her oddly. What I need is victims for her to beat up. You can say if you want them to be hurt badly or not. I don't mind. I don't want anyone over 13 because she's only 11.
Thanks guys.
Hey TinTIn

I smell drama. I have a girl who is shy, but, hard headed; and she's friends with Angela. Shay could hurt Loireli and cause Drama between Shay and Ange? Love the signature by the way.
Hey Cole :D

I was thinking about asking you if we could have some Shaylah/Angela drama anyway because Shaylah is going to be hating everyone except Sydney. If she has a fight with Lorelli then it would have to wait till the winter hols because at the moment she can only fight people in the school (sucks). Shay's friends with Jerrod though so that could make Shaylah fight her. :D
Thanks. I love it. :D :D
kay well i have a now 2nd year hufflepuff you could take it out on xD shes a bit stuck up, and loves fasion etc. Alexis Koroto-chen. I also have two accounts that will be first years after sorting, one's libbys little brother, the other is hopefully a spiteful slytherin, so you can take it out on ether of them if you want?? /try to :p
Alexis sounds great. Shaylah isn't very keen on hufflepuffs anyway. lol. She could get in a fight with the first years as well but not until they can post in the school. She's probably not going to be doing much during the winter hols so she isn't very likely to bump into either of them while they're still unsorted.
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