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- Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
The news was only just sinking in. He felt quite stuffy and hot in the the Hall, and was kind of glad to be dismissed for some fresh air. Deciding to venture around whilst he was there, Mike made his way, although getting lost some of the way, he had finally found the grounds of Beauxbatons. Mike only knew 3 people here, well he knew Zazuka quite well, but was only on first name terms with the Minister of Magic and Link. He looked around breathing in the fresh french air. For a moment his thoughts dwindled to Isabella. He hadn't thought of her since they split up and was unsure why his thoughts came to her. He then had a cunning thought that representing the school would be a good way to get back on talking terms with Bella. He hadn't had the confidence, nor chance to speak to her, but tonight had reinflated his confidence. He felt on top of the world. He looked around until he found what he was looking for. He took a seat, and slouched slightly, breathing quickly, glad for the fresh air. He sat there for a few moments. It seemed that he would be here for the majority of the school year, and so thought he would need to get to know where places where. He decided to go travelling later on, for now he needed to cool down, and gather this thoughts.