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Hazel ColdBlood

Well-Known Member
Like we know in Harry Potter Books Vampires have been mentioned. They are of course very different from twilight Vampires. But I was wondering if we could make Vampire characters on HNZ. If there are Werewolves I am sure Vamipres would be cool.

They'd go by the rules of normal vampires like ginger, silver etc.

I have mad Hazel 'ColdBlood' because I wanted her to be a vampire. Like I am going to make something that she got bitten somehwhere in Bulgaria and then she was trained under the command of a main vampire. Now after a while she comes to New Zealand.

Hazel can control herself very well so she can be around people(i.e attend HNZ) But of course she will be evil and once in a while drink from humans in Brighstone or something but the school will be under the impression that she is feeding on animals in the forest.

I hope this gets approved because I really want to start this 'Vampire' on HNZ.
I didn't know whether to put it here on in special plots so i kept it here.

We know that J.K. Rowling followed original Vampire codes like with Garlic and silver which also means she follows the principals that once a human becomes a Vampire they are essentially dead.

Vampire is different from Werewolf because aside from the full moon transformation they are normal, however Vampires are Vampires 24/7

I'm going to conclude that would mean that Vampires can't perform magic like normal people because they are not normal people. Vampires like House Elves and Veela's have their own brand of magic (such as hypnosis) but in the end I would also say that even if they could perform magic they would not attend Magical Schools namely because all of their education would have to be performed at night. Finally there has never been any mention a Vampire actually attending school and even those afflicted with lycanthrope are only to have been allowed around other students after the invention of the Wolfsbang potion before and even after that it was a very serious matter on whether to allow a Werewolf in the school.

This is just my view and understanding and I have no power to approve or disapprove anything however I'm hoping this might save some of the admin's time since while I'm not a hundred percent positive I do believe they are likely to agree with my assessment. I hope you understand and if you have any questions feel free to ask or PM me.
We know the Ministry of Magic classifies vampires as "non-wizard part-humans" and as dark magical creatures. We're given little hints about them in the books, but ultimately we know very little about Vampires in Harry Potter.
As Brian has noted, Vampires and Werewolves are very different, one is treatable the other is not. One is temporary and the other is not. One can be controlled while the other, we have no indication that they do anything but hunt wizards (and wizards hunt them - Vampire Hunters being revered).
This is, quite simply, an area too complex and what would end up just being a giant headache for administration. So we decided a long time ago just to never be involved in it. From time to time we'd allow an RP to occur with a vampire NPC, but no vampire characters would be made on the site - and I'm sticking to that.
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