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Izaak Finch

Well-Known Member

it's been a long night in new york city.
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so hey everyone, i’m looking for a roleplayer that would be willing to take on a new character for
me. playby is john mayer, as is quite obvious above, and he’s currently nameless so i am giving
you free reign on that one. there is only a couple of conditions, and that is your posts must be at
least 200 words. sorry, i need a decent two paragraphs to keep my muse up. and then the next
one is that he has to stay as john mayer. and if you don’t like bad boys then tough luck, i do XD

okay, so at twenty, this guy is fairly free spirited and a real artsy kind of character. you know that
guy that i think we could all pretty easily fall in love with? he left hogwarts scotland when he was
sixteen to travel around the world and has been doing so ever since. y'know, writing music and
taking photos and charming pretty girls and such. perhaps he could be looking into journalism? I
don’t know. again, it’s pretty much free reign. i would prefer it if he was a half/pure blood though

alright, so back at hogwarts scotland he was best friends with Izaak Finchreally super tight friends
up until he left and they tried to kept in contact but it all went a little haywire. it was very hard for
izaak because that was the kind of life he had always aspired to live but in his mind he was only
half way there. so anyway, with izaak really moving forward in his life right now i thought that it’d
be great for him to have a reunion like this. and trust me, they’ll have bunches of fun together XD
if anyone's willing i'll PM you with details and what not. oh and prioritised graphics too if you'd like.

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I'd ttly love to give this a go ;)
it just mightened be till the middle of this week or the end of it by the time I get around to doing any rp's with him though.

would also have to do up a bio or CD and would seriously need your help there xD

up to you but if you're willing so am I ;)
Linda, yay! :hug:

Don't worry, if you've got any questions just shoot.
And I'll definitely help you out wherever need be.
No worries about the middle of the week thing either. I've got a bit on my plate too.

I'll write details up and PM you tomorrow though
And thankyou so much :wub: And you too Brittany :wub:
Emmah; would you mind doing up a siggy and/or avi for him then ;)
name: Marcus Clavell

will sort out his bio properly tomorrow ;)
just skimming through details so far but taking the school dates etc from your own bio

were they always bff at school?
or did they have a rocky start?

were they of the same house?
would they have liked the same girl perhaps?
If of the same house, were they also dorm buddies xD
Did they get up to serious mischief together?

I'll make a relationship thread for him as well which will Izaak and Melodie can post in to flesh out other things that may have happened back then ;)
Oh, didn't even see this before I PMed you. But just to answer what I didn't already:

They were both pretty much ladies men back in the day (and still are I guess XD), so chances are they would have liked the same girl. Actually, Izaak's first love was a girl called Kasey when he was seventeen so perhaps Marcus could have liked her before he left? As for mischeif, there may have been a bit of sneaking into the school kitchens to get their hands on some firewhiskey :r But yep, party boys of HS ;)

And I'll fix up the graphics ASAP. Did you want a quote on the sig or anything?
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