
Katalina Harker

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Tomorrow would be a day that would change the course of Kat's entire future, but at least now she knew that this wasn't a decision that would ruin her relationship. When it came time for her to have to move back to England she'd have Chace with her...he'd told her that he'd move back with her so that they could be together. That in itself had alleviated a good number of her fears and now the seventh Gryffindor was ready to begin a new chapter in her life. For today though, she'd simply enjoy the time that she had with her sister over the holidays. Grabbing her sister's hand, the pair headed off to do what it was they did best...shop.
"You're going to yank my poor arm out of the socket Kat. Slow down," Serena yelled at her sister as she was dragged off through London. The sixteen year old was glad that Kat had asked her to come along. She knew that this was a huge deal for her sister and was ecstatic that she was going to be the one that got to experience it all with her. They'd only be here for two more days and seeing as how Kat's tryouts would be tomorrow, Serena wanted to spend as much time as possible with her sister since they didn't get to do this often. "I want to stop and look in the record store. I traded some of my galleons for muggle money and so I'm wating to spend every last red cent that I have. Oh, and I need to stop and get some more drawing supplies too," she said as they meandered past the shop windows, stopping every so often to browse at the selection of clothes and such.

After about a few hours of non-stop shopping the Vanderhol sisters were absolutely exhausted. Serena looked at her sister as they sat in their hotel room. She noticed that her sister looked so happy and if anyone deserved it then it was most definitely Kat. "So you won't be forgetting your sister when you're a huge quidditch star will you? I mean afterall...I taught you everything you know," the blonde said as she tossed a pillow at her sister and sticking her tongue out at her.

As Kat was sprawled out on the bed flipping through the channels on the television she heard what her sister said to her and looked just in time to get walloped in the face with a flying pillow. "Dammit Rena, are you trying to blind me so I can't go tomorrow," she said as she sat up and flung the pillow back at her sister with a little more force than necessary, sending Serena toppling off the side of the bed. Kat fell over laughing, but that didn't last long as she saw that her sister was now standing over her with a pillow in hand. The Gryffindor dodged the oncoming fluffiness, but just barely as she caught her own pillow in her hand. Hopping to her feet she let her own pillow swing and she hit her sister right in the side of the head. "Keep it up blondie and this will not end well for you," she yelled in her evil voice and cackled in a shrill tone. From that an hour long pillow fight ensued before the girls eventually settled in for the night.

Early the next morning, Katalina got up and quickly dressed. She felt like her heart was in the bottom of her stomach. Nerves were getting the best of her as she looked at herself in the mirror. "This is it Kat. Today changes everything," she murmured to herself and she was right...today would change everything.

Grabbing her bag and her broom she hugged her sister, who reassured her that she would kick ass today, and then headed to the apparition spot where she turned and arrived at her intended destination. Looking around she found the person that she had been looking for. Walking up to the woman she tapped her on the shoulder and said as confidently as she could muster, "Lila? I'm Katalina Vanderhol, your new chaser."

Several hours and a few butterbeers later the brunette arrived back at her hotel room where her sister was nowhere to be found. Figuring she'd gone out shopping or something, Kat decided to shower and lay down and rest. Today had been terrific and now Kat wanted nothing more than for her sister to get back and then to go home tomorrow evening and tell Chace all about everything. In just a few months the two of them would be here, in England, together and her life would be absolutely perfect.
After a few hours of sitting around the hotel room on her own, Serena got bored. Acutally bored was an understatement because the blonde had way too much energy for any one human being to possibly possess and it needed to be expended...and fast. Grabbing her bag she headed down and out of the hotel to wander around the city for a while. Upon her return she saw her sister laying on the bed with her eyes closed. Normally the sixteen year old would have hopped on her sister, but she knew that today had probably been a tiring one for her sister so she would just let her rest for now.

After about an hour or so she decided to go out and get the two of them something to eat and when she came back she nudged her sister to wake her up. "Rise and shine Miss Pro Quidditch. You need to eat something. I got Chinese food," she said waving the scent of the food towards the Gryffindor on the bed.
Kat felt something moving her and smelled something absolutely delicious. "Ugh, I don't want to. I want to just sleep," the seventh year groaned as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. She was a little sore all over from the few runs around the pitch that she'd had with the team today which meant that she'd have to start training harder now so that she'd be able to keep up with them when it came time for her to start playing. Stretching her arms over her head Kat grinned and said, "Food. Now. What did you get?" She didn't even have to wait for an answer as she saw the Chinese food and hopped up, grabbing the one that she knew was hers and dug right in. "Sweet Merlin this is sinfully delicious," she said with a mouth full of noodles.

A few hours later once the girls had stuffed themselves full of Chinese food and then went out to get hot chocolate the two of them were laying on their beds playing Truth or Dare and laughing hysterically. A few moments of silence passed and Kat looked at her sister with a serious look on her face. "I'm going to miss you brat. You'll come visit won't you?" The thought of leaving her family behind to move here and go after what she had longed for was scary and a little bit sad, but her parents had reassured her that she was going to be just fine and that they'd come visit her as often as they could (though her father had nearly stroked out when she'd let it slip that she and Chace would be living together).

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