Closed Unpacking

Kaelan Borisyuk

healer ✠ volatile ✠ 11'9"
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
24" Cedar with Acromantula Web Core
Kaelan Borisyuk moved from Russia roughly two weeks ago, right at the end of the year. He made sure that Kieran was just fine, and Kira had her modeling. He lost interest in everything Russia had to offer when it came down to living and working. Kaelan had some people that he used to work with, but none knew his intentions. He just up and left without a word except to his siblings that were still in Russia. Kade was unaware, and so was Killian. He honestly could not wait until he could see his oldest brother and surprise him. He was also curious on who that girl was that captured that frost statue's heart. Kaelan finished setting up his gym first since he knew that if Killian was going to be angry - and no doubt he would be - he needed to practice to make sure that he stood a chance against a professional fighter. Of course, if anyone who knew him and how he would live, it would not take a rocket scientist to figure out where he lived. Plus the house, in the magical community, was a dead giveaway since it was tailored to his height and size. So when he heard someone knocking on the front door, he paused in his exercising. He slipped a top over his head and walked toward it. He didn't even work up a sweat yet and someone came to interrupt him. He opened the door and glanced down. What in the world was she doing here?
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Onyx was a lot of things. She was even tempered, she was an astute observer, but above all she was polite - and she valued that in people. So when her next assigned body guard up and left and didn't show up to a job in which she was supposed to be negotiating, she felt a bit snubbed. Using what resources she had she tracked down one of the Borisyuk triplets to find him in a house built for his kind - easy enough to spot. She had only just left work, and was thusly dressed. She didn't mind because at least here it was warm, compared to Russia which was frigid. Not conducive to her dressing how she liked.

Arriving outside the home she straightened her dress, always concerned with looking professional and neat. She knocked on the door and when Kaelan opened it she looked up at him. "Mind if I come in for a moment, Mr. Borisyuk?" She said politely.
Kaelan was not sure how he was found so easily, but then again, connections. Kaelan ultimately let out a sigh and stepped to the side to let her in. "Always so formal, Nyx." He used the nickname that she had given her since he had met her the year previously. Considering that he came from a place where he was often hired as a body guard, there was only one reason why she was here. He made sure that the door was shut before he walked over to his couch. He sat down on it, and leaned back against the plush cushions. He was normally dressed up but since he was working out, he just had on black sweats and a tank top. "I know this isn't a social visit, so what made you decide to come down here in person versus sending an owl? Or were you just so heartbroken that I left without a word that you came back to beg me to return to Russia?" Kaelan smirked at the last sentence, since he knew that was about as likely as pigs flying without the aid of magic.
Onyx entered the house and carefully removed her jacket, using her wand to place it somewhere out of site, folded neatly. She adjusted the dress that was much too professional to not scream that she meant business and nothing less. As he sat she craned her neck slightly, looking up at him with dull eyes. "The company thought it looked better if I came rather than others in your standing. Don't think of this as me trying to convince you to return, I have no stake in the race, but look at it as an exit interview." She always spoke so formally one might say she had a stick somewhere unpleasant.

"So what made you decide to leave at the height of your career. You strike me as the kind of man that enjoys a good power trip that being a body guard would give you."
Kaelan looked over Onyx's outfit and felt that he was rather underdressed compared to her, and how she was dressed in something he knew was only for business. That was disappointing. He even frowned at her saying that this was basically an exit interview. This was no fun for him now was it? He propped his arm on the side of the couch, and rested his head on his hand. "You know, you can relax a little bit around me. The worst thing I can do is just throw you out. Quite literally. And I wouldn't unless you make me mad, sweetheart." Kaelan knew that him calling her that might irritate her, but that was just how he was. "But that's just it, isn't it? I love the thought of having power, but being what I was won't get me anywhere. I could guard the first Tsar of Russia and still feel the same as I do now. It got boring. I have all these talents and they are just going to waste." Kaelan didn't think that she would get where he was coming from. "My older brother found something here, so maybe I will too."
Onyx heard his offer for her to relax and simply ignored it. She knew the kind of person Kaelan was, he had a reputation after all. And it was best not to rile him up if she didn't want to deal with the aftermath of it. Instead she flicked back some of her dark hair and stared at him with a bored expression. "I understand that. I mean, most of what my job consists of is using my looks, now I didn't go to school to learn that now did I?" She asked, leaning against the wall opposite him. "What will you do now to support you... luxurious lifestyle?" She said, moving to look around.
Kaelan noticed that not much seemed to faze Nyx, even now. Would he have to work harder? Then again, would it be worth it? Kaelan nodded along with her words, which was rather unfortunate. Though, perhaps he could do that. Use his looks as a job. A model. Well, his size might pose a problem, and it didn't seem to fill that void he had. "I can't argue that, honestly." Kaelan rubbed his chin as she brought up another point. He looked around and noticed that if he didn't get a job, he wouldn't be able to afford all of his extracurricular activities. "I have enough put back for six months. I'm sure I'll find something." Kaelan clasped his hands together, put his elbows on his knees as he leaned forward, "What's it to you about my future? I won't return, and it isn't like you will remain here."
Onyx watched as a realization seemed to hit him, looking around his house. He was quite high maintenance it seemed - though so was she. It was part of the reason she took a sort of liaison position, it paid well when she was talking to diplomats for money. He leaned forward and she stayed in place by him, not phased or intimidated by his size. She wasn't worried for her safety. "Like I said, an exit interview. My bosses wanted to know why the next bet for my new body guard up and left. Almost as if they thought it was because you didn't want to work with me." She said, flicking some of her black locks back. "Besides, where else are you going to get your violence from?"
Kaelan almost wished it had been something more than just this exit interview. She asked questions that almost made it seem like she cared about him, but maybe he was misreading. His eyebrows furrowed as she continued to talk. They were thinking about having him as her next body guard? If anything, she would need to be protected from him. She was a hot lady and he had weaknesses. "I would be far too distracted to ever be a good bodyguard to you." Kaelan leaned back against the couch as he tossed his arm around the back. He got comfortable real quick. "That's where the gym and video games come in. Should keep most of it under control anyway." Kaelan's eyes went to the tall door that held his personal 'mancave' which had many, many retro video games that he had to fix so that he could actually use the controllers. "But really, all this for an exit interview? You really could have just sent an owl. I'm sure you wouldn't want to give me false hopes that you might actually like me."
Onyx thought it was shameless for him to admit his downfall like that. Easily distracted on the job and protecting her didn't mix, and the brunette knew it. However all her huffiness over his lack of attention ended when he mentioned videogames. She didn't hear anything else he had to say before she chimed in. "Videogames? What do you play?" She asked curiously. She herself enjoyed a fair amount of gaming. She played things like retro games, to new age first person shooters - whatever she could get her hands on in her down time.
What? That was what she focused on? Everything he said, including him accusing her of possibly liking him, and she focused on video games. Kaelan rested his hand on his forehead and let out an audible groan. Really? But looking at her, Kaelan would have never guessed that she would have played some video games. If any. "Well, retro mainly. Old school Nintendo, some Playstation, even some on a computer. I just had to build and wire things for my size, which is a pain." Kaelan might love playing video games, but truth be told, he sucked at it. He stood up and motioned for her to follow him. He walked over to the door, and opened it since he doubted that she could reach and turn the knob. The door swung open to reveal a haven for anyone that loved games. Except the furniture was twice the size as normal furniture.
Onyx heard the groan but she frankly couldn't have given a care less about why it happened. After all, her mind was more intrigued by his gaming habit than anything else. She followed him and her eyes were wide. A smile, a genuine smile, graced her lips as she looked over the gaming stations. She turned to face him. "How about this, beat me in Mario Kart and I will entertain a date with you." She said, knowing darn well that even though she didn't look like it she could kick some serious butt on Mario Kart. "If you lose, you have to dust my ceilings." She said with a laugh, unsure if he would take the bet. He had been flirting though, hadn't he? Didn't most people?
Kaelan kept an eye on her as she walked into the gaming room. What really caught his attention was that smile. It was genuine. She really liked what she saw. Shame it was not him that she was using that smile at though. He looked down at her and then she proposed a wager. As a gambling man, it was hard for him to back down from a challenge. "No wands, as my systems will bug out." Kaelan took out his wand from his pants, and put it in the wand holder that was stationed outside of the room, next to the door. "I do hope that you have a real nice cocktail dress for our date." He smirked as he walked across the room to turn on the TV and grab a couple of controllers. He sat down on the couch and leaned back, rather confident that he would win this challenge. If he lost, then he would be in real trouble, but he doubted that he would. So, he chose Bone Bowser on Mario Kart. "Ladies pick the tournament."
Onyx was putting a lot of trust in a man like Kaelan, especially with the stories she'd heard, to put her wand out of the room. She did so though and took a seat, holding her hands out for a controller. Onyx didn't really need anyone to dust her ceilings but it would pay him back for any disrespectful looks he'd given her. She was so confident she'd win that she wasn't even concerned that he would win the date with her. She spent a majority of her free time playing various games. It was the only thing she really did for herself that wasn't related to her job.
Kaelan made sure to hand her the controller that she would need, and gripped his own. Of course, he just assumed that she would not be any good because of her job and what she was. He was severely underestimating her - on top of overestimating his own skills. It was rare that he even won playing solo, but he loved playing regardless. "Do you need a tutorial first, sweetheart?" Kaelan asked, almost in a condescending tone - though he meant it to be more of a taunt and a tease. "I am really good at hitting people with the green shells. And those don't even have a homing effect on them." He had no problem bragging either, apparently.
Onyx grimaced. “Call me sweetheart again and it won’t just be the game I’ll beat you in.” She threatened, before picking her character as well as her vehicle. She picked something light and easy to maneuver. It wasn’t the fastest but with the maps she was going to select it was going to be about control not speed. She picked the map that had rainbow road as the last level, wanting to show off just how good she was. She’d been playing since she was 14 at least. She readied herself to kick his rear and win her bet.
Kaelan chuckled under his breath at her threat. Now, that was highly attractive, which said a lot for the type of person he was. "Oh, you can't hurt someone like me, Nyx. So, don't threaten me with a good time." Kaelan's flirting knew no bounds, although he often called everyone sweetheart at least once. Not that he would let her know that. He let her pick a map and his smirk faded at the one that she chose. It didn't help the fact that he chose Bone Bowser. This one had Rainbow Road, the one that he was doomed to go over the edge on. His confidence was quickly fading. Boy, it did not take long before he was actually losing. And it proved true. The cup was close until Rainbow Road came along and nuked his rankings. He dropped the controller to the floor and leaned back from the absolute loss. "Just how in the f**k did you manage that?" Kaelan was taking a moment to process, as if he had the buffering circle happening in front of his forehead.
Onyx stayed humble but confident as they played. it seemed that Kaelan had a lot of skill when it came to the game, but she knew what she was doing. She was biding her time until finally it came to rainbow road. His character choice wasn't as good at tight turns and she knew it. So it didn't take the woman long to bump into first and win the cup. She was thoroughly pleased with herself, smiling as she glanced back at him, a hint of genuine excitement on her features for having won. "Seems like you'll be dusting my ceilings." She said with a confident air about her. She flicked back her brown locks and then used her wand to conjure some paper and a pen from her bag. "Here is the address." She said writing it down for him and then standing. "7:45am at the latest please." She requested, getting ready to leave, happy to have won, if anything this would help her report back to her job.
Kaelan still was in shock over the loss. And even more when she said that he would be dusting her ceilings. "I wouldn't remain that confident if I were you, sweetheart. Revenge is best served when you least expect it." Kaelan reached over to take her home address. He looked over it and would likely need a map to figure out where in the world it was. He noted the time, and opened his mouth to counter, but a bet was a bet. He narrowed his green eyes, and walked her to the front door so that he could shut and lock it behind her. He groaned and looked at the address, "This is going to be a royal pain the a**." Kaelan needed to get some practice in, so practice he did.

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