Unexpected Invitation

Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
Over a year was enough, so Kalif thought that it was time to finally move on. It was during the Christmas holidays, where many of his children were off doing their own thing. The Styx family never celebrated the holiday, so Kalif did not care if anyone didn’t drop by. He had the entire manor to himself, under the guise of it looking more like an abandoned haunted mansion for muggles. It was a way to keep his place secret from others, and though it was large enough to house half of his entire family, it was completely empty tonight. Kalif did not really have plans, but he told Volos to prepare a meal, for two. Kalif wrote to someone about coming to his home with the location, while lifting the charms that way she could apparate into his manor safely. Kalif debated on inviting his father, but this would have made it rather awkward, especially since he had no idea what could come from having an invite during the holidays. Kalif leaned against the doorway between the dining room and the kitchen, watching as Volos cooked away. At first, he thought that Volos was cracking something, but that were his limbs. The elf was so old, even older than Kalif. Hard to believe that they lived so long. Kalif sighed as he looked to the time table to see what time it was. Would it have been less awkward if he invited other former professors and current ones? Not that Kalif got along with many at all...
The first anniversary of her daughter's death was upon her, and Jacqueline was desperate for a distraction to avoid her complicated emotions. So, when the former professor received an invitation from Kalif Styx, she was delighted and intrigued. Jacqueline had never been invited to Kalif's home in all the many years she had known the man, though that might be explained by the fact that it was only recently that they had struck up something of a friendship. The letter had been nonspecific about what exactly the gathering was, and she wondered if it was a Christmas party of sorts.She dressed in a form fitting black dress that would suit most occasions. Jacqueline was well aware of the fact that Kalif had a rather large family, albeit most of his children were grown as were hers. So, Jac apparated to the Styx manor, following the instructions in the letter, ended up inside the entrance way. "Hello? Kalif?" she called out, not seeing anyone in the immediate vicinity.
Kalif heard the familiar sound of apparation. The manor was so empty, everything echoed from the slightest of sounds. Knowing that she wouldn't have a chance to find where he was at, Kalif leaned off of the doorway and walked toward the entrance. Kalif stopped as soon as he saw the familiar figure. She was dressed very formally, though it wasn't like Kalif had told her much about what this was about. Honestly, he thought that she might want a distraction of losing her daughter. He knew all too well how that was, and in similar circumstances. Losing both to childbirth, twins no less. "Greetings, Jacqueline. You may want to follow me unless you want to get lost." He turned and started to walk toward the dining room. The only sounds that could be heard were two pairs of footsteps and Volos setting the table for a small, private dinner. "My family is currently out, dealing with other events at the moment. So, this will be only for us."
Jacqueline only had to wait moments before Kalif appeared in the entrance way. "Good evening, Kalif." she said, following him as he started to walk. Her heels clicked loudly on the flooring as she walked through the still house. It appeared that all of Kalif's family was out for the evening, and he had invited her over knowing it would be only to the two of them. She wondered what to make of the invitation tonight. "Really, Kalif, you might give a woman the wrong idea by inviting her to your home for dinner alone." Jacqueline said with a smirk on her face. The table was set for two, and Jacqueline slid into her seat with grace. "This is really quite lovely." she said with a smile.
Kalif remained standing until Jacqueline seated herself, before sitting down himself. When she spoke about giving the wrong impression, Kalif shrugged, "What impression might that be?" He had a thought of why that was, and was tempted to use his ability on her to see what she was thinking, but chose not to. That was private and would prefer if she spoke aloud. "My family's elf made it, and he has been making dinners for years." He looked to the kitchen to see the old elf cleaning, while mumbling something about how the Burke family. Nothing bad, but more or less approval of such combination. Kalif held his fork and started to eat a little bit at a time, before sipping his unsweetened tea. Even the candles on the table and around the dining room were lit, setting the atmosphere. He meant for it to be relaxing and a state of peace.
Jacqueline raised her eyebrows at Kalif's question. She did not believe him to be a dense man, but either he was or he was toying with her. "The impression that you meant this to be a date." she explained, shrugging her shoulders. She assumed that it was coincidental that they were alone since he had not given her any indication that he was interested. Jacqueline nodded her head at Kalif's response about the house elf. Her family also had one that had been with them since she was a teenager, but it stayed in the Burke family home in London and not her house in New Zealand. She picked up her fork and began to eat. The food was quite delicious. "How have your holidays been, Kalif?" Jacqueline asked with interest.
Kalif smirked slightly as she guessed correctly on what the impression was. Toying with her was amusing. "Indeed, it is meant to be one. I am more than rusty on these events. I've not experienced this in many decades," explained the Slytherin Head of House. It was a rough month preparing for this meal. Volos came in and blessed the two with dessert, which was a treacle tart. Kalif much preferred the traditional Bulgarian food, but this was good as well. "My holidays have been quiet. I almost dread the upcoming school year. The manor is better when it is quiet like this. I can get more done. And yours?" Listening to her was almost like a breath of fresh air. Then again, the past few months, he had to listen to nothing but brats talk.

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