Umm Yes, well hello there

Edward Neill

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
14" Maple Wood Wand Essence of Pheonix Dust
Hello everyone. Name's Tim :)

Call me Tim x24 or Timmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Nickname from school haha. Anyways harry potter is my dirty secret :p
Any questions?
Hey there Tim! :) Welcome to HNZ! I'm Nick, one of the admin here... and while HP isn't that dirty, it's definitely been a little bit of a secret of mine, too.
It was easily a year before I told any of my friends that I admin this place... Ya, something makes me want to be a closet geek. ;)

At any rate! You're NEW! Soooo make sure to check out our Site Documentation. I think it's pretty helpful.
If you're left with more questions, feel free to send me a PM and I'll try to help you out, too. ^_^

As to questions... hmmm... where abouts in the world are you from?
I'm from Canada. :)
Well Nick, a great admin you make! And by saying dirty it was a horribly misuse of words. I think I know were your comming from. I havn't told any of my friends yet, but I should. As for being a closet geek, i'm on the verge! :p
I'll pm away if I have questions! And I'm already ontop of reading the Docs.

As for where I'm from, Wyoming! Home of the Cowboys. Also known as the Equality State!(First state to have womens' rights in the USA)
What part of Canada are you from Nick?
Good to hear that you're already sifting through the docs.
They can be overwhelming sometimes... but a lot of it is pretty intuitive and has just been codified for the sake of codifying it so nobody could be all "Well I never knew that! :o " xD

At any rate - I'm from Ontario. ^_^ (giving you the province in Canada is muchhhhh less revealing than giving the state in the US. xD Ontario alone being 10% of the size of the whole USA. ... Random rant over. Back on topic.)

Is this your first time on a roleplaying board, or have you had other experiences? :)
I've had around 4 years of experience with both Roleplaying and Foruming. So alot of this is just like many other sites, just WAY more orginized. 10/5 on the site Nick! ;)
Ontario is BIG!
And I'm basically just scimming over it all :p(docs)
Heya Timmeh! :hug:

I'm from England in the UK, and I am a bit Crazy =))
I hope you have loads of fun here xx


Heyy Timmeh!

I'm From Scotland.
Welcome to HNZ, it's awesome here.
No questions, just wanted to Welcome you.

Welcome Timmeh.

I'm Eden I hope you enjoy your time here. Just don't give Nick any candy and we shall be all good.... :p
Thanks Claire :) I'll be sure to give you anti crazy pills :p

Eden I voe to not give Nick any candy xD

Emzies Scotland? I've always wanted to go there. LIKE ALWAYS
Eden Koshiba said:
Just don't give Nick any candy and we shall be all good.... :p
Damn you all. :glare:
I was hoping I'd be able to trick this one. :doh:
Hallo Timoothy!
... yes I did call you Timoothy and it is now your nickname.
I'm Kelsey Ruth!
I'm from Australia, and this is one out of about 38 charries of mine, so just look for the OOC name or the surname "Yearling" or "Blackmoore". Sometimes "Blackmoore-Yearling". Well, you get it.
I hope you have rip-roaring time ;)
Hi Timmeh! Welcome to HNZ!

I'm Julie and this is one of my many characters around here. Hope you have lots of fun! :D
Welcome, Timmeh!

I am one of the Global Moderators, and been here for roughly two years and a third, maybe longer. If you have any questions, and if Nick isn't online to answer them yet I am, shoot me a PM. :)
The majority of the time, I am hoping from account to account (as Nick so kindly put it, I am a character-factory :tut: ), and in the OOC name you would see "Sir Kaitlyn". I'm from the USA as well, just a lot further to the south. ;)

Hope you enjoy your time here and look forward to your RPs!
~ Sir Kaitlyn
Hey Tim! Welcome to HNZ..
I'm Maite but my real name is Heather from Philippines.
Hope we can have rp here..
Kaitlyn I'll be sure to contact you if I have trouble ;)

Thanks Julie!

Heather, I'd love to roleplay :p
a hearty Irish welcome Timx24

hope you're having fun with us so far, look forward to lurking your threads to see what you get up too :r

if you do need more peeps to rp with, shoot me a pm I've enough characters to go around I'm sure I can find one that would be suitable.
I was going to link you to the plot/development area if you were in need of peeps to rp with but you're already there xD

welcome again

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