Two Truths and A Lie

Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Ooooh new game?!

Most of you will remember the game from last birthday celebration which you can find here and we decided because it's HNZ's 11th birthday that we would do an IC version of the game. The game will follow the set up as the last one. For those who need a reminder, the game works like so:

1. Post 3 statements in no particular order.
2. Others try to decide which statement is a lie.
3. Once someone correctly identifies the lie, the original poster should post again. The person who correctly identified the lie first should then post the next set of 2 truths and a lie

This is IC, so the character with which you post and manage to correctly identify the lie is the character that you should then use to post the next set of 2 truths and a lie.

So, I'll start us off,

1. Stefan was named after his mother's sister
2. Stefan likes drinking wine
3. Stefan has a half sister

I think 2 is the lie.
Teigs with Sloane and Pat were right, Stefan is teetotal!
Since Teigs posted first, it's Teigs' turn!
Sloane wants kids
Sloane lost a baby when she was younger
Sloane has a twin brother
I think it's 1?
I think it's number 1! Kids are the worst!
I'll go for 3 just for the fun of it :r
And you'd be the only one who chose right, Donna xD

Riley has a fear of clowns.
Riley's heritage is from England.
Riley had originally planned to be an Auror.
3 is the lie?
I'm just gonna have to say 2 then.
One was the lie :p
Jesse you posted first!
I completely forgot that getting it right meant it was my turn. Oh lord xD

1. Esmè's patronus is a swan
2. Esmè has more than three friends
3. Esmè gets her seer abilities from her mother's side
Number 2 is the lie, Esme has only three friends; Avie, Lucien and Vulcan.
Surprisingly, Esmè does have one more friend. xD
Three was the lie - she instead gets her abilities from her fathers side of the family. Claire was correct :)
Is her fourth friend James?

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