Two for two!

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Peyton Wright

musician | do what you love
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Straight 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2030 (25)

So this here is Peyton, she is my first year Muggle Born Ravenclaw. Being from a non-magical family she has very little knowledge of the magical world and everything that comes with it, which makes going to Hogwarts a lot to take in. However she is more than exited to learn about magic and the lifestyle of witches and wizards. Peyton is a very happy and energetic person who loves to goof around and surround herself with both interesting people and people she'll know she can have a lot of fun with. Making friends has always been rather easy for her, but that was mainly because she is very easily influenced by people and is only now starting to learn that she shouldn't change so quickly to fit in with people. Peyton is very serious when it comes to her education, she has never been the smartest kid around yet she has big ambitions, which is why she wouldn't easily forsake her homework or decide not to study. She is a very cheerful person who is a strong believer in doing what you love. Other than that she is also very caring and will get protective is she notices someone will try to hurt any of people she cares about.

For Peyton I mostly need friends, people to goof around with, people who could teach her about the wizarding world but perhaps also a friend who is a Muggle Born like here and with whom she share the feeling of having to learn a lot about magic. Enemies aren't something she is in desperate need of, but I'm always up for fun ideas. Ofcourse she's too young for a love interest right now, but future ideas are always welcome.</FONT>
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Freya here is my soon to be second year Hufflepuff, a very kind and general soul. Being homeschooled ever since she was little has caused her to be quite intelligent, however most of her knowledge comes from books and she doesn't have a lot of experience with other things. She's a quiet person, which is often misunderstood for being shy when in fact she's just observant of her surroundings and everyone in it. Freya is also a very loyal person, always sticking with the people she cares about which might lead to her standing up for herself and others a bit more after a while. Once you get passed her quiet side she'll turn out to be someone you can have a lot of fun with, even though she needs to be pushed into doing things she wouldn't think of doing herself from time to time. During her time at Hogwarts she will find out that she is in fact someone who can easily adapt herself to new situations and she will become more talkative than she used to be. After her first year Freya has come to the realization that being away from her family wasn't as bad as she had thought it would be, she learned that she can very easily adapt to new surroundings and she has come to get to know herself and be more open than she used to be.

Freya has made some friends in her first year, but not as many as she'd like (Which is my fault because everytime I think I have time I got busy again), so for her some friends would be a good thing! For Freya there are lots of different scenario's possible so I am eager to hear if you guys have any ideas!
I think Daisy Parker could be a good friend to Freya; the type of friend that is very encouraging and favorite phrase is "Yes, lets!" She is very adventurous and energetic. Daisy pretty much thinks everyone she meets is a friend! Let me know what you think :)
Sounds fun! I think her energy and encouraging nature would be off good help to Freya into developing herself when it comes to taking action and be a bit more brave when it comes to having fun!
Hey Marijke!

So I think Freya and Bryony should RP again, I can see the two of them being good friends.

For Peyton I have Aaron Walden. I think he would respond well to her positive energy despite being quite lowkey himself. They could have some fun adventures together and Aaron loves getting into mischief. He is not that academic but he's not that bothered about getting really good marks so he might be a negative influence on her schooling :r He can be quite distant and cold when you first get to know him but underneath he is a big softie and would do anything for his friends.
I'd love to get Bryony and Freya to rp again, they seem to fit each other pretty well!

As for Aaron and Peyton I think that woul be very interesting! Peyton might be a bit less energetic around him if she notices how he's a bit lowkey, but I'm sure that they would have fun after getting to know each other a bit!

I think Peyton and Tallulah could be really good friends! As two Muggle borns they could probably relate about how different life at Hogwarts is. Tallulah is really outgoing and can't live without being surrounded by friends. She doesn't have much ambition for herself but she's always ready to cheer someone else on towards their goals. I think she'd be reluctant to befriend many people outside of her own house but Peyton could be the exception? ^_^
Yesss I'm totally up or that! It'll be good for Peyton to have somebody who is new to the whole concept of magic in itself as well and to be able to talk about how much different things are, so I can see them getting along!

Asaiah and Freya should totally have another RP!
Didn't we already decide on that :tut:
Hey Marijke! Nice to see you again. I think my first year Elizabeth Wespurt is a good match with Peyton. Elizabeth is a half blood witch so she could learn her more about the magical world and she is also very energetic and good in making friends. I can see them being friends.

Let me know what you think about it!
Hee Jamie! Sounds like a lot of fun to put those two together and start rp'ing again! I think they will connect really well
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