Closed Twisting Turns and Secret Passageways

Aegerine Night

Goth | Hostile | Pretentious | Historian | English
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
The summer holidays had been horrendous as always, disgustingly sunny and full of annoying cousins, some of whom were even foolish enough to want her attention. She wouldn't deign to give it to them; instead, she had retreated as much as possible into the new books she'd acquired, however much it disappointed her mother. There were very few people Aegerine considered worthy of her time; one of them, however, she was meeting today. Aegerine lingered around the entrance to the Slytherin common room, waiting for Sydney to emerge. They had concocted a plan to explore the dungeons together - an activity that frankly, Aegerine was astonished they hadn't carried out together before.
There weren't many people at the school that Sydney would actually say she respected. There were a few that came close, Professor Styx and Sophie Wilson maybe, but Aegerine was by far one of the only students Sydney might consider as her equal. It was rare that Sydney could find someone else she actually liked talking to, and she was happy to actually have someone she was looking forward to spending time with. Stepping out of the common room, she greeted Aegerine with a nod before gesturing to the passage beyond leading deeper into the dungeons. "Shall we then? If you die a tragic death before your time down here I'll be sure to write you a stirring eulogy in the school paper." There was a lot of talk about the dungeons being dangerous, but Sydney didn't buy into it. She and Aegerine could go explore in the name of drama and gothic heroines everywhere and be back safely in time for dinner no problem.

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