Twins in need of people!

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Sam Carter

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rite then,

I have two characters with very few friends and pretty much nothing to do. My twins (both James and Sam Carter), both second years, and are in need of some serious socialising.

James Carter

At the moment James is in the process of getting a girlfriend, but that is about all he does have, He is shy and quiet around people to start with, but is incredibly caring and is a great friend once he gets to know someone. He tends to feel more comfortable around people his own age and younger, makes a great punching bag / prank target if anyone needs someone to torture?

Samantha-Maria Carter

Ok Sam has pretty much no one, just the odd almost friend here and there, she can be nice if she likes someone, but she also loves to fight. she will always stick up for her friends, and is pretty much up for anything no matter what trouble it could get her in, if it would annoy her mum that is a plus :D

Any offers???

.x.X. Charlotte .X.x.
Howabout Briony is friends with both siblings. :D Obviously, since James is a Ravenclaw they would see each other alot and in turn perhaps they could hang out with Sam as well.
Ella could be a friend of Sam's. She is against bullies and stands up for her friends a lot, and usually doesn't hurt people but if the bully won't leave her or her friends alone... they'll get a punch in the face. She likes to be her funny self, play the electric guitar, and stand out, just so other people won't feel bad.
Briony Harper: sounds great but there is one little problem with that, probably my own fault I didn't mention that the twins are currently not speaking and when they are in the same area James becomes a human punching bag :p, but other than that i think that she would be a good friend for both characters, can you let me know a little more about her? she might be the friend that gets them talking again.

get back to me when you can,

Ella Palmer sounds like a perfect match for Sam, she also has a passion for loud music and also plays the guitar (but shhhhh its a secret :p), can you start an RP when you get a spare moment :D

thanks :)

charlotte x

((can still deal with more people.. :p))
I can offer you Cedric Barnett, he's a new first year slytherin, although he's nice and is also in need of friends. He's libby little brother so knows quite a bit about the school, but yeah, he'd love a friend or two :)

I can also offer up Lykke as an enemy. She is horrible xD She hates anyone who isn't a slytherin (and sometimes that isnt enough to stop her bullying them) and well yeah, if you like :p She's not afraid theyre a year older :p
Cedric would probably suit James best, but Sam is open to all people, as long as they are nice to her of course.

I can almost hear Sam yelling bring her on :p, but be warned she gives as good as she gets, also if Lykke needs a punching bag, James seems to be perfect.

When you have chance could you start an RP of your choice for either combination of characters and PM the link?

thanks much :), charlotte x
I think Sam should start with Teddy :p
It's all set up where I said it would be. I can't remember what it's called though. Something to do with Shorty.

(Hi btw )
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