Closed Turning Point

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Delilah Thorne

ollivander's asst. | middlest | '58 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 13 Inch Unyielding Hazel Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
01/2040 (23)
Delilah wasn't sure why she had come to the Valentine's dance. After what happened on the train ride home, dances and anything related to romance felt like it should be off limits. But the world had never stopped for her before, why would she think it would start now. She arrived a little late and felt like she was sneaking into a party she didn't belong at. She kept to the edge of the crowd until she found the drinks and poured herself a cup of punch. She felt immediately more calm now that she had something to do with her hands as she continued to slowly walk around the hall. Delilah frowned at herself and knew she should try and find her friends and if she was just going to hover like a loner she probably should have just stayed in her room. Maybe one day she'd actually do it, and wouldn't bee too scared to look like an loser and come running down to the hall anyways. But she was here now and she hadn't found Brooke or Ivy yet and there was a part of her that was grateful for that.
Sawyer wasn't hiding, per se, he was just... Taking the scenic route to the snack table tonight. Admittedly, he knew he probably should have spent the night up in the common room rather than face some of his classmates tonight after how things had gone with Ivy, but a stubborn part of Sawyer felt like that would just be admitting defeat somehow. And hiding behind the chocolate fondue fountain instead definitely wasn't. Sawyer sighed, scrubbing a hand down his face as he glanced around the hall for the nth time.

He didn't know if he was relieved or nervous when he spotted Delilah nearby. He'd pretty much been avoiding everyone in his year, Delilah included, but as far as his limited options of friends went right now, he figured she was the only one who was probably safe to hang out with who he wasn't related to. Sawyer's reputation was probably already far enough in the gutter, he didn't need to make things worse by spending the whole dance hanging out with his 11 year old brother. "Delilah... Hey. You here with anyone? I mean..You look nice," he said, skirting his way over to her and trying not too obviously check the nearby flower arrangement for Ivy or Brooke.
Delilah was enjoying her time just watching her classmates dance and was considering making a trip to the snack table when she noticed someone approaching her. She stiffened when she saw it was Sawyer. She was surprised he would bother to talk to her after everything. She had been rather cold to him since, and while it was deserved she didn't like being mad people. She softened slightly and gave him a small smile. "Thanks." she said briskly and tucked her hair behind her ears. "No I'm not here with anyone." she said with a little laugh considering she thought it was obvious. "What about you?" she asked knowingly. She had no idea who else he might taken but she had an idea about who he wasn't with. But Delilah was still confused about why he was talking to her, maybe he just thought he could win her over with compliment? Was she really that much of a push over? She took a small sip of her drink and was grateful for something to keep her hands busy.
Sawyer tried not to look too relieved when Delilah confirmed she hadn't come with anyone. He was still half expecting her friends to jump out from under the snack table, but at least he knew from past experience it wasn't a very good hiding spot. And even if Delilah was pissed at him, she probably wouldn't set him up like that anyway. "Uh yeah, nah. Kinda think I should take a break from going to dances with people. For a little bit. Y'know," he said sheepishly, not wanting to bring up the Ivy thing but distinctly aware he probably should at least acknowledge it. "You mind if I hang with you then?" Sawyer asked after a moment, shifting a little on his feet. He'd missed hanging out with Delilah and if there was a chance they could be cool again, Sawyer wanted to take it.
Delilah sighed. "That' probably for the best." she said solemnly. She still thought he was brave for coming to the dance at all. But it was clear she had no idea what he thought, ever. She hesitated when he asked if he could hang out with her. She knew she should probably say no but figured he would probably flea once Brooke or Ivy showed up so she decided to take pity on him for now. "Sure." she said simply and left it at that. There was a bit of an awkward silence and she wasn't sure what to say to him. She had once considered him a friend and last year she would have been thrilled to spend the dance with him. Now it all felt so messy, even if there was a desperate part of her that wanted him to like her back even if she felt like her own feelings were starting to fade. "Happy Valentine's Day." she offered eventually to keep them both from drowning in the silence.
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