Trying to think; but it's not working.

[color=#566de]"but if your too sweet your not Dark enough, and you have to get past the Queen B to get in, and then one of the four members have to leave" he said "But why would you want to be in such a gang like that anyway" he said as let go of one of her legs and brushed his hair back before grabbing onto it again "Well i would never do something like that" he said sweetly[/color]
Axelle smiled. "Yeah i know." she sighed. "But Nena's so much prettier than me." she said sheepishly. She had always thought that her cousin was pretty. Especially since Nena was a red head.
Ashton laughed "i highly doubt that" he said Ashton smiled and spun around in circles "i'm not stopping untill you agree with me" he said as he laughed again getting faster and faster.
"Okay, okay!" She said grinning and feeling very dizzy. "She's not prettier then me!" Axelle agreed, but did not agree in her heart. She would always think Nena was prettier.
"good, glad you had a sudden change of mind for no reason at all" he said while he stopped spinning "i still must meet her one day to proove to you who is more preetier" he said.
She rolled her eyes and laughed. "Sure there was absolutely, no reason at all for my change of mind!" Seh then listened while he explained still wanting to meet her. "WEll, maybe i will, if i can cast a hex to make her ugglier first."
Ashton laughed "don't make me spin you again" he teased as he spun in one circle before stopping "i still don't agree with you, if she's so beautiful, then how come she doesn't have me" he joked "i'm like th ultimate arm candy"
She laughed a bit, smiling to herself. She still wasn't going to agree, but she nodded, her chin rubbing against his curls. "Okay, ultimate arm candy, now you are over exaggerating. " She kidded. In all honesty, she agreed with him.

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