Open Trying to Make a Dress

Friday Weeks

sweet(ish) | naive | two-faced
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 1/2" Flexible Hazel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
02/48 (13)
Friday was trying her best. She had materials and papers strewn all around her and she was trying, but really failing to design and make a dress. Her drawing was all right, but she really was struggling to translate that into something real. She wanted to make a dress for the valentine's celebration, but none of the material was working how she wanted, she'd accidentally sewn something in the wrong way, had driven a sewn a needle in. It was all terrible and she was more or less about to throw the towel in completely.
Lucy liked the arts room. It was somewhere where she could relax, not worry about schoolwork, and just thrive in the creative energy. She also liked peering in to watch people at work - see what amazing things they were creating, or what they were practicing. She entered the room today with that intention and was pleased when she saw someone in the middle of something. Lucy approached, recognising the girl from her year. "Oh wow, you're making a dress?" Lucy exclaimed with excitement, peering at the drawings and the materials all laid out. "That's so cool! How's it going? Do you need any help?" Lucy wasn't an expert at sewing but she at least knew the basics. She didn't register at all that the whole ordeal wasn't going well for Friday.
Friday knew that doing things so out in the open was an invitation for others to be able to see what she was doing and to be the ones to coment on it. Comment when she was not in a position to show it off. But a girl approached, one of the smart girls from ravenclaw. She seemed fine to Friday but she was still reluctant to give her too much attention. "I don't need help," she said despite the disaster around her. "What are you doing?"

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