Open Trying Extra Hard

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Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
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Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader didn’t have time for this. He had been at the yuleball since the first couple had arrived, but he knew Isabelle would be here soon. He had made sure to give a time for them to meet as a little later than when he would first get to the ball, if only to give himself a little time to get some pictures before he had boyfriend duty. He was tired, his body was sore, and the night was still so young. Between the exams and this event, Vader had barely slept all week, running entirely now on caffeine and adrenaline. He’d had too many coffees before this event, he definitely seemed to be lightly shaking. His hands grasped the camera tightly, he had the stand with him, using it more often than not. He hoped that his pictures would even be useable. He had however, put on a suit, it was a little ill-fitting and he felt out of place in it, but he was trying. He didn’t think he would last much longer with Isabelle, but he was trying to make it work, trying to stir his emotions into function like so many of these other couples were managing. Eventually Vader realised Isabelle would likely be at the door, so he let the camera hang from its strap around his neck with the stand strapped to his back and made his way towards the entrance. His hands moved jittery, he yawned slightly and rubbed his eyes with the sleeves of the suit harshly. Vader spotted isabelle quickly as she approached, ”Hey Isabelle,” he called out, waving her over.
Isabelle had been thinking of what to wear. She was not the most confident ever and saw so many beautiful dresses but she was fine with her short blue one. Blue was actually her favorite colour so for that she was put in the right house. It was the first yuleball where she had a date and she kind of felt happy and nervous at the same time. But she knew Vader would be busy with working for accio as well so she hoped she could have a dance or something just that she could see him. Isabelle waited at the entrance where she had a good view and she would wait for Vader to come to her. At least that was what she hoped and kind of asked him. She than saw Vader coming and she still looked tired and she felt for him. But than he waved and Isabelle smiled and felt happy again. '' Hey!'' She than said and walked over to him. The brunette than looked at him for a moment. '' Are you busy? Or do you have some time for me?'' She than asked with a sweet smile. She could understand if he was busy but they went together. Should they be on the photo together as well than?
Vader smiled at Isabelle as she approached him. He felt his cheeks blush lightly at the sight of her, she was objectively very pretty, he didn’t know why seeing like that, all dressed up and pretty didn’t cause any part of him to like her as more than just a friend, especially since he was her boyfriend. He nervously leaned in and placed a quick kiss on her cheek, hesitating for a moment on whether to kiss her on the lips. ”You look nice,” he told her before she asked her question, he shook his head, but he meant that for the first question, ”I have time, I’ve been here for a while so I would have time,” Vader told her in one quick breath. He smiled at her again, he felt so tired but he had to do this, he could do this, for Isabelle, for a night of fun like everyone else was having. He took a little step back. ”Let me just get a quick picture of you though then we can go and ehh dance?” he raised the camera to take a picture of her, it would be pretty bad if he didn’t take a picture of his girlfriend at the yuleball with his camera. He couldn’t help the little yawn that escaped as he held the camera up to take a picture of it, he’d tried his best to stifle it and that had not worked, clearly. ”Give a little twirl,” he told her as he readied to take the picture of her.
Isabelle saw Vader looking at her and she hoped he liked her dress. She just wanted things to be good and nice. This would be her first dance with an actual date and that was something to never forget she figured. And Vader was perfect to her at least. She blushed as he planted a kiss on the cheek. Isabelle was still a bit shy in that part but after he did she grabbed his hand for a moment. It was just really sweet what he did. '' Thank you. '' She than said sweet and let go of his hand again slowly. She was glad that he had some time, since that was normal when you went together she figured. And Isabelle didn't knew anyone else working so hard at an event like this. She smiled at him and was glad with his answer. Vader wanted to take a photo and just as she thought they could be together he wanted to take one of her. For her parents it would be nice to show for sure. '' I would love to get a dance with you. And sure my parents will love seeing a picture of me.'' She than answered. Isabelle felt a bit shy for the camera and she figured Vader would be too since he was always behind one. Isabelle saw that he was tired but before she would say something she smiled in front of the camera and turned around with her dress a bit. '' Like that?'' She than asked shy. And went standing still again. '' We can make one together as well? I would really like that. If you dare to take your camera to someone else or something?'' Isabelle than asked to Vader.and smiled.
Vader was pleased she took the compliment, he knew it was obvious for most people to do that but not all of them, and it made him feel like he’d done at least something right. Vader took the picture of her, smiling easily as she twirled with ease. It would make a good picture that, ”I’ll get you a copy of it,” he promised her, lowering the camera, and still smiling easily, taking pictures was something he just loved doing. It always made things easier, it didn't matter what else was happening or how tired he was, it always helped. He was a little surprised when she asked for them to get one together. He felt like he should say no, but it made sense, for them to have a picture together. They were together, at an event together, it made sense. ”Are you sure? I’ll ruin it with my tired face?" he half joked with her, ”I’d probably just use the timer, and I have the tripod, so we won’t need to ask anyone,” Vader trusted people at hogwarts with the camera, but he didn’t trust them to take the picture, that he could do himself. He held out his hand to her and took her a few steps into the room. He gave a nervous smile as he let go and made quick work of setting up the tripod and the camera. ”Okay, if you take a few steps back, then we can take it,” Vader told her, he was quick to set it up and then walked over. He didn’t tend to be in the pictures, he wasn’t that sure of what to do with himself, put he put his arm around her waist tentatively, and took the time, to smile at the camera and then lend down to quickly kiss her cheek. The camera would capture all of that and he hoped, ”I’ll make a copy for each of us of that,”
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