True Love Stories Never Have Endings

Caysi Romance

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Caysi (Main Account)
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Caysi looked at her new shoes in the mirror, seeing if they were a right fit with her outfit. The blonde had just gone shopping yesterday and picked up a new pair of heels. Caysi couldn't pass up a good deal for the life of her. Today, she would just walk around England, looking at the parks and what not. She had been very bored with herself lately since Kiera hadn't been around too much, and her family had been busy with everything and what not. Caysi just needed to get out and see the city for a bit. Caysi opened her phone to text some of her friends to see what has been happening, but everyone seemed to be busy with their own lives. The blonde just walked around until she saw a park that had a really nice waterfall in it.
Dean had been in England visiting friends for the weekend. He seemed to have friends all over the world, not that he minded it meant he could get out every now and then to see them and the country where they lived. He want sure what of make of England though it was Autumn here and edging close to winter, it was a little too cold for him. He sighed as he followed the path he was on in to a park. He was surrounded by muggles and he could see them tare now and then. They wouldn't know what he was they would just think he was insanely god looking. He carried on walking, ignoring everyone who was looking and just followed the stream around. He sighed lightly as he came across a water fall. He leaned in the metal fencing around it and listened to the sounds. It was calming.
The blonde took a picture with her phone of the waterfall; it was just amazing and totally relaxing. Caysi looked at the guy that was near her, he was pretty good looking. " Can't get enough of it either?" She asked smiling at the guy.
Dean looked to his side as he heard someone taking to him. A quick look and it was confirmed that he did not know this girl who was talking to him but Dean was a nice guy and never turned down a pretty girl who decided to speak to him. "Well I was but I think this view is a lot better." He said grinning as he looked at her
Caysi looked at the waterfall, deciding on what she would do next. The blonde walked closer to the guy, " I'm Caysi Finnigan." She said smiling. Caysi leaned on the railing near the guy, just looking at him.
Dean Watched as Caysi walked towards him. Sometimes he loved that he was veela, he liked being around pretty girls and now he had one next to him talking to him with ease. "Caysi. Nice name. Im Dean Parker." He said holding out his hands with a smile. "Nice to meet you." He said as he picked up on her accent. "So what brings you to England then. Your accent is pretty strong, hard to miss." He said with a chuckle as he lowered his hand again
Caysi smiled, " It's nice to meet you too." The blonde shook his hand softly. There were so many reasons that she loved England, and why she was there. " Can you guess where I'm from?" She joked, she knew that he knew where she was from. " I was just here relaxing from my lifestyle." Caysi nodded. " What brings you to England then?" Caysi asked. " Sometimes I just need to get away from everything, and there isn't a better place to come." She pointed to the waterfall and scenery.
Dean laughed at what she said. He didn't think he had to answer that question, her accent gave it away enough as it was anyway. He listened to her reason for coming her and nodded. Sounded reasonable enough to him. "Sounds like a good reason. Im here just visiting friends. Just came here for a walk." He said looking at the rushing water below him. There had always been something about water that he found calming, although he wasn't stressed out now he still felt at ease. "Personally I prefer the Bahamas better than England. But thats just me." He said wit a shrug. He liked the heat there and the tourism as well.
Caysi listened to what Dean had to say. " I don't think that I could pass this park up." She giggled. " I, myself also prefer the Bahamas as well." Caysi smiled at Dean. It was interesting, they were somewhat similiar. Caysi felt very different and a bit odd. " Anywhere with heat, put me there and I'll love it." She added. Caysi pushed her hair back out of her face, the wind was a bit strong, seeing as it was spring. " I don't mind spring, but I'm a summer person." Caysi laughed quietly.
Dean chuckled and nodded "Me neither." He said leaning on the railings to take the weight off his feet. He had been standing up all day and it was starting to take its toll on him. He knew that as soon as he got home he would go to bed. He would put a charm on his house and let it clean itself while he slept. "Yeah I know. Im the same. If its hot then im there. I don't get how im so pale though, im always sun bathing on beaches of stupidly hot countries." He laughed as he ran his hand though his dark black and blue hair. "There really isnt much difference between the seasons ere. Well i dont think there is. Its always cold to me in England." He said chuckling again. It was because he was always in hot countries tat he found England cold.
Caysi laughed. " You think that your pale, look at me." The blonde said showing her arms. " I'm whiter than a cloud." She smiled as she put her arm back on the rail to support herself, her heels were being a pain in the rear. " I think that I'm probably going to buy a house in an extremely hot country, don't think that I'll like the cold as much." She smiled. " So where do you live?" Caysi asked looking at him, she felt drawn towards him.
Dean laughed out loud at her comment. "Depends which clouds you are talking about. These ones look more grey than they do white to be honest." He said looking up to the clouds. Looked to him as if it was going to rain. Looking back down to Caysi he smiled. "I live I New Zealand. Its hot there all year round so its all good. What about you then?" He said with a smile. He didn't exactly like where he lived but it was home and it was all he could afford until he actually found a proper job and got some money coming in
Caysi laughed. " I'm not gray for certain." The blonde looked around, it looked like it was about to rain cats and dogs. But that was England for you. " I live in Ireland of course." The blonde nodded. " I have a few other houses because I have a large family, but other than that; Ireland is where I spend most of my time." The blonde nodded and smiled at Dean. " Where does your family live?" She asked.
Dean chuckle to himself quietly. He really didn't think about what he said before he had said it. Of course her accent should have given away her living place to him. Obviously he was a little slower than usual today. "Of course." He said slapping his forehead playfully. "Blon-" He said cutting off. "Never mind." He said grinning widely at her. "Only Joking Caysi." He said laughing. "My family live here ad there. I have a brother in Durmstrang at the moment." He said standing up strait as he spoke.
Caysi smiled, " We all have some blonde moments." The blonde smiled as she put her hands in her pockets. " Aha, I have a brother who just recently graduated from there." She gave a grin. " Sometimes having a big family is a plus, mostly because I can live where ever I want, whenever." Caysi nodded; she couldn't look at his eyes for too long, it would hurt her, his eyes were like blue darts staring right into her.
Dean smiled back at her as she said that she had a brother who had recently graduated. They sure seemed to have a lot in common with each other. "Oh cool. I never really liked school all that much if im totally honest." He said wit a chuckle. "Too confined and treated like kids." He said shrugging his broad shoulders. Dean liked to be treated his age, if not older and he liked respect. He gave it an in return expected it back. "What school did you go to then?" He asked her, curious if she wet to the same school as he brother had.
Caysi laughed, she wasn't a big fan of school either. " I went to Hogwarts New Zealand." Caysi said happily. " How about yourself?" She asked Dean. " When I was in school, I just wanted it to be over and done with." The blonde laughed.
Dean laughed at her comment. "I went to Durmstrang. Every time I was in school I was just counting down the days until the next holiday. It was unbelievable." He said with a smile on his lips as he spoke. "What was your favourite lesson in school? Mine had to be transfig." He said with a huge grin. That was probably one of the only lessons that he had actually liked
Caysi laughed, " I just counted down till summer break each year." The blonde had to think for a moment. She did well in school, but what was her favorite subject? " My favorite subject probably had to be Defence against the Dark Arts." Caysi nodded.

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