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Ezra Cade

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Half Blood
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Straight 17 1/2 Inch Sturdy Laurel Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Ezra Cade. Fifth Year. Slytherin.

This is Ezra and Ezra deserves his own PD.

Ezra is the older brother of James and Jessica Cade and he's basically rotten, but he hides it well when he wants to. Ezra is cocky, arrogant, rude and believe he is above everyone.

That being said he is charming and enjoys using his charms on the ladies.

What I'm looking for is girls. Ezra isn't the relationship type, he likes to have as many girls on the go as he can for the purpose of making out in dark cornners and abandoned classrooms. Girls comfortable being one of many would be ideal, but because I love drama girls not ok with it would be fun too.

I'm open to friends if you have a character you think can stand him and if Ezra can stand them.
I can offer you my prejudiced little Kerryn Howard, a fifth year Ravenclaw. Shes not into any relationship yet mainly its because she's socially awkward and is reserve. She grew up in an unpleasant environment hence she doesnt know what love is. She thiught she would be sorted to Slytheirn but she ended up in Ravenclaw instead. Being away from her twin sister who got sorted to aslyherin changed her life a little bit. The ravens showed her what kindness means and she believe in it althoughh she's still a prejudiced young girl. Her parents r psychotics Scitorari hence it will be hard for her to be 'normal'

Im up for any plot, she might not make out with anyone tho.
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