Tree Climbing

Keira nodded back. 'Clever idea.' She smiled. 'You're like Isabella...' She said sadly, missing her. If she could have anything in the world, it would be to have Izzy back.

'But hey, it's good I've found you.' She said, giggling. 'I hope you don't think I'm weird or something.' She said. She was hoping Ella wasn't pretending to like her.
Ella smiled as she climbed down a few branches.

"You bet it is," she joked. "Who says weird is a bad thing? I mean, it's okay to stand out. Anywho, even if you were extremely weird, I'd still be your friend."

She made a gesture for Keira to climb down farther.
Keira climbed down a little further, grinning. She sat on a sturdy branch, concealed by the leaves. 'I think this is far down enough.' She called to Ella, who she hoped had followed.

'I suppose weird is quite good.' She giggled. 'If everyone was boring and not weird, it would be... Boring.' Keira stuck her tongue out at Ella. 'You're fun to be around.' She said, nodding.
Ella climbed down to the level that Keira was sitting on. As she realized she didn't want to go too far down the tree and Keira also thought it was a good spot to stop, she looked around the tree. Conveniently, there were a lot of sturdy branches around the tree at about the same level as the one Keira was sitting on. It was probably just a few inches above the other branch. She climbed on to that one and sat down, facing Keira. She loved the feeling of her dangling legs.

"That's exactly what I mean," she said with a smile. "I don't think people should be teased for that. Actually, they shouldn't get teased at all. I think fun to be around is a good achievement."

As she said the last sentence, she winked at Keira.

"And you've just one the achievement of one of the most awesome people to be around," she said, joking around with another smile. "Who would you like to thank? Pets, me, professors, me, ice cream?"
Keira laughed, dangling her legs, her hair covering her face. 'Definately you.' She joked back, holding on to the branch with back to back hands. As she looked behind her, she noticed her branch sloped up, like a hospital bed.

'Oh, yeah!'
Keira grinned, taking off her jacket and making a pillow. She law back on the branch, one leg dangling down, one bent and resting on the branch. She took her diary out of her jacket pocket and laughed. If was full of dull, sad memories which she couldn't care less about now she had such a nice friend.

Keira lifted the diary up and casually tore it in half. It was flimsy card, not too difficult to rip. 'That. Takes. Care. Of. That!' She said with each rip. The diary fluttered down to the ground in tiny pieces. 'Oh, it was full of stuff I never want to see again.' She informed Ella, because she was probably looking at Keira strangely.
Ella laughed When Keira ripped up something, she hoped it wasn't important. She had gotten mad at a public school and had ripped up someone's homework, which ended up being good because they couldn't do it and got yelled at, but who could blame her? The kid was asking for it, telling her that everyone hated her and all of that. She smiled at the memory, hoping that kid had learned his lesson. She had watched what happened after and the kid had to talk to principal. The kid was a troublemaker, so it wasn't like the principal believed anything he said about Ella causing trouble.

"Ah," she said. "Right."

She went up one branch and hung upside down by her knees.

"As you pull yourself in to that comfortable position," she said. "I'll pull in to this one."
Keira's eyes widened. 'I've seen someone fall from doing that.' She said quietly, although she was sure Ella was intelligent enough not to hang by one leg.

Keira smiled, leaning her head back against her Jacket. 'I wish...' She said, and then sighed. 'Oh I don't know.' She smiled, coming out of her position and hanging up side down like Ella. 'Much more fun.' She giggled.

The blood rushed to Keira's head in seconds, but she enjoyed the rare feeling. She was glad she hadn't eaten anything for a while.
"Well," Ella said. "You have to make sure that there are branches that would break your fall from the ground. But you still shouldn't do it too much."

She flipped back to her normal sitting position and then found a wide branch on the other side of Keira. She climbed over to it by going around the tree. She was lying down on it and then she realized that there was a pile of leaves near the trunk. She put her back against it as she dangled her right leg.

"This is comfortable," she said, taking a small stone out of her pocket. "I think I'll stick to this for the moment."

The stone was something that she had collected when she was with a family member. That family member had passed away, though, and Ella felt very close to family. So she had always loved her guitar and had always kept the stone. The family member had told her that it was her lucky stone. She never would think of throwing it away. She rubbed it a few times and then put it back in to her pocket.

"So," she said, smiling. "Whatcha want to talk about? I'm not picky. As you probably noticed, I'm talkative."
Keira giggled. 'So am I. I don't know when to keep my mouth shut.' She grinned cheekily, glancing at the stone. She guessed it meant a lot to Ella. You wouldn't keep a stone in your pocket for no reason.
'I don't mind what to talk about.' She said, sitting the right way up because she was going dizzy. 'Family? Hobbies? Other than tree climbing.' She winked.

Keira sighed, as the sun dappled the tree trunk through the leaves. It was a nice spring morning. She closed her eyes, although she firstly made sure she wasn't going to fall off her perch.
Keira often felt like a bird. Or wished she was one. They could fly around all day, not a care in the world. How she wished she had a pet Eagle Owl. It was a shame they needed so much room to fly around in.
'How about pets? Do you have any pets?' She asked.
"I have a white rabbit," Ella said. "Her name's Dawn. She's just the cutest thing! Do you have any?"

She swung her leg back and forth. She put her hand back in her pocket and took out the stone. It was quartz she had collected on her last time out with her aunt, Lillian, when Ella was only 7. Lillian had loved the outdoors so much. They had been on a hike and found a lot of quartz. Her aunt had told her that it took thousands of years just for the small ones to grow. Her aunt had told her to take just one small piece of quartz. She had taken one and her aunt had rubbed it and told her that it would bring her luck and comfort, and to look for it whenever she needed help, was confused, or needed comfort. That night her aunt had gotten murdered. At the house, her aunt was taking a walk outside in the garden near the fountain when someone sneaked to the garden and shot her. Ella remembered it all, the sirens and blinding lights, her screaming out in fear while the ambulance took away her aunt, the tears, the big white truck taking her aunt away.

She could still remember it, although she wished she couldn't. The whole memory suddenly went in to her head again and tried to make her cry. She wouldn't let it. She did give out a small whimper of sadness.

((Made this up as I went along. That's the whole story of her aunt dying. I just made it up. =)) ))
Keira looked at Ella sympathetically when she started to whimper. 'It's best to cry if you're sad.' She said, smiling. 'I wont look.' She giggled.
'No I don't have any pets.' She said, sighing. 'Wish I did though.' Keira tilted her head.

'What's that stone?' She asked gently, realising that it was the stone that was making her cry. 'If you don't mind me asking.' She added quickly. She hated people getting the impression she was nosy. In fact she was just talkative, like Ella.

((Bit short, don't know what to put xD. Oh, and made up stuff rules :) ))
"That stinks," Ella said. "Maybe you'll get one someday. And I um... I got it with a family member who, well, they got killed by some heartless person. The worst part was th-that the person was never put in jail... the only one who knows who did it is my dead aunt and the criminal, who of course wouldn't admit it. I kind of find comfort in touching something that she held. It d-doesn't stop me from feeling sad, though."

She let a few tears fall down her cheeks.

"It kind of comforts you," she said, rubbing the stone more. "If you know what I mean.
Keira shimmied over to Ella, and put her arm around her comfortingly. 'I know what you mean. I have a photo, but it's not really as discreet as a stone. I think that's a brilliant idea.' She said.

'I'm sorry to hear about your family member.' Keira said quietly. 'Sometimes its good to talk about them, sometimes it just makes us upset.' She said truthfully, wondering if Ella felt the same. She smiled softly at her, dangling her legs. She was all right with other people being upset. She was so often upset herself that she sort of knew how to deal with these things.
Ella tried to smile. She only managed a small one.

"Well, she wasn't a huge fan of pictures so we didn't have any of her," she said. "It's okay, really. It happened 4 years ago. But... it's hard to move on. When I was 7 my life was horrible. I didn't know why the white truck was taking away my aunt, why everyone was crying, why the huge wooden box was getting lowered in to the ground. I had no clue what happened. I was able to work it out later, though."

She remembered the coffin, how it was decorated, every little detail. Everything that was going on. She hadn't known what it was about, though. All she knew was that she wanted to visit her aunt again, but her parents wouldn't let her. She had found out a few months later when people started saying "After the death" and things like that.

"You won't see me cry often, I'll tell you that," she said. "Maybe we should talk about something else. We didn't climb this tree to be gloomy, did we?"
'I...' Keira said, hesitating. 'Sorry. Yes, we should change the subject.' She pulled her arm back from Ella's shoulder. 'It's hard to get over something like that.' She said. 'I should know. Maybe if we talk about something else it'll take our minds off it.' She giggled, squinting. The sun was in her eyes, and she had to move away from Ella to be back in the shade.

'Wow, it's warm today.' She said, laying back and hanging her legs off the branch. It was starting to get too warm for Keira's liking. 'I might go in soon.' She said, wiping her forehead with her sleeve. 'It's a shame we're not in the same house. Then we could share a dorm.' She said, smiling, but then sighed.
"Yeah, that would be great," Ella said. "It's okay really. I just don't like people to see me cry. Cuz I'm usually that girl that's fearless and all that. So if you could keep that secret, I'd appreciate it. We can always meet up somewhere else inside, though. It would just be better if we were in the same house... but if it's the right temperature out, we'll know we can meet each other outside in a tree!"

She smiled at Keira.

"Well, I wouldn't be able to fit in to Ravenclaw, I wanted Gryffindor, couldn't be a Slytherin in a million years, but I got Hufflepuff."
Keira smiled. 'You seem brave. I take it that's why you wanted to be in Gryffinfor?' She asked. 'I couldn't have fitted into Slytherin either. And I hate the sound of Gryffindor. I'm so happy where I am now.' Keira smiled at Ella, and then nodded. 'Yeah, we could like, meet up every day here.' She giggled, stroking the fabric of her jacket.

'I'm good at keeping secrets.'
Keira said, tapping her nose. 'Don't worry. I try to come across as fearless.' She laughed. 'But I cry when I'm on my own sometimes.'
Ella smiled at Keira.

"Well," she said. "I wanted Gryffindor, but now that I think of it, Hufflepuff works out better. Cuz some of the mean Slytherins consider Hufflepuffs the losers of the school. And then I'll know if some bullying goes on so I can do something about the bullies. If you tell someone that I cry, I'll definitely deny it."

She laughed a bit.
Keira giggled. 'I don't think Slytherin's are that mean at heart.' She said, smiling. 'They're just silly.' She stuck her tongue out.
Keira's branch began to creak, so she shifted up a bit. It still gave her a bit of a shock.

'I... Have forgotten what I was going to say.' Keira said, laughing. She was trying not to bring up something Ella might get upset by, but that meant being very careful about what she said.
'If you could have anything in the world, but just one thing, what would it be?' She asked.
"Silly people, they never know what they're doing," Ella said as a joke. "I, on the other hand know exactly what I'm doing."

She looked at a bird.

"Oh, look a flying buffalo!" she said as a bird flew by, adding on to the joke. "As I said, I know exactly what I'm doing. And I'm not entirely sure. Maybe for my aunt back, or for..... never mind, you'd find it weird. If you mean objects, then... something from my aunt. Don't worry about talking about it, it's all right. I don't usually talk about it, and if I do I don't cry. I guess something just happened."
Keira looked at Ella, puzzled. Keira herself was talkative and slightly crazy, but she didn't understand Ella.

'I just meant... Like, be able to be in a band or something' She said, giggling. 'I'd quite like that I think.' She said, sighing.
She giggled at Ella's joke about the bird, her mind drifting off to other things. She wondered whether she was supposed to be anywhere, meeting someone maybe, but she couldn't think of anything. She wasn't trying to think of an excuse to get away from Ella, but she hated being late for things and she would already be in trouble if she was meant to be somewhere.

'I'd like to be in a band 'cause I like singing.' She smiled happily at Ella.
Ella was interested in Keira's taste of music.

"What kind of music?" she asked. "I mean like, country or any of those types of categories. Because you would be welcome in my band. I'm not good as a lead singer, but I'm great as a background person."

She smiled at her new friend. They had a lot in common. She looked at her red watch and realized it was almost :cry:30. That was her time to kind of communicate with her aunt. She took half an hour every day just to kind of ask her aunt for advice. She felt horrible if she didn't. It made her feel close to Lillian again. She sighed a bit as she realized she would seem extremely rude if she didn't explain why she had to go. And Keira said she was good at keeping secrets. She didn't want anybody to know that she could be sad and serious when she wasn't her happy and goofy self.

"I don't want to seem rude, but.... I kind of have to go somewhere. See, I have this kind of ritual... at :cry:30 p.m. I kind of talk to my aunt. It's okay if you think that's crazy, it just.. seems like I can ask for advice and all of that. I do it for half an hour. You understand, don't you? I just.... feel like I need to do it."
Keira smiled at Ella's interest. 'Well, I really don't mind what type of genre.' She said, 'I like all types.' She giggled, then her eyes widened.
'You have a band? Wow.' Keira grinned, swinging her legs. She desperately wanted to be in it, but she hid her enthusiasm incase Ella thought she was crazy.
Keira listened carefully to her when she spoke of talking to her aunt. She understood.

'That's ok.' She smiled. 'I'll wait here, if you like.' She didn't mind waiting. She had done a lot of waiting in her life. 'It's nice to have someone like that who's there to talk to. Other than me.' She giggled.
"Well, it could be a bit boring waiting for me," Ella said. "It's getting a bit warm. How about we meet inside, where it's cooler? Library maybe? I have a bit of homework to do, so I'll probably be there, anyway. How's about... 4:15? Lately I've been feeling like I need to talk to her an extra bit."

She smiled at Keira.

"By the way, if you'd like, you can join my band. Just if you want to. We still haven't decided on a name or anything, a few of us met up and people wanted to join in."
Keira nodded when Ella started talking. Then her mouth opened. 'I could?' She asked, grinning. 'Thank you! I'll have to sing for you some time.' She smiled, dropping to the floor gracefully.

((Short, I know :p ))

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