Closed Treading New Grounds

Noelle Maxwell

ᴅᴀᴅᴀ 5-7 🔱 ᴘʟᴜᴍ'ꜱ ᴅᴀᴅ
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Curly 8 1/2 Inch Sturdy Silver Lime Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
Despite the ruckus it stirred, Noelle still pushed with his plan to ask Sapphire on a date. It was not that much given that they were in the school. Debating on the place, he decided on the pitch, for no reason at all. He picked a shady part up at the stands and spread out the picnic blanket he brought. He then checked the food that he had gotten from the kitchens, hoping she would like them. He had asked Alexis to pass on a note to @Sapphire Michaels about this. He looked around and was glad the weather was agreeing to the setup. The view was wonderful as they could see the castle from where they were. In fact, they had a tast of all the views of the castle grounds. The lake, the garden and even the forest. He hurriedly went down to meet the Slytherin downstairs.
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Sapphire hadn't been on a proper date in ages. Probably since she had dated Mervyn in third year. She was curious about what all of this was about. Noelle didn't even know her. At least, she had thought he hadn't known her. She smoothed her skirt. Is this what you wore on dates? She wanted to write to Frankie and tell him about it, but the bugger hadn't written her since she'd come to school. She would have to knock him over the ears when she got home. For now, she had some Hufflepuff wanting her attention.
Noelle had just reached the bottom when he saw Sapphire approaching. She looked beutiful in what she wore that the Puff had to check himself to see if he should have put some more effort to his clothes. Too late to get changed as she was already close. "Hi.", he greeted, raising one hand in a wave. "I-uh... Thank you. For accepting my invitation." He brought about his other hand to reveal a pink tulip. "This is for you. I hope you like it.", giving the girl a smile. His heart was thumping though.
Sapphire almost pouted when she saw how he was dressed. Man, she gets dressed up one time and the guy can't even try to look nice. Strike one. She raised a brow at his words. "You're lucky I did," She informed him simply. "I don't like Maxwells, as a general rule," She crossed her arms. Strike two. He produced a flower for her, and she softened a little. Okay, back to strike one. "Thanks," She took the flower and tucked it behind his ear. "Did you have something in mind?" She asked.
Noelle's shoulders almost slumped at what Sapphire said. She did not like Maxwells and it even showed on how defensive her stance was. He found a glimmer of hope when she visibly soften at the flower he gave her. He gave her a smile, hoping she would like what he prepared. at her question, he got bervous and excited at the same time. Holding out his hand, he held her gaze. "Come with me?" He wanted to ask her to trust him but it was too early for that.
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Sapphire thought it over for exactly two seconds- she was too curious to stop. She put her hand in his, giving him an impish grin. "Lead the way, Maxwell," She gestured with her other hand for him to move. She had no idea what he had planned, but she hoped it was something interesting. She still needed a good story to tell Zennon, after all.
The moment Sapphire placed her hand in his, Noelle released his breath he did not noticed he was holding. He gave her a bright smile, "Careful now. I don't want you to stumble and bruise your pretty face.", he sheepishly grin, knowing his line fell flat. Slowly, they made their way up the stairs to the stands until he led her to where he had prepared everything. "What do you think?", he asked her. "I-I know it's not much but I hope you like it." If this went accordingly to plan, he would plan another better date for her.
Sapphire smirked a little at his comment. "You spot a mirror or something? Reminding yourself not to fall?" She teased lightly, following after him to whatever it was that he had set up. She kept hold of his hand, finding it oddly comforting and a little cute. She grinned at the setup, thinking it was oddly cute as well. "I like it." She reassured him. Okay, no strikes. This looked like it took some effort to set up. "You're oddly sweet for a Maxwell." She commented, moving to take a seat. "You picked a good spot. The pitch is one of my favorite spots." She smiled up at him. "So, tell me, Noelle, what brought this on?"
Noelle just chuckled. For someone with a strong personality, Sapphire knew how to crack jokes. This might turn out well in the end. He felt proud hearing her say that she liked what he had prepared. Taking a seat across her, he took out the butterbeer bottle from the basket, although he had some juice as well. Just in case, she preferred the latter. "Trust me, I might be the last kind Maxwell left in the school. Although Philip is a year younger than me." He prepared two glasses. "Butterbeer or orange juice? I brought both." He smiled, happy that he picked her favorite spot. "Can I be honest with you?" He saw Sapphire as someone who did not like dishonest people which was why he would tell her the real reason as to this invite.
Sapphire narrowed her eyes. "Yeah, no, Philip is a jerk." She rolled her eyes. "I know his history with Ava, you can't change my mind on that." She scoffed. She softened a little when he offered butterbeer. "I'll take the butterbeer, thanks," She was a little cranky at the thought of Philip but it quickly passed. She raised a brow. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea," She told him dryly. "You caused quite the ruckus." She teased lightly.
Noelle furrowed his brows. He knew what happened between Philip and his girl but decided not to comment on that. He just hoped Saphhire could see that he could change and would do it for Ava. He let it pass as he did not want to spoil the mood. Filling up a glass, he offered it to the girl before filling one for himself. Next, he pulled out the containers and spread them out between them before he started to open them. "I hope you like what I prepared. I don't really know what to bring.", he smiled sheepishly. He chuckled at her reply. "You know Willow, right? She thinks I made progress with making new friends and now asking you out. She was right, however, I don't really feel it that way.", he looked at her with a hesitant smile. "Don't get me wrong, Sapphire. You are amazing and I am not. I just thought I would forget her easily if I date someone else." Noelle would understand if she would leave right then and there. Nobody wanted to be a rebound. "I will perfectly understand if you leave. In my defense, I am starting to like what is happening right now." If she stayed, he vowed he would make serious effort to make this not be a rebound.
Sapphire took the drink, looking over what he brought. "It's not terrible." She teased lightly. She sipped her drink, listening to him talk. "Hm. That makes sense. Willow is the Gryffindor seeker." She pondered it a bit. "Well, it's your lucky day, Noelle. I don't exactly date. But I'm bored. You have my attention for now. We'll see what happens." She gave him an impish grin. "Honestly if you had attempted some b.s. about love and all that I'd just leave you here by yourself," She admitted. "But I'm curious."
Noelle feigned hurt as he made a face before he chuckled. "You almost got me there." , he checked the contents before passing one to Sapphire. He also took out the container containing the sandwiches. Picking a clean napkin, he selected one sandwich, carefully wrapped it so that it was easy to hold and eat before giving it to the girl. Cheesy when men do these kinds of things but Noelle was raised well. "Bon apetit!", he joked. He sighed in relief at what Sapphire answered. He knew it was a long shot but still glad that Sapphire was open about it. "I am curious but on a happy note, I am happy that I get to know you somehow."
Sapphire chuckled a bit, taking the sandwich from him. "Thanks." She replied, munching it a bit. "What's there to know?" She questioned idly. "Im a prefect and a beater with a melodramatic twin brother." She shrugged as if that wrapped up her entire life. Which it sorta did.
Noelle just shrugged and listened to Sapphire summarized her life. At the mention of the twin, he looked surprised. "Now, there. See that? I did not know you have a twin. Like me." Yvette and he may be twins but they did not usually spend time together, her being in Slytherin and he in Hufflepuff.
Sapphire chuckled. "Yeah, well, I have a twin brother in Gryffindor. Different houses," She tried. "He's pretty melodramatic." She grinned impishly. "I love him though." She finished her sandwich and took a sip of her drink. "I'm curious. All the girls in the school, and you went with me?" She asked. "I'm Kira's best friend. After the disaster that was Caelan I'm surprised any Maxwell would speak to either of us. Or Philip and Ava. That's an... interesting situation." She rolled her eyes.
Noelle chuckled, nodding at what Sapphire said. "Same here. Yvette's in your house. And I am pretty sure I am the melodramatic one between her and me.", he added jokingly. They had both finished their sandwiches and Noelle took out a container of fruits that they could share. He opened it and placed it between them. She asked him the question that he was sure would come and he had to think about it. When she added the Maxwell factor, he quickly shook his head. "Please, I am not like the other Maxwells here. As much as I want to vouch Philip and Caelan but I'm not going to waste my time. Their parents... they are pretty much stricter than ours. We had our formal... education but I must say our parents are pretty much chill with what we want for ourselves.", he explained. He felt bad for Caelan and Philip but they could always make their own choices. "And to answer your question. You are the girl who can take any crap, no matter how drama it was, and make the most of it. I mean, I told you why I asked you out and you're somehow cool with it." He finished with a smile.
Sapphire chuckled when he told her about Yvette. "Well, that's more we have in common then." She took a bite of the fruit. She listened to his answers, laughing a little. "I'm just a bit... unconventional. I spent a lot of my life in an orphanage with little to no supervision, I don't really know a lot of what's socially acceptable." She told him. "I just go with my gut mostly. You made me curious. So you're hung up on your ex, big deal. I don't date, so we're both a bit crazy. You have my attention for now, I don't mind hanging out with a cute guy." She told him with a shrug.
Noelle chewed on his fruit thoughtfully as he listened to Sapphire. Everything made sense as to why she was tough and independent, somehow detached from any vulnerable feelings. How he wished he was like her. Go with guts or something. At her saying he was a cute guy, he chuckled. "If I let you say I am cute, then I will say you are pretty. And you might think I am boring the more you know me. Good thing I am not wearing my glasses now.", he jokingly said, glad that he had his contacts that time.
Sapphire shrugged. "Own who you are," She told him. "Self-confidence is the key." She grinned at him. "Maybe that's what we can do. Build up your self-esteem. How about this- we tell everyone we're dating. But in reality, we're just whipping you into shape to get your girl back." She offered. "It's obvious you're still head over heels for the Gryffindor Seeker." She grinned. "Either we'll get her swooning over you or we get you to the point where you've grown enough to move on." She nodded, pleased with her idea.
Noell smiled in appreciation. Sapphire sure knew how to make a person feel good about himself. Suddenly, the Slytherin had some idea. He frowned when she mentioned Willow's quidditch position but quick to erase it from his face. He considered it, "I must admit it is a good idea. Are you sure about this?", he did not want to force her on anything.

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