Transfiguration 4:2

Lesson Two: Transfiguration & Food
Leif was excited for today's lesson and once his students knew what he was up to, he was sure they would be as well. He leaned against his desk and greeted them as they made their way into the classroom, a small grin playing on his lips as he noticed some curious looks towards the biscuit tin sat on his desk. He knew some of them were eager to know what was inside, but wondered whether they would still want to try a bite when they learned what it was. He suspected some might, others likely not.

Good morning and welcome back! Today's lesson is going to involve Transfiguration and food." He grinned once his students had taken their seats. Leif picked up the tin from his desk and opened it, lowering it a little so his students could get a better view of what was inside. Something that looked good, but wasn't as innocent as it seemed.

"These," He started, nodding towards the tin. "Are Canary Creams. Now they look good, sure, but not many people eat them on a regular basis. Can any of you tell me why?" Leif asked, pointing towards a student that had raised their hand. "Exactly." He nodded proudly. "Back in the day, Transfiguration spells were placed into objects so that when they were touched; or in this case, ingested, a Transfiguration spell was triggered."

"These little treats look tasty and small, but the spells that go into them to turn the eater into a canary are some of the more difficult to cast. You have to weave the spell into an object, much like the creation of a portkey, or charms that affect items. It also requires a delayed Untransfiguration spell to kick in after a certain period of time, to avoid permanent transformations." Leif explained, hoping his students were smart enough to write this down before they got to the fun part of the lesson.

"You might think that such a complicated spell would draw the most intelligent and powerful wizards to think of creative and useful ways to use it but so far we have mostly joke items. You can find canary creams such as these in a few shops, I'm sure I don't need to tell you which ones," He told them with a wink, before offering up the tin and glancing around the room to see which of his students were brave enough. "So who wants to try one?"

Roleplay the lesson for full marks. Feel free to try a canary cream, there are enough to go around.
Week two arrived and June was glad with how the first week had gone. She even had time to deliver roses, it seemed handy and helpfull to participate to let her chances of becoming prefect become even bigger. She followed professor Castillo's advice in this. It had been entertaining but also horrible, she remembered why most Gryffindors were stupid too. And she had another target to make sure he would regret his actions.

The blonde made her way to the classroom and found her usual spot in the front. June looked curiously at the professor desk and listened to what he had to tell them. When he asked an question the blonde raised her hand. “They make people look like canaries, with everything.” She answered. It didn't seemed like something she liked. It would be funny to see Vanity and Morrie like that. They sold them in a shop for sure she thought. June didn't really felt like trying one, so she observed the class and opened her book for preperation for next class. And left the room as the lesson was over.
The biscuit tin on Professor Odegard’s desk immediately caught Bailey’s attention as she walked into his Transfiguration classroom. She couldn’t help but wonder about its contents—knowing there was more to it than just biscuits.

As Professor Odegard introduced the lesson on Transfiguration and food, Bailey’s curiosity grew. When he revealed the biscuits were Canary Creams and explained their transformative effects, Bailey found herself intrigued, despite the potential risk of briefly becoming a canary. Life, after all, was about taking a few calculated risks.

Bailey diligently took notes on the intricate process of weaving spells into objects and the necessity of a delayed Untransfiguration spell. The comparison to creating a portkey helped clarify the concept for her, adding to her understanding of the complexities involved.

When Professor Odegard offered the tin of Canary Creams to the class, Bailey hesitated briefly. But her curiosity won out in the end.

With a small, determined smile, Bailey raised her hand. “I’ll try one, Professor,” she said, feeling a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. She took a deep breath, ready to experience first-hand the magic they were learning about.
Horror Zhefarovich entered the classroom, his eyes narrowing slightly at the sight of the biscuit tin on Professor Odegard's desk. His curiosity was piqued, but he maintained his stoic expression as he took his seat near the back. As the professor greeted them and introduced the lesson, Horror listened, his interest growing as the topic of Transfiguration and food was brought up. When Odegard opened the tin to reveal the Canary Creams, Horror's eyes flickered with recognition. He had read about these prank items and their Transfiguration properties. As the professor explained the mechanics behind the transformation spell and the delayed Untransfiguration spell, Horror took meticulous notes, his quill scratching quietly against the parchment.

Leif's mention of the complexity of weaving spells into objects intrigued Horror further. He appreciated the challenge and the finesse required to perform such advanced magic. Despite the fact that Canary Creams were often seen as mere jokes, Horror saw the potential applications of such spells in more serious contexts. As the professor offered the tin to the class, asking who wanted to try one, Horror observed his classmates' reactions. Some looked excited, others apprehensive. He would never stoop low enough to try one. He heard the dismissal, and so he left.
Loki Styx watched Professor Odegard with a mix of curiosity and skepticism as the lesson began. The mention of Transfiguration and food piqued his interest, though he maintained his usual composed demeanor. The biscuit tin on the professor's desk was an unexpected twist, and Loki's mind quickly began considering the implications of today's lesson. As Professor Odegard revealed the Canary Creams and explained their nature, Loki's eyes narrowed slightly. He knew about these from stories, but seeing them in a classroom setting was intriguing. The notion of using advanced Transfiguration spells in such a trivial manner was, to him, both fascinating and somewhat disappointing.

The magic involved was impressive, but its use for mere pranks seemed beneath the potential such spells held. When the professor asked if anyone wanted to try a Canary Cream, Loki hesitated for a moment, weighing his options. The idea of voluntarily transforming into a canary was not appealing in the least. Loki took meticulous notes, already thinking of ways he could apply this knowledge to more serious and strategic uses of magic. This lesson, he realized, had the potential to be far more valuable than it initially seemed. At least, that was what he had thought as he left the classroom.

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