Transfiguration 4:1

Lesson One: Introduction to Switching Spells
While Leif liked to wait outside to welcome his younger students to their first lesson of the year he was confident he didn't need to do the same for his fourth year students. They were older, likely much less nervous than first and second years were. These kids were truly teenagers and required perhaps a bit of a different approach. So, he was stood in front of the room leaning against his desk as he watched his students enter with a small smile.

Welcome back to another year of Transfiguration. My name's Professor Leif Odegard and I'll be your teacher this year." He introduced himself when everyone had taken a seat. "Let's dive right in, yeah?" He waved his wand at the board, making a piece of chalk spring to life and start writing.

Imbuing Objects with Magic: Switching Spells

"This year we'll be focussing primarily on switching spells. Now the name is pretty self explanatory, but in case anyone is struggling: who can tell me what switching spells are?" He asked, not too surprised when multiple students raised their hands. Leif pointed at one of them with a small nod, smiling at their answer. "Correct! Switching spells are spells that switch two objects with each other. They may seem useless at first, but I promise you switching spells have potential. Their main use is trickery. Many objects at prank shops are imbued with switching spells." He told them with a small grin, observing his students' faces to see if any of them seemed like pranksters to him.

Leif stood up a little straighter when one of his students raised their hand, motioning for them to speak.

"What does imbue mean, professor?"

He took a second to think about how he could phrase his response in the simplest of forms before speaking up again. "It means to put one item, idea, or in the case a spell into a second one." He explained, waiting for some sort of confirmation that the student understood. With that, he flicked at the blackboard again to make the chalk continue writing again. "Unfortunately, that's all the time we have today. We'll get to a more in depth explanation of switching spells in a later class. For now, please make sure to read the pages on the board before next lesson. Class dismissed!"

Roleplay the lesson for full marks.
One student may answer the question and one ask the other for extra credit.
The new semester was starting again and June was all prepared for it. Spending the break at Hogwarts was fine to her. And spend some time with Misha to make sure the relationship was build on again and studying was enough for it to fly by. And the first week of lessons was arrived already. So the hard working would come in handy again to show that she was the best student again.

June made her way to the classroom and smiled to Professor Odegard as she walked inside. She made her way to the front of the classroom and found her usual spot all the way to the front. Making herself ready for the lesson. She took her quill to take notes as the professor started. It was an important subject and she needed to pay good attention. When the professor asked an question the blonde quickly raised her hand high in the air, so the professor couldn't skip her. When she got chosen to answer she smiled bright. '' Switching spells are spells that switch two objects with each other.'' the blonde said confident like it was right out of the book. When an student asked an question the blonde looked at them. June finished her notes and when the lesson was done left the room.
Fraser was very eager to be back at school, though things hadn’t been going the best for him in recent years, he was now in a great position. He was on the team, he was on accio. He had some friends, he had Zerrin. Everything he could need. He was just really unable to get his classes up, in the way he wanted to. He wanted to be a good all round student but it was fairly impossible for him. The teen gathered up what he needed and headed out of the dorm room. He was looking forward to what the semester would bring.

Fraser walked into the transfiguration classroom and took his usual spot in the room. He glanced at the professor as the man got started on what it was they would be doing in this semester. Imbuing objects with magic. He wrote down what the professor and others were saying about switching spells, though it felt pretty obvious. He was very glad when someone asked for a clarification on what imbue meant before he asked for it. He took down what the professor said about it before he was then able to pack up and leave the room.
Bailey made her way into Professor Odegard’s classroom for the first Transfiguration lesson of the semester. She sat and listened as the professor introduced the topic for the lesson: switching spells. Bailey took out a sheet of parchment and began to take notes as the professor began the lecture.

When Professor Odegard asked who could explain switching spells, Bailey observed many hands going up. The professor’s explanation about imbuing objects with magic was clear and straightforward, especially when he clarified what "imbue" meant.

When the lesson was over, Bailey was curious to see how things would progress and was looking forward to practicing switching spells herself. She made a note of the reading assignment, packed everything up, and made her way out of the classroom.
Horror Zhefarovich sat near the back of the classroom, leaning back slightly in his chair as Professor Leif Odegard introduced himself and the subject for the year. The Slytherin student watched the professor with a calculating gaze. He appreciated the straightforward approach Odegard took; no unnecessary pleasantries, just straight to the point. As Odegard spoke about switching spells, Horror's interest piqued slightly. He'd read about them before, but hearing about their practical applications in trickery intrigued him. He smirked faintly at the mention of prank shops, though he wouldn't be caught dead admitting an interest in such juvenile pursuits. When the professor asked for a definition of switching spells, Horror let others raise their hands. He preferred to observe and absorb information, rather than drawing attention to himself by answering questions. As the professor explained the concept, Horror took mental notes, knowing that understanding these spells could be beneficial for more than just pranks. The ability to switch objects had potential for strategic advantages, something he valued highly.

The question about imbuing objects with magic caught his attention, mainly on who would not know what that meant. Horror understood the significance immediately. Imbuing objects with magic was a fundamental skill that could lead to more advanced magical creations. His mind began to race with possibilities, considering how he might use this knowledge in the future. As the class drew to a close and the reading assignment was given, Horror noted the pages on the board. He wasn't one to slack off on his studies, especially not in a subject as versatile as Transfiguration. He gathered his things methodically as the other students began to leave. Since he did not want to be in the crowd, he waited until he was the last student to leave.
Loki Styx entered the Transfiguration classroom with his usual air of composed confidence. He took his seat near the front, ready to absorb the new material. Professor Leif Odegard stood at the front, his casual demeanor contrasting with the seriousness Loki brought to his studies. As Professor Odegard introduced himself and began the lesson, Loki's attention was unwavering. When the professor asked for a definition of switching spells, Loki's hand shot up along with several others. Though he wasn't chosen, he listened closely to the answer and the subsequent explanation. Switching spells, while seemingly trivial, had their uses, especially in the realm of trickery. Loki's mind immediately considered the strategic applications, both in practical jokes and more serious scenarios.

Professor Odegard's mention of prank shops earned a brief, amused smirk from Loki. He had little interest in childish pranks, but the idea of using switching spells for more sophisticated misdirection intrigued him. He noted the term "imbue" and its meaning carefully, appreciating the professor's straightforward explanation. When the class was dismissed, Loki noted the reading assignment on the board: pages covering the basics of switching spells. He packed his belongings methodically and made his way out of the classroom, his mind already strategizing how he could leverage this new information.

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