Transfiguration 1:3

Lesson Three: Transfiguration Restrictions and Laws
Leif waited comfortably leaning against his desk as he waited for the first years to file in for yet another lesson. He had waited outside for them the previous two lessons, feeling they might be ready for things to be switched up now that they were hopefully a little more used to life at Hogwarts. "Good morning! Happy to see you all back." He greeted as they all took their seats. "Wands won't be required today, sorry, but we have some more theory to get through before moving on to the exciting stuff." There were a few groans and other disappointed sounds, but the professor shot them a warning glance. He wanted to get to spellcasting as much as they did.

"We'll try get through this quickly. Your first year is all about introductions and general familiarization, which I'm sure you've found to be the case in other subjects too. While you won't be performing most types of Transfiguration during this year, with the sole focus being Inanimate to Inanimate, you will need to know about what you'll be learning in future to help you prepare for it. Next year you'll be going into Inanimate to Animate, and so on through the list we covered earlier in the year." Leif gestured toward the board with his wand as he spoke, causing the chalk to come to life, as usual, and write up the list again for those who needed a refresher. He could only imagine having to write everything himself during these lessons. Perhaps magic made them all a little lazy at times.

"These are your building blocks. Think of Inanimate to Inanimate transfiguration as the foundation for which the others build upon. That being said, Animate to Animate transfiguration will provide the backbone for nearly every advanced transfiguration spell that you will learn in future years. You must capable of transfiguring animals in general before you can hope to learn to switch, vanish, or conjure them, or even put your hands on human transfiguration." Leif paused to allow the few stragglers to keep up with their note-taking before he continued on once it looked like they were all ready. "Of course, human transfiguration, as we discussed during lesson one, includes the animagus transformation. An animagus is a wizard or witch who can transform into a specific animal at will, though they are rare. This school however, much like Uagadou, is quite known for the number of animagi it has trained. Even some of the professors who have taught here are animagi. Naturally, with this power comes responsibility, and the Ministry has regulations in place to avoid them causing havoc, if they wanted to. Here is a list of branches of magic, particularly transfigurative such an animagi and apparition, which have strict laws." He stopped once more and flicked his wand towards the blackboard. The chalk floated away from the list it had already written up and began working on another.

Animagi: Requires a license and is heavily regulated. The Ministry has a list of registered animagi, for obvious reasons. Any animagi found to not be on the list faces time in Azkaban prison.

Apparition: A license is required to apparate legally. You will learn to apparate in year six, and not a moment before.

Invisibility: The Ministry has tried time and again to keep restrictions on the use of invisibility cloaks and spells. Naturally this is the hardest for them to detect, but be aware restrictions do exist and should be researched thoroughly.

Muggles: The Department of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office, also known as Creation of Dangerous Objects Department, attempts to minimize the number of harmful objects created from muggle items. Sometimes they are successful, sometimes not.

Time Travel: This branch is heavily restricted, and for obvious reasons. Very few people ever receive permission to travel back in time.

"That's all the time we have for today. Please make sure you have these lists written down, it'll make things much easier! See you all next week."

Roleplay the lesson for full marks
Elijah slipped into the classroom, finding his usual seat near the front. He pulled out his notebook and quill, ready for another session of Transfiguration. The professor's greeting made him smile, and he joined the chorus of "Good morning, Sensei!" from his classmates. Even though it was all a little more noisy than he would have personally liked. When the professor mentioned that wands wouldn't be required, he felt a pang of disappointment but quickly focused on the lesson. As the professor delved into the theory of Transfiguration, Elijah's quill danced across his parchment, jotting down every word. He watched with fascination as the chalk moved on its own, writing up the list on the board. The efficiency and elegance of magic never ceased to amaze him. The mention of human transfiguration and the animagus transformation piqued Elijah's interest, prompting make note of a question he might be able too ask later.

The list of regulated branches of magic was extensive, and Elijah made sure to copy it meticulously, noting the strict regulations surrounding animagi, apparition, invisibility, misuse of Muggle artifacts, and time travel. Each entry highlighted the necessity of licenses and the potential consequences of misuse. When the lesson ended, Elijah made sure his notes were complete and well-organized, finding the intricacies of magical regulations both daunting and fascinating. "Thank you, Sensei," he said as he packed his things, already looking forward to the next class. Despite the theoretical nature of the lesson, Elijah appreciated the foundational knowledge it provided, understanding its importance for mastering more complex spells in the future.

Elijah's Notes said:
Introduction to Transfiguration:
- Current Focus: Inanimate to Inanimate Transfiguration
- Foundation for all other types
- Future Studies:
- Year 2: Inanimate to Animate
- Year 3. Animate to Inanimate
- Year 4: Animate to Animate (backbone for advanced transfiguration)

Human Transfiguration:
- Includes Animagus transformation
- Rare and complex skill
- Hogwarts has a notable history of animagi among students and professors
- Requires Ministry regulations and licensing for safety and control

Branches of Magic with Strict Laws:
1. Animagi:
- Requires a license
- Ministry keeps a list of registered animagi
- Unregistered animagi face time in Azkaban

2. Apparition:
- License required
- Taught in Year 6

3. Invisibility:
- Restrictions on use of invisibility cloaks and spells
- Difficult to detect but regulations exist

4. Misuse of Muggle Artifacts:
- Department of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts oversees creation of dangerous objects
- Aim to minimize harmful muggle items

5. Time Travel:
- Heavily restricted
- Very few permissions granted

Question to Ask the Professor:

Could you elaborate on how an animagus discovers their animal form? Is there a way to influence the type of animal one becomes, or is it entirely predetermined?
Jonah fidgeted in his seat as Professor Leif began the Transfiguration lesson. He felt the usual pang of disappointment when he heard they wouldn't be using their wands. As the professor talked about the Inanimate to Inanimate and Animate to Animate transfiguration, he glanced around the classroom, his attention wandering. While he noted that there were things for him to copy down thanks to the magical chalk, Jonah wasn’t focused on copying the notes. He was just watching the chalk, trying very hard not to snooze. When Professor Leif mentioned animagi and their ability to transform into animals at will, his interest piqued slightly. He wondered what it would be like to turn into an animal, but found himself bored again as the professor continued about the Ministry's regulations.

He wondered how Elijah was managing to stay completely alert and even taking down notes while he'd given up a while ago. Instead, he'd started to doodle absentmindedly on a scrap of parchment, drawing little animals that he wished he could turn into. His doodles were awful though but at least it passed the time. Jonah made a mental note to ask Eurydice about the animagus transformation later. For now, he just hoped the next lesson would involve something more hands-on.
Lilith was brimming with excitement when it was time for her favorite class, Transfiguration. For some reason the subject had her in a hold more than the others. After seeing her classes the first year had thought that Astronomy would naturally be her favorite, but oh how the tables had turned. As she entered the room she was practically skipping in rather than a mundane walk, she gave the professor a smile and took a seat at the front to get best view of the board.

As soon as the lecture started she was transfixed with everything. Lilith was not at all upset that wands weren't needed yet. She was more than happy to indulge in the theory first, it was important to understand the basics and everything behind the spell-work when the time came to practice it. She eagerly wrote everything down and listened to every detail. He eyes shot up at the mention of next years things and a spark ignited within them, inanimate to animate? Oh that would be most definitely interesting.

Nodding at the laws, her brain was agreeing and understanding each and every one. She was also thanking whoever had come up with the idea to set up such laws, if there was none the world would be engulfed in chaos in no time. Much too soon again the lesson came to an end and Lilith packed up. Walking out of the classroom she had finally gathered some courage to speak up. "Thank you sir, I do enjoy your classes very much." With that the Ravenclaw skipped right out of the room.

˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Lesson Three ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚

1st year:
Theory and familiarization.
2nd year: Inanimate to animate.

˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Branches of magic with strict laws ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚

Very complex and rare ability.
- Must be registered to the Ministry of Magic.
- Use without registration results in time in Azkaban.

ᰔ Magical transportation.
ᰔ Requires a license.
ᰔ Taught in year 6, no earlier.


ᰔ By far the hardest one to track.
ᰔ There are however restrictions for such and they should be researched thoroughly.

ᰔ The Department of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts aka Creation of Dangerous Objects Department, wants to minimize the creation of harmful objects created from muggle artifacts.

Time Travel
ᰔ Heavily restricted, only few receive permission to do so.
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Eurydice walked into the classroom, taking a seat beside her cousin as usual. When the professor mentioned that they wouldn't need their wands, she sighed. It was disappointing, but not surprising at this point. She was starting to wonder if they would ever be using their wands in this class for the semester. Theory wasn't exactly her favorite, but she was fast becoming familiar that this would likely be the norm in classes. She could only hope that Herbology was the same.

As the lecture began, Eury started to take notes but quickly lost interest, unlike her cousin. She didn't understand why the professor continued to discuss things regarding advanced transfiguration when they were hardly doing any basic transfiguration. It wasn't long before she was doodling on her parchment rather than taking notes and by the time class ended, she had a parchment of drawings and two lines of notes. She packed up her things and eagerly left the classroom.
Vikram was enjoying his time at school. Winnie was a delightful girl. He was generally impressed by her. She was clever, intelligent, and fiercely stubborn. Still, he tried not to revolve his life around her. She was definitely a part of it, and one he enjoyed. He hoped she found his company pleasant as well. But he knew that wouldn't happen if he didn't stay on top of his own studies, stayed disciplined in caring for himself. He'd always been of the belief that no one was responsible for anyone's happiness but their own.

So he woke early, showered, watched the sunrise, spent some time reading a book of poetry and journalled before the day began. Feeling rested and ready to begin the day, Vikram picked up his bag and left for his lessons.

Vikram took a seat with someone he didn't know, a Hufflepuff, and gave them a small smile before turning to himself. He set up his space. As the Professor began Vikram smiled. He was discovering that Transfiguration was his favorite subject. It was intriguing, and he loved the longer lectures. He kept careful notes, biting back a sigh when they were eventually dismissed. He quickly gathered his things and headed out, humming softly to himself.
Transfiguration was not Eoghan's favourite subject, but it was Lili's. As they arrived to their third lesson of the year, he watched as she bound across towards the front of the class, eager to learn as much as she could from the professor. Not minding being on his own, Eoghan slunk towards the back of the class instead, not believing Elijah or Vikram wanted him bothering them, either. He wasn't going to get in the way of any Hufflepuff's either, because since Susie was the only Hufflepuff he'd currently spoken to, he had a feeling that if they were anything like her then they'd be quite annoying.

Eoghan didn't mind that today's lesson was a lecture, in fact it improved his mood. He took out his parchment and began to take notes as the professor was talking, and while he knew it would make more sense once they had a chance to witness the spells for real, Eoghan felt as though he had a good grasp of what was going on. His hand was tired by the time the lesson was up, and packing up his things he left the room, waiting outside the class for Lili to catch up with him.
Nox walked into the Transfiguration classroom, feeling a bit more accustomed to the routine of Hogwarts. He noticed Professor Odegard leaning against his desk, and after exchanging a quick nod with some classmates, he took his seat, ready to start the lesson.

When Professor Odegard announced that they wouldn’t be needing their wands today, Nox felt a twinge of disappointment but quickly pushed it aside, understanding that the theory was just as important, even if it was boring. As the professor began to discuss the different branches of Transfiguration, Nox diligently took notes, making sure to capture everything that was written on the board.

As Professor Odegard continued, Nox listened intently to the list of magical practices that were strictly regulated by the Ministry. The mention of time travel and its heavy restrictions particularly intrigued him. He couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to experience different moments in history, but he understood the potential dangers as well.

By the end of the lesson, Nox had a neatly organized list of notes and a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of Transfiguration. He packed up his things, giving the board one last glance to make sure he hadn’t missed anything, before heading out with a thoughtful expression. Despite the lack of practical magic, he knew that laying a strong theoretical foundation was crucial for the more advanced spells they would learn in the future.
Forrest settled into the classroom as Professor Leif began the lesson, listening attentively. Though there were some groans when wands weren't required, Forrest didn’t mind. He appreciated that theory formed the foundation for more complex spells in the future.

Taking careful notes on the types of transfiguration they would eventually learn, Forrest paid close attention to the regulations surrounding Animagi and other advanced magical techniques. The mention of Hogwarts being known for training Animagi sparked his interest, making the possibilities of future lessons all the more exciting.

Once class was dismissed, Forrest made sure his notes were in order, eager for the day they would finally move beyond theory into more hands-on transfiguration.
Transfiguration! Susie had been looking forward to her second class all week - though she'd kept this very quiet. Considering how dull the content was, her enthusiasm was terribly suspicious, and she didn't need her friends asking her why she was so keen. That was the sort of thing that got you teased for the rest of your life. Although it was obvious to anybody who even glanced at Susie throughout the lesson that she was completely enchanted by Professor Odegard. She made the occasional note as he spoke, because she did actually sort of want to do well in this class now. Maybe, if she got an O, Professor Odegard would notice her, praise her for all her hard work. That was worth writing essays for.
Time really went by too fast, that you couldn't believe that everything was taught so quickly, but Rhea didn't complain, but just like a sponge absorbed everything that was taught and that was good. She sat right in front of the transfiguration lesson and wrote down everything the professor continued to tell. All of this was so exciting that all of this had to be learned and that it would be possible to put it to use later. Almost everything.

Rhea wrote down everything so carefully that she didn't even notice that the professor had already finished the lesson and she could be free, but the girl had more and more new questions, all of which would need to be taken care of in order to be given to the professor. It's only a little later, not now. It all had yet to be put together. After putting her things in her bag, she said goodbye to the professor and left the classroom.

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