FALSE Oranges make me feel ill and I have a small addiction to Apple juice

TPBM Likes the Angel series
False. It bores me.

TPBM is watching QI

TPBM likes popcorn.
True. Especially salty.

TPBM is blonde.
True. England did sh!t.

TPBM has loads to do.
False, it's summer here, nothing but lazing around to do.

TPBM has a crush on Brad Pitt (EWWW)
False, it's summer here, nothing but lazing around to do.
Same here but I still have to do loads. Every time I get a break I come on HNZ and realise I have more that needs doing.


TPBM finds it weird being alone with a teacher.
False. I did but now I've left and I'm more bored than I was before so it had to be the fun side of my life.

TPBM loves linkin park :wub:
false, i suppose. i don'y LOVE them, but they're alright. meh.

TPBM...hates losing their voice, because then they can't talk. :r
Totally true. I talk non stop so losing my voice is hell.

TPBM likes to laugh at little kids.
For the movies: True
For the books: False.

TPBM has been in a physical fight before.
True. I still have marks from it.

TPBM hates coffee
true! can't stand the stuff. not even a little bit in a mocha. *bleagh* that's why stick to Chai lattes and milo!!!

TPBM...has swum in the ocean (like, when the bottom is over 7m below your feet. open ocean, not the seaside)
True. I raced my dad out there.

TPBM hates the "magic mirrors" that make you look fat.
false. have only seen them once, and a looong time ago, but i remember laughing uproariously.

TPBM...just found a bruise on them, and they have no idea how it got there :r

TPBM likes to eat waffles.
true. i've only eaten them a couple of times though.

TPBM...has been dive-bombed by a bird before :r

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