True. :doh:

TBPM likes Smallville. :wub:
False, I never really watched it enough to like or dislike it

TPBM doesn't love or hate Marmite and just likes it in moderation :)
False. I don't think they should. lol.

TPBM thinks that leighton meester rules
Kinda true. I've finished school and I'm at my mates house so that is kinda a holiday.

TPBM loves Mock The Week
false. never heard of them. :doh:

TPBM...values their eyeballs too much to go skydiving xD
False. One of them doesn't work so I'm never going to value it. Plus, skydiving looks pretty cool.

TPBM finds it hard to get keyrings with their name on
True! It's always "Okay, there's Ian, Isaac, Isabel, Isabella, Jan?!?!" Or something along the lines of that.

TPBM likes to drink orange juice.
False, I don't even know what that is.

TPBM plays those elecctronicy video game system thingermajigs.
false. I'm a night owl, and it's nighttime, so I'm buzzing! :woot: plus i slept in this morning ^_^

TPBM....loves Criminal Minds :r :wub:
true. mostly. they're cute a lot of the time, and quite fun, but I'm often worn out afterwards ^_^

TPBM...has an 'oops' story that they will share ;)

e.g. the time when I accidentally left my phone on, and the battery got flat, so it started doing that beeping thing...right in the middle of chapel!!! :doh:
true. especially Jaffa. a Pineapple lump :r
True. Unless they get seriously hurt.

TPBM likes those rubber ducks with different costumes. Example.
False. I'm boring like that.

TPBM hates it when their phone goes off in the library.
false. i put it on silent before i go in after an embarrassing incident :doh:

TPBM...likes Vampire Diaries :r ;)

PS Taneaka...I'm psychic...JK. :p
OMG!! I love the books. (Never watched the programme). I'm reading it at the moment. How did you know?? :p

TPBM is a psychic. Teehee
true...kinda :lol: as you saw before...

i haven't read them (yet). but I'm about to watch another episode in...26 mins and counting ;)

TPBM...has been to London!
True. I half live there. :D

TPBM loves art.
false. i like it, but i don't LOVE it. besides, i suck at art :( my stick figures rarely even look like stick figures! :doh:

even my French teacher said that I shouldn't do art xD

TPBM...likes Drama

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