Kinda true kinda false. I want to be able to act but I really can't

TPBM feels like their doing something pointless
false. HNZ is never pointless! ;)

TPBM...has never been to NZ :p
True. I barely ever fly abroad.

TPBM hates silence
um...false. kinda. depends when.

TPBM...has big feet :r
Very very true. love 'em

TPBM has just realised that they have a horrid job to do.
False, however i have just realized that i thought that this was rate the banner, so i have had to edit. whoops

tpbm: has large feet
Quite the opposiute. My feet are actually very small.

TPBM is reading one of the Harry Potter books at the moment.
false. And lucky you, having small feet! :doh:

Mia, you totally stole the whole 'big feet' thing from me xD

TPBM...loves Milo :wub:
False. I have no idea who Milo is

TPBM has loads of nicknames
false. my name is hard to come up with lots of nicknames for :doh:

btw, Milo isn't a person :o it's like hot chocolate. but better :wub:
Tpam (the person above me) did not post enything but mentioned milo
milo is okay but there are better hot chocolates

tpbm has not seen tim burtans alice in wonderland
False. I LOVE IT!!

TPBM loves Tim Burton.

True, all his stuff is very well made.

TPBM is watching the Germany Uruaguy match. Or did watch.
false. Although I was planning to watch it but I got internet after a week so I don't care about it anymore. Will watch finals

TPBM has had nasty experience with malaria(since thats the only thing I can think about with these gazillion mosqitoes around me)
False. Not rooting for anybody, really.

TPBM is multitasking.
true - watching the World Cup final and on here :woot:

( :doh: before! sorry Mia!) also watching the final! ;)
False. I'm on the faster computer. I can only use the craptop in the room with the TV. Plus, I'm not really rooting for anybody.

TPBM likes to eat cheese.
um...false. on its own? :x

TPBM...likes drama :r
True. I love drama and acting. Can't say how good I am at it, because most people say "You're great at that" even when I'm not. And I can't judge myself, because I think I'm bad at everything.

TPBM is a crazy person.
true :p 'nuff said. awesome because she likes drama ;)
True, but I am awesome for many other reasons. ;)

TPBM is a funny person.
um...true, but only sometimes, and only to some people (depends on your sense of humour) :p

TPBM...prefers Whittaker's to Cadbury chocolate ;)
False. I don't think I've had either.

TPBM is currently doing more than 2 things at once.

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