True xD when I get it - reads anywhere really =))

TPBM likes watching morning dew on spider webs

False - I hate spiders, and the webs completely freak me out.

TPBM is tired and will tell us why
True-ish. I don't have to be upset to eat ice cream from the tub

TPBM is uber lazy when it comes to semi-important getting/making food :r
TRUE! Otherwise I probably wouldn't be here at HNZ.

TPBM is planning a trip to Finland
True although there is no snow here in the Phils..

TPBM loves donuts..
False. I only put ketchup on a few things. One time I went on a school trip and there were people putting ketchup on their scrambled eggs! Then I found out that was normal. I thought it was gross so I didn't. I just eat mine plain. I thought that was weird, but I'm always behind on everything. That's me!

TPBM is lazy (like me)

True - Oh so very True.

TPBM Likes Halloween.

I can't have chocolate cake, I'm vegan and lactose intolerent :correct:

TPBM Is Vegetarian or Vegan (I hope!)
TOTALLy 100% TRUE!!! And it always happens to me. 'Tis annoyifying

TPBM....likes spiders, wetas and bugs (like me!)
Fasle! Absolutely and completely false. I am more and more scared of spiders (I think I will soon be considered as phobic) and I pretty much hate any other insect or crawling thing (except for: flies, ants and ladybugs)

TPBM has a bad cold (like me :s)
False...I feel spectacular ^_^ (Sorry about the cold though :consolse: )

TPBM thinks the BDavis is way more awesome than PSawyer

True - Hands Down more Awesome.

TPBM Has been watching the New Season of Lost.
False. Lost confuses me.

TPBM quotes (any of the) Monty Python movies in regular conversation.
False :( I love them but they just don't work their way into my conversations. I do like to sing some of the songs though :D

TPBM Is more of a cat person but has a dog.
Eh yeah I suppose this is true :lol:

TPBM hates when they are in the middle of a reply and has to get off the computer <_<
Yes! And it happens all the time. Grr. :mad:

TPBM...hates the colour pink :r
Umm....ture, only if all the time counts xD

TPBM hates standing on their feet for long periods of time

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