False. There is no such thing as delicious apple pie & I don't have any pie.

TPBM loves gyros!
Yess true story ! I love it! With a lot of sauce :$

TPBM loves Pretty Little liars.
False. I've never seen an episode.

TPBM wears pink.
False. Do you even know me? :glare: :p (I do, however, sometimes wear purple.)

The poster below meeeeee sometimes eats things that have fallen on the ground. :x
Umm, I'm guessing winter festivities would mean snow or something?
It's too hot here for anything remotely 'winter' xD So, I guess no. Never had them.

TPBM- Has pulled an all nighter in order to finish an assignment.
False. I value my sleep over many things.

TPBM owns a pet that isn't a dog, cat, or bird.
Nope :r Just got to Uni actually

TPBM enjoys a leisurely walk on the beach :r
Dear me, no! I dislike the beach for various reasons that I will not dwell upon. xD
TPBM- Is behind on classes. :r

TPBM just bought a video game.
True, and I don't plan on ever really doing it xD

TPBM watches something or listens to music while on HNZ
FALSE! I stay up every night to be on HNZ...until Nicolas comes on, ;) then i leave :pop:

TPBM: likes Percy Jackson idea why I thought of that question...
So true... :r xD ...

TPBM is on vacation...
False, should have tried that one tomorrow, then it would have been true for me. I'm going on hols as a sort of long weekend to Paris.

TPBM: Has a cat that spends more time doing what you tell it not to do rather than what you tell it to do.
True, I'm setting up another ZetaBoards service and I'm trying to work out which option i should choose...i like both aspects of it...

TPBM: has never used PhotoShop...

I used to have it and used it all the time. (Now I am trying to get used to Gimp since its free)

TPBM wishes that it would be sunny outside.

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