False. I don't own Sims 3 so I play no hours.
TPBM is talking on the phone while they are online.
false, unless you call work then breakfast the next day with my aunt.
TPBM: wants to shout some sense into their characters sometimes, but sometimes wants the same characters to advise them on what to do in a RL situation.
False. All my characters are messed up and I'm pretty much the one who keeps giving them advises. :r

TPBM is a Gryffindor at Pottermore.
False - Slytherin here ♥
TPBM has bitten their tongue accidentally this month.
Uh, false.

TPBM doesn't have any siblings.
False. I only wear socks when I go to school.

TPBM hates sardines.

TPBM is excited for Christmas.
False, I love eating Tim Tams. :wub:

TPBM- Need to stop procrastinating.
You have no idea. xD

TPBM is hungry like hell.
False-atm anyway!

TPBM has been on a character spree!
I ... wait, false? Maybe? True! Well, I haven't made any new ones but I've definitely pulled some of my lurker-characters out of hiding so I'll say yes XD

TPBM Doesn't play any video games.
True. I've been listening to christmas music almost all day
TPBM: has a RP they should reply to but cant get into the mind of the charictor that needs replying.
False. But I do have an rp than needs replying. I'm working on it, but my muse is just not cooperating with me. :erm:

TPBM is excited to see Santa again. :r
hell's yh

TPBM is fed up of cristmas already
this was true but all the family arrived today so I'm excited for Christmas again woo

TPBM has something way more important than HNZ which they need to be getting on with
true, tidying my room and then making christmas cupcakes.
TPBM is listening to music right now
You bet, I'm always listening to music. ;)

TPBM- Really Wants Christmas to hurry up so they can have their presents. :r

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