Because there was no TPBM for the previous post, I'll do one. :r

TPBM is at school or university.
False. I've been out of school for 2 years.

TPBM plays video games.
False... In fact I am postless

TPBM should be in bed rather than on HNZ

TPBM needs a haircut.
False: I am actually healthy at the moment.

TPBM: Still has a treasured childhood toy.
True. My favorite is a Supernatural season 1 poster.

TPBM exercised today.
Yes. I swam about two miles, without using my arms for half of it.

The person below me should be replying to a RP instead of OOCing around.
True, true, true. I owe a reply to Johanna and Niewl.

TPBM is going to reply to a topic. (Like me)
True, having to get into the swing of uni again on top of seeing friends I haven't seen all sumer has kept my busy..

TPBM Likes Bananas.
False, I have never seen that show, It's never on when I'm home

TPBM likes being home alone.

TPBM knows how to cook.

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