True - just started yesterday!!

TPBM likes to read a lot.
TPBM is on tumblr.

TPBM has been in HNZ for over a year.
Very true ;)
TPBM can't swim.
False - I have the QWERTY type.
TPBM has tried being a DJ before.
More than anything.

TPBM has downloaded lots of stuff from iTunes.
true 3300 songs,videos and apps to be precise

TPBM Likes adveture time on cartoon network
Umm... I don't think so, I don't really know what that is :r

TPBM- Is currently still in school
True - they're just so good and Interstella 5555 is one of my favourite films.
TPBM Makes references to memes as often as possible.

TPBM is a night owl.
True, it's my weakness. I could care less about clothes but put me in a shoe store and I go crazy. Between myself and my sister we could start our own shoe store :D

TPBM watched Pokemon as a kid
false i have seven
TPBM: randomly dances to music when they are on their own.
False, I love sleep! ^_^

TPBM should be revising right now...
False. Nothing to revise for.
TPBM has a fluffy animal.

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