False. I don't use any make-up or whatever since I think it'll destroy my skin.

TPBM doesn't use make-up or just uses it when he/she needs to.
false ish- only if cam cream counts as makeup

TPBM has heard of thin lizziy
False. I have none, unfortunately :( .

TPBM is tired.
Half and half. I cooked dinner, but it is past tense.

TPBM wants to play outside.
False - Pfft, who goes outside anymore?
TPBM Hates it when they can't find the other sock.
False. I probably won't until next week.

TPBM ate ice cream today.
TPBM likes The Little Mermaid among all Disney princesses.

TPBM Thinks that president snow sounds like snape when he's angry at the end of the hunger games
False. I haven't seen The Hunger Games yet :(

TPBM has read all the three books of the Hunger Games.
False. I've read the first book and half of Catching Fire only.
TPBM has magazines of Vogue and Teen Vogue.
False. I only have Total Girl and Candy magazines.

TPBM has a relative coming back home this week. (EX. My mother is coming home from Canada on Wednesday for my graduation)
False. Doubt many relatives are willing to travel this far to even come to see me. :tut:

TPBM has an Xbox 360
Nope... I suck at it...

TPBM has both a laptop and desktop.
True. My family liked to call me fish.
TPBM likes to eat pizza.
True. True. True.

TPBM still watches cartoons. (The Adventure Time rocks :wub: )
True. Tom and Jerry FTW
TPBM will do lessons for their student(s)

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