True. I'm always in front of the laptop. I'm in front of it right now. :r

TPBM likes beer. :U
False - Ew, alcohol.
TPBM Is secretly a mermaid.
Nope. But I know one who is. ;)

TPBM does not like popcorn. I hate popcorn.
False!!! :p I love popcorn!!!

TPBM stayed up late on their eleventh birthday waiting for their Hogwarts letter. :r I know I did and I was terribly disappointed when I didn't get it. :(
False- I was a February birthday so knew it wouldn't be in till later that year.... On September first when I hadn't gotten my letter yet though, I threw some sand and then jumped into a lit fireplace to try to Floo to Hogwarts.... Got rushed to the hospital with bad burns on my feet and ankles and a concussion from banging my head on the top of the fireplace (thankfully I wasn't very good at lighting fires yet)

TPBM owns at least one pair of animal ears.
True - I love to sing but I hardly do because I'm really bad and embarrassed by my voice.
TPBM Thinks Mickey Mouse is scary.
True - Totes love cheese but not when I'm travelling. :x
TPBM Likes Panic! At The Disco :r
True. Awesome band. What else is there to say?

TPBM likes to listen to have the TV on in the background for noise while HNZing.
False, I have two blood brothers and 2 brothers and a sister I am not blood related too.

TPBM is wearing nail polish.
False - I wish.
TPBM likes chocolate.
Who doesn't? ;)

TPBM is a big fan of the NBA. Dirk Nowitzki is just awesome.
Nah. And I will never want to learn. :r

TPBM has a favorite Harry Potter pairing. I love DraMione.
Absolutely TRUEE. I looove Potatoes. !!

TPBM thinks that RPattz looks a lot better being a wizard than a vampire. (Cedric Diggory rocks!)
False... though Cedric is adorable the hair cut was awful!

TPBM is so team Jacob!
Absolutely. If I were to choose on a vampire or werewolf, I'd choose the werewolf. I find it more realistic compared to the other one. :p

TPBM hates syringes. Ugh, needles.
False - They fascinate me, I like them very much. I love getting blood tests etc. Anything that involves needles. I don't even know why.
TPBM Loves noodles.
true, i did ju jutsu once and I would never let anyone strangle me without putting up a fight.
TPBM: would rather eat dark chocolate than white
False: I prefer white chocolate over dark but my favourite is with orange flavour.

TPBM: Have read all seven harry potter books more than 5 times.

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