Tosh Kirby

Tosh Kirby

Well-Known Member
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Griffin Feather
Full Name:

- Tosh Kirby

Date of Birth:

- 03/06/2011

Current Age:

- 11yo (just)

Basic Appearance:

- Celtic appearance, ie dark short hair, sea-green eyes, skinny, small for his age.


- Generally plenty of attitude but with a twisted sense of humor. No respect for anyone who hasn't earned it, and loves the chance to put one over on anyone in authority.
At present, however he is furiously angry. His parents recently upped and moved him and his brothers and sister from Liverpool to Dunedin, New Zealand without reason or warning. He hates being here, hates New Zealand, And hates HNZ. He wants to go back to Liverpool where his friends and all the life he has ever known are. Mostly he hates that he was uprooted like that with no say in it. No choice. And he hates feeling powerless.


- Mother: Marion Kirby (Kendry); Witch, before moving to New Zealand she ran a rather dodgy shop selling magical potions and artifacts.
- Aunt Dot (Dorothy): Witch, Living in Ireland, has a son called Liam (wizard 12yo) to an unknown father. They would come over & visit every month or so.
- Grandfather: Bob (Robert) Got up to some dubious activities when younger, now mostly limits himself to telling stories and sticking his nose in where it's not wanted. Came with Marion & George to New Zealand

- Father: George Kirby, Muggle, a Liverpool docksider working on the container ports.
- Uncle Paul: also works in the port at Liverpool.
- Aunty Beryl: Works at Ascott, considered the 'Posh' member of the family. Has lots of connections in the muggle world.
- Uncle Ted: Works a Pilot boat on the Mersey.

- Brothers & Sisters:
-Older brother: Eddie (14) Muggle
-Younger brother: Paul (named after his uncle) (9) Wizard
-Younger sister: Isabelle (6) Witch


- Not yet

Area of Residence:

- Currently Dunedin, New Zealand. Untill 2 Months ago Bootle, Liverpool.

Blood Status:

- Half Blood


- Tosh's Muggle family have been Dock workers of one kind or another as far back as he can trace.

- The wizard side are from an old Liverpool wizarding family who have been trading (& earlier smuggling) in magical artifacts since the days of "Old Mother Red Caps" smugglers inn. Although apparently a legit potions shop now, they do still occasionally 'come across' interesting articles for private resale to specific customers.

Interests or Hobbies:

- Obsessed with Football (Soccer), Supports Liverpool.

Additional Skills:

- Finding things people want.
- Buying & selling.
- Verbal misguidance, creative achievement of his goals.


- Sense of humor
- Can take a joke (if you've earned the right to make it) & give as good as he gets.
- Creative
- Survivor
- Smart
- Loyal to family
- Will do almost anything to help a mate
- Respects no-one who hasn't earned it.
- Trusts no-one


- Agressive
- No respect for rules or authority
- Takes offence easily and can be physically agressive
- Will fight if threatened (won't wait to be attacked)
- No qualms about lying to outsiders.
- Trusts no-one

Describe your character in three words:

- Hard, street-smart, creative.

Favourite place to be:

- Liverpool


- Had to leave all his friends behind in Liverpool, hasn't had time to make any here in New Zealand.

Hogwarts House:

- Slytherin

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:

- To learn enough & be strong enough that no one has power over him

Best school subjects:

- Still unknown

Worst school subjects:

- Still unknown

Extracurricular Activities:

- Used to play football (soccer) for the school team.

Plans for your future:

- Doesn't have any yet.

Your Patronus:

- Unknown

Your Patronus memory:

- Unknown

Your Boggart:

- Unknown

Your Animagus:

- Would be a raven.

Mirror of Erised:

- Himself, older, in the Liverpool Football team.

A page from your diary:

"So, WTFs going on then? Me Mam & Dah Just said we're f'kn leav'n t'morra! I'm not even 'lowed to tell me mates or anyth'n! They wont tell where we're goin or why! I reck'n it's to do with that tosser mam was buyin stuff for, but she don't know that I know. Mam's gonna be spending t'morra fixin up dah's muggle papers an evryth'n so the f'kn tax mun don't cum afta him. She said she reckon's they're even worse than... then she jus shut 'er gob an wudn't say nowt. I dunno whats up, but it's doin me 'ead in! I was supposed to play in the interschool match this weekend too. Our school was winnin & all. That tosser comes 'round here 'e'll be leav'n on his knees!

Don' tell anyone right, but I'm scared."

Tosh put the pen down & ripping the page out chucked it in the fire. Then he just sat there watching the flames.
What does Tosh think of his first name?
Does Tosh's name have any special significance?
If Tosh could change any one thing about his appearance, what would it be?
Surely Tosh's parents supplied some reason for moving, even if it was after doing so - what was it?
Will Tosh eventually become accustomed to New Zealand, or is his current state of anger permanent?
How does George, Tosh's father, cope with living in a magical family?

Note: Tosh's brother shouldn't be a muggle if his mother is still a witch: magic is pretty much always inherited when it is possible to via genetics. Squibs (people born of a magical person but unable to use magic) are still not considered muggles.
How does Tosh get along with his siblings?
If Tosh could have a pet - what would it be?
It's interesting that one of Tosh's main interests is muggle sport, and a muggle sports team. Is this an interest he shares with his father?
Why does Tosh consider trusting nobody a strength? How would he have developed such a feeling so early in life?
Why would Tosh's animagus be a raven?

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