
Wallace Green

New Member

My name is Jena. But my friends call me Toolz, it's what I like to be referred to as.

So please, call me Toolz.

My goodly friend who plays Anouk Elir introduced me to this place! So I owe her a lot. I role played for many a years.. Originally starting on neopets. Don't laugh, just giggle =] And moved on to bigger and better places. I'm open to all eras but have a large soft spot for the marauders. Who doesn't love James!!

I'm from NewZealand, loud and proud, even if i said I wanted to live in Canada my entire teen life haha. Still wanna go there.. yeah.

So this is the part where u find out where my nick name comes from

So take Jena

And add Toolz

Say it together.

It makes a word =]

If you don't get it, ask me to explain but im hoping you get it.

I love Animals, my boyfriend my job and my friends! plus drinking and smoking.. and the clean country air. Ha.

Just a typical Kiwi.

And thats me. I might update later one.

Welcome to hogawrts new zeland stranger!

Just kidding toolz xD having fun so far? ima read ur profile soon ^.^
Hello there Toolz, welcome to HNZ! :) I'm Nick, so that's what you can call me. :D
Canada is pretty awesome (if I may say so myself). :D
If you ever have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me.
I get the joke and will beat you black and blue for it. Kidding Hoshi Koshiba welcoming you with open hands ^^
Hey Toolz,
Welcome to HNZ.... call me Deb or Hil or Hilary or..... (fill in the blank with whatever else you think I'll answer too.) :p :D
Canada is awesome, though I also love New Zealand. If you come up, come visit Saskatchewan, we're basically what you described Kiwi's as.... just more Saskwatch-ie :p

Need anything, ask someone... it could be me if you're okay with the "dumb blond" of the group answering your questions :p :D No seriously I do know some stuff though I confuse easily.... and some people seem to find pleasure in confusing me as much as possible :p Anyways welcome :D Look forward to meeting you better later, IC or something.... and Welcome to Gryffindor :D

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